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Quran Recitation in Ramadan 2025

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Allah revealed the Noble Quran in the blessed month of Ramadan to the heart of Prophet Muhammad (s) on Laylatul Qadr (the night of ordainment). One of the best and most rewarding acts Muslims perform during Ramadan is reciting the Quran. This article will explore the benefits and rewards of Quran recitation during this noble month.

The Reward of Reciting the Quran

We all know how Allah rewards us generously for reciting the Quran. However, Allah’s reward to those who recite His book during Ramadan 2025 and all other months of Ramadan is much more significant. You have perhaps heard the narration stating that reciting just one verse of the Quran during Ramadan is equal to reciting the whole Quran. Yes, you heard it right. If you recite one verse, Allah will reward you as if you recited the entire Quran!

As a result, we must make the most of this opportunity and recite the Quran as much as we can. Ramadan has 30 days. If we dedicate the recitation of one juz each day, we would have recited the whole Quran on the last day of Ramadan. The Quran has 30 juz, and reciting one juz a day means you would finish reciting the whole Quran on the thirtieth day of Ramadan.


How Should We Recite the Quran?

Many people think that reading the translation of the Quran is just as good as reading the Quran in its original language, Arabic. Although reading the translation of the Quran and knowing what the verses mean is vital, reciting the Quran in the original language of its revelation is crucial, too. When you recite the Quran in Arabic, you articulate the words of Allah verbatim. Therefore, learning to recite the Quran correctly in Arabic is essential and must not be overlooked. Nevertheless, reading the translation is necessary.

How to Learn Quran Recitation

Learning to recite the Quran is a journey every Muslim must embark on. Allah (SWT) and His Prophet (s) expect all Muslims to learn recitation of the Quran. Consequently, we must search for those who know how to recite the Quran and learn from them. In many countries, Quran teachers hold lessons on Quran recitation. Learning the Arabic alphabet, the phonetics, the accent, and the pronunciation of the letters and vowels enables us to read and recite the Quran.

Quran recitation has different levels. To master it, it is incumbent on every Muslim to learn the rules of Quran recitation, otherwise known as Tajweed. Of course, no one expects a learner to be perfect. If you can read the Quran, even if you cannot do it perfectly, Allah will accept your recitation and reward you. We have a free course on our main website if you want to learn Tajweed. Just follow this link to enroll in the course:

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What to Do if You Have Difficulty With Quran Recitation

Perhaps many people didn’t have the chance to learn to recite the Quran by Ramadan 2025. One thing they can do is visit websites and online channels that provide their viewers with Quran recitations. By following along with qualified and well-known reciters, they can recite the Quran more easily. This is one of the best ways of reciting the Quran despite having limited knowledge and skill.

It would be even better if your local mosque or Islamic center held live gatherings where individuals recite the Quran with the audience. In Ramadan 2025 and all the upcoming ones, no one should be able to make excuses for not being able to recite the Quran. Remember, you shouldn’t push yourself. Recite the Quran as much as it gives you peace and comfort. Quran recitation shouldn’t turn into an obligation or compulsion. After all, Allah has said in the Quran:

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا

Allah does not task any soul beyond its capacity. (2:286)

Quran Recitation is Good But Don’t Be Negligent of Tafsir

As much as Quran recitation is crucial, learning its meaning and concepts should not be neglected. The Quran is the word of God, guidance for believers, and offers valuable advice for to those who are conscious of their Lord:

هَٰذَا بَيَانٌ لِّلنَّاسِ وَهُدًى وَمَوْعِظَةٌ لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ ‎﴿١٣٨﴾

This is an explanation for humankind and a guidance and advice for the Godwary. (3:138)

Several tafsir books exist online that anyone can access free of charge. These commentaries help us discover the hidden meanings of the verses. They mostly narrate hadiths by the Prophet (s) and his household as the best interpreters of the Noble Quran. The Quran has an exterior and an interior. The exterior (ظاهِر) is the apparent meaning of the verses that can be translated literally. The interior or bāṭin (بَاطِن) is the metaphorical verses that one cannot comprehend based on their translation. For example, when Allah says that He settled on the Throne after creating the seven heavens and the earth, we should not take this literally. According to the narrations, this phrase means that Allah manages the affairs of the universe after having created it.

Quran Recitation With a Good Voice

Beautifying the verses of the Quran with our voice is one of the things that the Noble Prophet, Muhammad (s), has strongly emphasized. We should make every effort to recite the Quran beautifully, especially those who have been gifted with a good voice. We must hold gatherings dedicated to reciting and listening to melodious Quran recitations. Ramadan 2025 and all the future ones should be moments where the beautiful renderings of the Quran are broadcast from every media, including TV, radio, and the internet. Reciting and listening to these recitations are both highly important.


Ramadan is the month of the Quran. Ramadan and the Quran are inseparable. A person who does not recite the Quran, listen to it, and study its translation does not know what huge rewards they miss. Therefore, we should be conscious of the immense rewards and benefits of reciting the Quran. Reciting the Quran benefits the body and the soul. A person who recites, memorizes, studies, and listens to the Quran will have a healthy body and mind. Let us all recite the Quran and not lose this excellent opportunity during Ramadan 2025.

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