Anger Management
Learn Anger Management From the Quran and Hadith in 7 Days

Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder was born and raised in the UK, where he obtained a degree in English and American literature with Creative Writing at the University of Kent, Canterbury. In 2014, he travelled to Iran to study the Islamic Sciences at the Howza of the Holy City of Qom. After studying Fiqh and Usool for several years, at Al-Mustafa International he became Hujjatul Islam and is now pursuing a specialised Masters Degree in Quran & Tafseer at Madrassa Imam Khomeini.
For the past thirteen years, Shaykh Muzaffer has also been active in media and has resolved to spread the perfect and enlightening teachings of Islam through Shia Islamic Channels.
He is most renowned through works, such as the Biskit series (which explained core Islamic issues for the youth) , Howza Life Vlogs (which, with his wife and children, introduced an alternate lifestyle rooted in Islamic ideology), and Backfire videos (which exposed the internal and external Enemies of Islam in the world today).
Learn Anger Management From the Quran and Hadith in 7 Days