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Hazrat Ali Akbar: The Quintessential Role Model for Modern Youth

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This special edition is dedicated to commemorating the birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS), the son of Imam Hussein (AS), and celebrating Youth Day. Born in Medina between the years 33 to 35 AH to a mother named Layla, daughter of Abu Murrah, Hazrat Ali Akbar was raised in the nurturing school of his father. He learned the righteous ways of defending the faith, obeying the Imamate, and supporting the holy ideals it embodies.

On the day of Ashura, he was the first among the Banu Hashim to valiantly fight and embrace martyrdom. The birth anniversary of Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) is designated as Youth Day, making him an exemplary figure for today’s youth. His life embodies the virtues of courage, loyalty, and the unwavering commitment to righteousness, serving as a guiding light for young individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern world with integrity and purpose.

Exploring the Life of Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS): The Epitome of Valor and Virtue in Islamic History”

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS), the esteemed son of Imam Hussein (AS), graced the world with his presence most likely in the year 33 or 34 AH in the city of Medina. Various narratives exist regarding his birth year, highlighting the historical significance and the revered status he holds within Islamic tradition. His mother, the noble Layla, daughter of Abu Murrah, brought into this world a son who was the embodiment of righteousness, courage, and unparalleled beauty, bearing the closest resemblance to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hazrat Ali Akbar’s likeness to the Prophet in appearance, speech, and conduct was so profound that those longing for a glimpse of the Prophet would find solace in looking at him. His father, Imam Hussein, remarked, “Whenever we yearned to see the Prophet, we would look upon his face.”

On the day of Ashura, as he sought permission to enter the battlefield, Imam Hussein turned his gaze heavenward and prayed, “O Allah, bear witness against these people, for now, goes forth unto them a young man who is the most resembling of Your Messenger Muhammad in character, demeanor, and speech, and whenever we did long for the sight of Your Prophet, we would look upon him…” Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) was the first martyr from the Banu Hashim on that day. His bravery, valiant fighting, and deep religious and political insight were vividly manifested during the events of Karbala, especially on Ashura. His speeches and sacrifices stand as a testament to his virtues.

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) remains an iconic figure of youthful courage, spiritual conviction, and moral rectitude. His life and martyrdom serve as a beacon for the faithful, illustrating the profound principles of sacrifice and steadfastness in the face of tyranny.


Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS): A Beacon of Loyalty and Wisdom on the Path to Karbala

As the caravan prepared to depart from Medina, Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) proudly bore the flag of loyalty to Imam Hussein (AS), leading the procession with unwavering devotion. Their journey of sacrifice and heroism took them through places such as Dhul Husm, Bayda, and Udhayb al-Hijanat, finally reaching a site known as Bani Maqatil. Uqba ibn Sam’an, a loyal companion of the Imam and a key narrator of the Ashura event, recounts that one night while traveling alongside Imam Hussein (AS), the Imam briefly fell into a light sleep. Resting his noble head on the saddle of his horse, he soon awoke and recited, “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds,” repeating this verse of return (Istirja) two or three times.

Noticing his father’s state, Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS), with his inherent insight and perception, approached Imam Hussein (AS) and inquired about the reason for his recitation. Imam Hussein (AS) shared a vision of a rider announcing, “This group moves forward while death approaches them.” Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS), after a moment’s reflection and with remarkable courage, assuredly responded to his father, “O my father, may you never see any evil! Are we not on the path of truth?” To which Imam Hussein (AS) affirmed, “Yes, by the Lord to whom the servants return, we are indeed on the path of truth.”

Upon hearing his father’s confirmation, Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) blossomed with resolve and reassured Imam Hussein (AS), “Then we do not care if death meets us while we are in the right.” Imam Hussein (AS) observed his son’s profound understanding and victorious spirit in this exchange and expressed his joy, blessing him with the prayer, “May Allah reward you with the best of what a child can be rewarded for his parent.”

This narrative not only highlights Hazrat Ali Akbar’s (AS) deep loyalty and wisdom but also illuminates the path of righteousness that he and his family pursued, even in the face of ultimate sacrifice. His life is a testament to the enduring values of truth, bravery, and unwavering faith, serving as a guiding light for all those navigating the challenges of maintaining integrity and purpose in their lives.

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS): Embodiment of Virtues and Nobility in the Light of Imam Hussein (AS)

Under the exemplary upbringing of Imam Hussein (AS), Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) was adorned with the finest attributes of perfection. His character was the culmination of family heritage, education, and the inheritance of virtues and knowledge, elements that form the foundation of an individual’s personality. His demeanor, actions, etiquette, and dignity shone with the highest degree of excellence and brilliance. It has been said and written that his behavior reminded onlookers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), evoking the presence of the Prophet himself and revitalizing the memory of the Holy Messenger in the minds of those who saw him.

Ali Akbar was akin to a perfect reflection of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a branch from the noble tree and a pure root, inheriting all the goodness of the household of infallibility and purity. From his youth, Ali Akbar (AS) was a compilation of virtues and a clear example of the noble traits of the Prophet’s progeny. Even Muawiya, an adversary of the household of infallibility, acknowledged his virtues.

