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Surah Mursalat

One of the important and fundamental principles of belief in Islam is the belief in the Hereafter and Qiyamah. Surah Mursalat (سورة المرسلات) or ‘Urf (a good act) as it is also known is

Surah Insan

Surah Insan (سورةُ الإنسان) aka Hal Atā and Dahr (الدهر) is one of the most virtuous surahs of the Quran to recite for various reasons. Above all, surah Insan is virtuous to recite

Surah Qiyamah

Surah Qiyamah (قیامه) is the 75th surah of the Quran in Juz’ 29 with 40 verses and 164 words. It takes its name from the first verse where God swears to the Day of Resurrection. A number

Surah Muddathir

Surah Muddathir (سورة المدّثّر) is one of the chapters of the 29th part of the Quran. it cover topics like the Quran being a warning to the disbelievers, refuting false accusations

Surah Muzzammil

Surah Muzzammil is one of the very first surahs that God revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Mecca at the time God was sending him to be a prophet for his people. Therefore, it is

Surah Jinn

Surah Jinn (سورة الجن) is one of the chapters in the 29th part of the Quran. It is divided into two parts; the first narrates the state of the jinn in their words and they describe their

Surah Maarij

Surah Maarij (معارج) also called surah Sa’ala Sa’ilun (سأل سائل) and Waqi’ (واقع) is the 70th surah of the Quran in Juz’ 29 with 44 verses and 217 words. The name of the surah comes from

Surah Haqqah

Haqqah (حاقه), meaning "the Inevitable Reality", is one of the names of Qiyamah. Surah Haqqah, also called Silsilah (سلسله) and Wa’iyah (واعیه) is the 69th surah of the Noble Quran in Juz'

Surah Qalam

Surah Qalam (سورة القلم) or Nun (ن) or Nun wa al-Qalam (ن و القلم) as it is also referred to is one of the chapters of the 29th part of the Quran. It starts and ends with an indication of

Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk (مُلك: Sovereignty) is aka Tabāraka (تَبارَكَ: Blessed is He), Māni‘ah (مانِعَة: Preventer), Wāqiyah (واقيَة: protector), Munjiyah (مُنجيَة: Rescuer), and Mannā‘ah (مَنّاعَة: One

Surah Takathur

Surah Takathur (سورة التکاثر) is a chapter in the 30th juz’ of the Quran and discusses the topic of rivalry and boasting regarding excessive wealth, children and worldly honor which

Surah Ghashiya

Surah Ghashiya is one of the chapters of the 30th juz’ of the Quran . It discusses Qiyamah, one of the principles of Islamic belief and faith. Facts about Surah Ghashiya

Surah Inshiqaq

Surah Inshiqaq (سورة الانشقاق) or Inshaqqat (انشقت) is one of the chapters of the 30th juz’ of the Quran and with many chapters of this part of the Quran, it also addresses the