Basics of family in the Quran

Tips to build a strong family

4 Lessons
51 Minutes
Subject: Islam
Audience: Intermediate,15+
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Why is this course a must for every couple?

Do you wonder whether there is an Islamic solution to the scope of instability that families experience nowadays? Do you know if Islam has its own gender system? Does the Quran have a program for spouses and parents to lead a happy life and to overcome the challenges in their family?

We are living at a time when families are falling apart and crumbling. Social, economic, and cultural changes have altered gender roles for men and women; therefore, many young people choose not to get married and a considerable percentage of those who do get married, end up with a divorce.

You can find the answer to these questions, as well as many ethical and legal tips that are required for a prosperous family, in the lessons of “Basics of Family in the Quran”.

What is the course “Basics of family in the Quran”?

We normally learn and prepare before starting anything; even if it is something like cooking, meeting up with friends, or taking a vacation, or a greater decision like finding a new job or dealing with new colleagues. But when it comes to marriage, somehow, we jump right in without considering the skills we have to learn first.

Why is it that few of us realize the importance of being prepared for one’s spousal relationship? has prepared a set of five courses to equip you on your journey of life with your spouse:

1. Spouse selection

2. Basics of Family in the Quran

3.An Islamic guide to man’s role in the family

4. An Islamic guide to woman’s role in the family

5. Empowering your family.

“Basics of Family in the Quran” is the introduction to all other four courses. It explains Islam’s position on the status of men and women, the roles they are to take in their family, and the reasons why.

How do we present our lessons?

Learning is facilitated through fun motion graphic videos, quizzes, and PDF and mp3 files of every lesson, allowing you to take this online course at your own pace, with your own learning style, and in the comfort of your home or even during your commute.

There are no requirements for this course.

Who can benefit from this online course?

If you find yourself in any of the following three categories, this is the right course for you if you are:

  1. Already in a happy marriage or
  2. Struggling with challenges of spousal relationship or
  3. Single and preparing yourself for your future marriage.

The four lessons of this online course, accompanied by your own discussions with your spouse, helps set your mind on how to plan and organize your family.

What are the benefits of enrolling in this course?

  • This course helps you become a more mindful, responsible, and caring individual/spouse by giving you a clear understanding of what to expect regarding your roles in your family
  • You will know whether Islam’s division of tasks in the family is an indication of the superiority of one sex over the other or not
  • You will be able to establish your relationship with your spouse based on the Quranic perception of being each other’s “garment”, which involves being:
    • a good match
    • flexible
    • an adornment for each other
    • protection of each other's honor
  • You will know the reason behind the different assignment of roles to men and women in the family
  • You will find out:
    • how men and women have been created with different qualities and
    • how these qualities are to be looked upon in married life
  • You will become more mindful of the importance of being a responsible person in life and how this can make your home a warmer and happier place.

For a better learning

Each lesson ranges from 8 to 15 minutes of videos and a large quantity of information is offered. Therefore, we suggest that you watch each video at least two or three times, take notes, and then discuss the new information with your spouse; expanding and consolidating what you have learned.

Course syllabus: What you’ll learn in this course:

Week 1: 5 hours to complete

Lesson 1: Are men better than women?

The objective of the lessonBasically, in this course, we want to understand two things: 1: How Islam sees the relationship of a man and woman in the family. 2. Whether Islam offers any directions for the division of roles in the family. Before anything else, we want to discover whether this distinction of roles and the type of relationship between couples have anything to do with the superiority of one sex over the other. In other words, we want to find out the yardstick of superiority in Islam.
Part 1Intro to family life in the Quran ( 5:55 min)
Part 2Whose deeds are more valuable? ( 4:19 min)
Questions answered in this lesson:  How does the Quran describe human beings? Who is superior, man or woman? What is the yardstick of superiority?

Week 2: 5 hours to complete

Lesson 2: Man and woman as each other’s garment

Objective of the lessonOur expectations shape our behavior and in turn our satisfaction from life. In this lesson, we talk about how the Quran sees a couple as each other’s clothes and how this outlook can create more understanding, flexibility, and compassion in one’s married life.
Part 1Relationship between spouses according to the Quran (4:21 min)
Part 2Man and woman are each other’s garment (3:46 min)
Part 3How are spouses similar to a garment (6:43 min)
Questions answered in this lesson:  Does the Quran have a program for spousal relationship? Are your expectations of your spouse in line with the teachings of the Quran? What are the four ways a couple is compared to clothes?

Week 3: 5 hours to complete

Lesson 3: Organizing the family

Objective of the lessonFor every organization to succeed, there needs to be a fair division of tasks between the members. Family is no exception. In this lesson, we will explain how Islam divides the role of the husband and wife, and whether the physical and psychological qualities of men and women play a role in this task division. 
Part 1Roles are assigned proportionally with qualities (4:26 min)
Part 2Characteristics of men and women (6:01 min)
Questions answered in this lesson:  How are roles assigned in a Muslim family? Does Islam believe in equality of rights in the family? Is equality different from justice? In which ways do the characteristics of men and women differ? Do these differences lead to different roles and rights for men and women in the family? What do feminists say?

Week 4: 5 hours to complete

Lesson 4: Sense of responsibility

Objective of the lessonSense of responsibility is a golden key to one’s success in any field. We are responsible towards ourselves, the nature, and others around us. In this lesson, you will learn the three qualities of a responsible person and how they can strengthen a spousal relationship and create more love, loyalty, and tolerance.
Part 1To feel responsible (2:37 min)
Part 2A binding duty (2:17 min)
Part 3Everyone is responsible (3:46 min)
Part 4Three qualities of a responsible person (7:05 min)
Questions answered in this lesson:  What is my duty toward myself? What is my duty toward my family? Can I entrust my duty to another person? What are the three qualities of a responsible person? How can these qualities make a stronger relationship between the spouses?

List of Topics

  • Lesson 1 : Man and woman's human and value status
  • Lesson 2 : Man and woman as each others' garment
  • Lesson 3 : Organizing the family
  • Lesson 4 : Sense of responsibility
  • Quiz : Final Exam
