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Ramadan Etiquette in 2025

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Ramadan is a unique Islamic month that billions of Muslims cherish. It is the month of Allah Himself, in which Allah hosts His servants in the best way possible. As such, Ramadan has specific rules of etiquette that Muslims honor wholeheartedly. In this article on Islam4u, we will explore Ramadan etiquette and its significance in 2025.

The Dignity of Ramadan 2025

All previous and upcoming months of Ramadan, including Ramadan 2025, are the most blessed and noblest lunar months in the Islamic calendar. Although it is not a haram month like Dhil Qa‘dah, Dhil Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab, it is a month that deserves respect. Fasting, which bears immense significance, is one of the obligatory acts that all religiously mature and able Muslims must perform. Those who do not fast while being able to commit a major sin and breach Ramadan etiquette. Ramadan etiquette requires that those living in Muslim countries do not eat and drink in public where other Muslims are fasting, even if they have valid excuses not to fast. 

Ramadan is a month of divine forgiveness and compassion. Our narrations state that Allah shackles Satan during this holy month. Muslims are less likely and less inclined to sin during Ramadan due to the spiritual atmosphere and the aura that fasting creates. Nevertheless, some wicked and audacious people sin even during this month. Those who sin during Ramadan breach Ramadan etiquette.

Therefore, Ramadan has a dignity and respect that all Muslims must preserve, whether they fast or not. Respecting, honoring, and dignifying Ramadan is one of Ramadan’s most fundamental rules of etiquette.


The Importance of Acts of Worship in Ramadan 2025

Allah has invited all of us to His banquet, where He serves us with the best food and drinks, the best rewards and blessings, and treats us in the best way possible. In return, we must show gratitude by observing the most basic acts of worship and practicing taqwa. Keeping a fast is the least we can do because it is wajib for us. Besides that, we must attach considerable importance to our prayer during Ramadan, and reciting the Quran. Praying on time and in the most virtuous moments of it, meaning shortly after the adhan, is something we must practice and take seriously in Ramadan 2025. We must show how much we care about Allah by being punctual in our prayers.

Remember, if someone fasts but disregards their prayer, not only does their fast entail less reward, but Allah may not accept it entirely. A reciprocal relationship exists between fasting and prayer. One without the other nullifies the other. If someone fasts but doesn’t pray, their fast is deficient. Likewise, a person capable of fasting who doesn’t yet perform their prayer also compromises their prayer and its acceptance. Of course, this does not mean that that prayer or fast is void, and they must make up for it. Instead, it means that what they are doing is contradictory, and they aren’t fully obedient and submissive to Allah.

An Analogy of the Reciprocal Relationship Between Prayer and Fasting

Think of it this way. If your teacher asks you to write an essay and prepare an oral presentation in front of the class and you only do one of them, will you satisfy your teacher? No. They want both. If you do one of them, they will say, “Thank you. What about the other assignment?” This is how we must treat fasting and prayer. They are two things that always go together.

There is no such thing as cherry-picking obligatory Islamic acts of worship, performing some and leaving others.

Performing Extra Good Deeds as a Part of Ramadan Etiquette

Allah has divided good deeds in two. The ones that we must do and are obligatory, and ones that are not obligatory but highly recommended. Contenting oneself with the obligatory acts and depriving oneself of the recommended ones is a terrible course of action. If your friend has invited you to their house for dinner, do you say to yourself, “I’m just going to eat as much as to feel full, and I will not eat anything else and won’t eat dessert, fruits, snacks, and anything besides the main meal”? Doing such a thing is not inherently bad, but you are the one who is missing out on all the other good things. Additionally, your host might become upset if you don’t eat all the food, snacks, salads, desserts, and other edibles they prepared for you.

Ramadan 2025 should be when we indulge in all the extra good works, such as reciting the Quran daily, reciting the recommended duas of Ramadan for different times of the day, and constantly remembering Allah and glorifying Him. Giving to charity, sharing our knowledge, showing generosity, helping the ones in need, and caring for orphans are good acts to perform in Ramadan 2025. With each passing Ramadan, we should improve ourselves more. We must progress and not regress. If you do not improve with each Ramadan, you will remain distant from Allah. Ramadan 2025 is the best time to move toward greater proximity to Allah. 

Maintaining Good Character

Akhlaq, or good character, is one of the foundations of Islam. A person who does not have good character is not a good Muslim. Period. We have to be nice to others, respect them, be polite, not raise our voices, stay patient, and offer help to those who request it. Getting angry at a whim, shouting, swearing, physically harming others, and all other manifestations of bad akhlaq should not happen in Ramadan 2025. The Prophet (s) was the epitome of good character. He said that his mission was to improve people’s character and temperament. For more information on this topic, read the article “The Value of Ethical Behavior in Ramadan 2025.”

Therefore, good akhlaq and good character are part of Ramadan etiquette.

Eating a Sensible Diet as a Part of Ramadan Etiquette

Fasting is a practice that affects not only the soul but the body. In fact, some of the benefits of fasting for the body are well-known. However, we must consider certain things. It is important to consume in balance. The philosophy of fasting is to limit one’s intake of food and drink and improve one’s physical and spiritual health. If you follow bad eating habits during Ramadan 2025, expect to gain weight and harm your health instead of improving it and attaining fitness.

Therefore, eating sensibly is extremely important in Ramadan 2025. Some fast for hours on end, only to eat two to three meals in one when they break their fast. So, some people ironically gain weight during Ramadan instead of losing it. Ramadan 2025 is a good time to eat a balanced and healthy diet. We must see what food is good and bad to eat this month.

In general, healthy carbohydrates like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta; proteins like red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs; legumes like lentils, beans, and chickpeas; healthy fats like olive oil, fresh butter, and coconut oil; fruit like apples, oranges, watermelon, and grapes, and healthy desserts like banana milkshakes and puddings are good things to eat during Ramadan 2025. Be careful not to overeat, and you should be fine.

Having healthy eating habits is also a part of Ramadan etiquette.

Ramadan Etiquette and Generosity:

One of the rules of Ramadan etiquette is showing generosity and kindness to your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. A wonderful custom among Muslims of different nationalities is inviting each other to their houses for iftar. This is a very effective expression of benevolence that cultivates friendships and brings hearts closer to one another. It is also an excellent way to celebrate Ramadan and experience its joys. However, we must carry on this good tradition to the other months. Ramadan is the month we practice being the best version of ourselves through having good intentions, doing extra good deeds, avoiding sins, reciting the Quran, increasing our knowledge of Islam, and visiting friends and family for meals.

Think of Ramadan as an intensive training session after which you must perform the things you did in the other months.


Muslims should observe the dignity of this holy month during Ramadan 2025. To do so, they must perform extra good works, such as reciting the Quran and recommended duas, giving to charity, helping those in need, caring for orphans, and inviting friends and family to their houses for iftar. Ramadan 2025 should be a month when we should never breach its etiquette.

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