The relationship between Ali Akbar (AS) and his father was filled with respect and admiration, a bond of love and affection that served as a model of virtue at all stages of their lives. This pinnacle of their relationship was most evident on the day of Ashura, highlighting their exemplary conduct. Raised with divine guidance and proper discipline, Ali Akbar (AS) was always at the service and obedience of his noble father, ready to listen, obey, and make the ultimate sacrifice with utmost respect.

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) stands as a timeless symbol of the convergence of nobility, bravery, and the pure essence of prophetic virtues, showcasing the profound impact of virtuous upbringing and the enduring legacy of righteousness that transcends generations. His life and sacrifices illuminate the path of dignity and devotion, inspiring a reverence for the deep-rooted values of faith, loyalty, and moral integrity.

The Birth of Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) and the Celebration of Youth Day: Embracing the Spring of Life

Youth, the springtime of life, is a season of exuberance and vitality unmatched by any other. It’s a period when individuals are at their most energetic and capable, a time ripe for achievements and successes that seem only attainable in this golden age. The dreams and goals that one can pursue and achieve during youth are unparalleled, making it a uniquely precious opportunity that, unlike many others, comes but once in a lifetime and, once passed, cannot be reclaimed.

The “Opportunity of Youth” is among the most golden of opportunities, the most precious of gifts. There can be no doubt that squandering the blissful days of youth and wasting this vibrant season can lead to profound regret and sorrow. However, this period comes with its own demands; demands that part of them fall on the youth themselves and part on those who interact with them. For the youth, these demands are the “privileges” and “necessities” of youth. The privileges include vivacity, fashion consciousness, grooming, aesthetic appreciation, and idealism. The necessities, on the other hand, encompass worship and supplication, the pursuit of knowledge, managing and moderating desires, self-discipline, engaging in sports, reading, and accepting responsibility.

Celebrating Youth Day in conjunction with the birth of Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) serves as a powerful reminder of the potential and responsibilities of youth. Hazrat Ali Akbar’s (AS) life is a beacon for young people, illustrating how the vibrancy of youth can be channeled into a life of spiritual depth, intellectual pursuit, and steadfast commitment to righteousness. His legacy is a call to embrace the bountiful opportunities of youth, not merely in pursuits of personal or superficial achievements but in contributing to a legacy of moral integrity, courage, and profound faith.

This day encourages a reflection on how we, as a society, guide and support our youth, ensuring they have the resources and guidance to fulfill both their privileges and necessities. It’s a day to celebrate the potential within each young individual and to inspire them to follow in the footsteps of figures like Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS), who embodies the pinnacle of youthful potential transformed into divine purpose.

Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS): The Ultimate Role Model for the Youth

Every young individual is in search of a role model, someone whose virtues and perfections are tangible and attainable. The Quran introduces such models for humanity, stating, “And indeed, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar” (33:21). If the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his lifestyle are to serve as the ultimate examples, then any other person aspiring to be a role model must embody the essence of the Prophet’s character, ethics, and speech, being most akin to him in these aspects.

Imam Hussein (AS) regarded Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) as the finest among the Banu Hashim and the closest in resemblance to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stating that whenever they longed for the Prophet, they would look towards Ali Akbar. Visiting and being in the company of Ali Akbar (AS) would alleviate their longing for the Prophet, providing solace in his absence. Thus, for anyone yearning for the beauty and perfection of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), turning to the visage and virtues of Ali Akbar (AS) can serve as a gateway to the Prophet himself.

His life is a testament to the power of youthful vigor directed by moral and spiritual excellence, demonstrating how the legacy of the Prophet can be lived out through actions, demeanor, and speech. In a world where young people are bombarded with a multitude of influences, the story of Ali Akbar (AS) stands as a beacon, guiding them toward a path of righteousness, integrity, and divine purpose.

For the youth seeking direction and inspiration, Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) offers a model of how to navigate the complexities of life while staying true to the highest of ethical and spiritual ideals. His embodiment of the Prophet’s qualities makes him not just a historical figure to admire but a timeless role model whose life continues to inspire and guide young hearts and minds toward fulfilling their potential in the most noble and virtuous ways.

Beneath the Quill’s Gentle Shade

Who is this whose beauty’s drum, Rumbles through realms, where kings succumb?

The names of the brave, now obsolete, Perhaps this cousin of Kauthar’s elite.

His brows, a near match to Muhammad’s own, His locks, like the Prophet’s, beautifully shown.

This second Joseph, whose beauty’s blaze, Ignites hearts and sets the soul ablaze.

The light of Layla’s heart, from Zahra’s elite, From Salma’s branch, with Hagar’s feat.

The comfort of Fatima’s heart, the Prophet’s descendant, Hussein’s son, his name Ali Akbar, resplendent.

In verses woven, his tale we tell, A legacy of grace, where virtues dwell.

Ali Akbar’s name, through ages rings, A beacon of light, to which every heart clings.

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