How to Stop My Child From Using Smart Devices Too Much
A common phenomenon in today’s world is the excessive use of smart devices by children of all ages. Too much use of them can turn into an addiction for adults and children. Kids love playing games on smartphones or tablets, and it is a very rewarding experience for them. Excessive use of such devices poses a risk to a child’s physical and psychological health. How can we put an end to such behavior? Keep reading to find out.
At What Age Can Children Start Using Smart Devices?
Unfortunately, we see that even kids who still can’t speak properly use tablets and smartphones. Children two years old or younger should not use smart devices at all. It is highly detrimental to their health and growth because of the harmful radiation that smart devices have. Furthermore, it deprives them of communicating and socializing with others. The best way to prevent them from learning to use smart devices is not to expose them to games on such devices. Sometimes, parents set a bad example to kids by giving them their phones to keep them occupied so that they can go about their own business. Instead, they must engage kids in fun activities such as drawing, painting, and other physical activities such as sports.
Kids who are older and have already learned how to use such devices must use them for a limited time. For example, a child shouldn’t be allowed to use a smart device for more than two hours a day. This could be quite challenging because playing with smart devices is addictive due to its reward system. For example, when a kid plays a colorful and visually attractive game and wins points, and goes to the next level, they feel they have accomplished something great. This turns into a habit, much worse, an addiction. Breaking this addiction is incredibly difficult.

What Type of Apps Should Children Use?
Does it matter what type of content a child uses and spends hours with? If we want to limit how much our child uses smart devices, we have to make sure that the content they use is educational. Otherwise, the child learns almost nothing and only gets more and more addicted to games and apps that serve no purpose. Because we are viewing things in a Quranic context, the best apps for kids are, without a doubt, ones that teach the Quran to kids. Many apps out there, both free and for purchase, fulfill this function. One of the best apps is the Quran Kids app, which teaches kids to memorize and learn several short surahs of the Quran. Download this app and engage your kids in a fun and educational mobile application.

Activities That Can Replace Playing With Smart Devices
Finding a suitable activity to prevent too much use of smart devices can be challenging. Many fun activities can replace playing with smart devices, for instance, taking your kids and family out for lunch or dinner. Taking them out to the theater, zoo, theme park, swimming pool, or simply to a playground keeps them from playing with smart devices and improves their social skills. Visiting friends and family is also effective because children learn to interact with other children and elders when going to their houses. In addition, you can become their teacher and teach them valuable things. This includes life skills such as not talking to strangers, anger management, saying please and thank you, and speaking politely.
Kids nowadays are a lot different from kids of the previous decades. They quickly learn to use smart devices and play games with them. Because the use of smart devices can turn into an addiction for kids, limiting its use and having control over it is vital. Kids aged three and above should not spend too much time using smart devices because this addiction can seriously impair their social skills. Parents must try to incorporate fun physical activities into their lives so that their kids can better interact with their environment and surroundings. However, using smart devices can be beneficial, too, especially those that teach kids the Quran. Our Quranic app teaches the Quran to kids in a fun, intuitive, and interactive way. Download the app now.