Radiyah Shameli

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Razieh Shameli is a distinguished educator, translator, and scholar with a robust background in Islamic studies and a dedicated passion for women's rights. An advocate for education and empowerment, Dr. Shameli has been a cornerstone of the academic...
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Razieh Shameli is a distinguished educator, translator, and scholar with a robust background in Islamic studies and a dedicated passion for women's rights. An advocate for education and empowerment, Dr. Shameli has been a cornerstone of the academic community where she has significantly contributed to the English language education of postgraduate students. With a PhD in Islamic Studies and a candidature in Women’s Rights, her academic pursuits are matched by her extensive teaching experience. Since 2007, Dr. Shameli has been instrumental in developing specialized English courses tailored for M.A. and PhD students, fostering a rich learning environment that bridges cultural and linguistic gaps.

Her role as an English host at international events, including the notable series "Women of Influence from Around the World," highlights her expertise in engaging with global audiences and facilitating meaningful discussions. Dr. Shameli has also served as a translator and guide for international dignitaries, demonstrating her proficiency in cross-cultural communication.

An esteemed content specialist at Islam4U, Dr. Shameli has crafted educational content on vital subjects such as Hijab, Spouse Selection, Family in the Quran, and Parenting. Her articles are a regular feature on Islam4U.pro, where she blends academic insight with practical advice.

Dr. Shameli’s voice has reached a wide audience through her involvement with media outlets like Press TV and Pars Radio, where she discusses contemporary issues facing Muslim women today. As a guest speaker on international platforms and conferences, she continues to advocate for gender justice and family balance, particularly in the context of modern challenges.

Razieh Shameli's commitment to education, her scholarly contributions, and her active role in community dialogues make her an invaluable asset to our team and an inspiring figure for students worldwide.

Latest Courses


Dive Deep into the Essence of Hijab & Rediscover its Islamic Roots

Radiyah Shameli
Instructor Radiyah Shameli
12 Lessons 120 Minutes