Ramadan 2025 Event: The Birth Anniversary of Imam Hassan (a)
The Prophet (s) was happy that his first grandson was to be born. None of his sons survived, dying at young ages. This was the first time that a boy was going to be born for Ali (a) and Fatima (a), who would also be “the son of the Messenger of Allah.” On Ramadan 15, 3 AH, Hassan ibn Ali (a), the first grandchild and grandson of the Noble Prophet (s), was born. March 15 or 16, 2025, marks the birth anniversary of Imam Hassan (a). In this article on Islam4u, we will explore the life and character of this noble personality.
Celebrating Imam Hassan’s Birth Anniversary in Ramadan 2025
People celebrate the auspicious birth anniversary of the second Shia Imam, Imam Hassan ibn Ali (a), on March 15 or 16, 2025, coinciding with Ramadan 15, 1446 AH, with overwhelming joy and exhilaration. Ramadan 2025 is a joyous month for Muslims, but Imam Hassan’s birthday brings us even greater pleasure. On this occasion, people gather, and lecturers extoll the virtues of Imam Hassan (a) while they serve candy and sweets. People sometimes conclude these gatherings with a meal. Commemorating the Prophet (s) and his household is infinitely precious. The birth anniversary of these noble personalities is the perfect excuse to do so.
Imam Hassan’s Personal Life
When Imam Hassan (a) was born, Imam Ali (a) brought the baby to the Prophet (s). The Prophet (s) held him in his arms, kissed him, and said the adhan and iqama in his ears. The Prophet never overtook Allah to name his dear ones. Then angels descended and took the baby to the heavens to bless themselves with him. The Prophet inquired Allah about what to name the newborn child. The archangel Jibril descended and said, “Because Ali is your successor, just as Harun was Musa’s successor, and he is to you as Harun was to Moses, you should give him the same name as Harun’s elder son, Shubbar. Shubbar is a Hebrew word whose Arabic translation is Hassan, meaning good and beautiful. Thus, they named him Hassan.
After just six months, Lady Fatima gave birth to his younger brother and they named him Hussain. Hussain is the Arabic translation of the Hebrew name Shabbir, Harun’s younger son. Shabbir is the diminutive of Shubbar, which translates as Hussain in Arabic, meaning the younger Hassan. Imam Hassan (a) and Hussain (a) grew up in the lap of the Prophet (s). The Prophet always paid respect to them when he would see them. While in the position of sujud during prayer, the young and playful Hassan (a) and Hussain (a) would sometimes sit on the Prophet’s back. The Prophet would not get up from sujud until Hassan (a) and Hussain (a) got off his back.
The Challenges of Imam Hassan’s Life
Imam Hassan (a) faced profound challenges at a young age. He was only seven or eight years old when the enemies martyred his grandfather. Forty days or six to nine months later, depending on the historical record, the enemies martyred his mother, Lady Fatima. This tragedy left him and his younger brother, Imam Hussain (a), as orphans early in life. Imam Hassan (a) witnessed all the events and oppressions against his father, Amir al-Mu’minin, Ali (a), until his martyrdom.
The Character of Imam Hassan (a)
Ramadan 2025 is the best time to remind people of the personality traits and conduct of Imam Hassan (a) while celebrating his birth anniversary. His character sets a role model for all of us to follow. Imam Hassan (a) was an infallible figure purified by Allah Himself from every evil and impurity. Allah revealed the following verse in honor of Imam Hassan (a), Imam Hussain (a), Imam Ali (a), Lady Fatima (a), and Prophet Muhammad (s):
إِنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنكُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ وَيُطَهِّرَكُمْ تَطْهِيرًا ﴿٣٣﴾
Indeed, Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification. (33) [Surah Ahzab (33):33]
He never sinned in his life and never made any mistakes. His entire body and soul were forever pure and free from sin and impurity. People knew him for his handsomeness, generosity, good manners, patience, and charisma. His extraordinary generosity earned him the title “Kareem of the Ahlul Bait,” meaning the most generous member of the Prophet’s household. His generosity was legendary and recognized by both the elite and the common people. Imam Hassan (a) gave away all his wealth twice in his lifetime and divided it three times, sharing half of it with those in need. This selflessness is a testament to his commitment to helping others and promoting Islamic values.
Wealthy, but Humble
Despite being wealthy, Imam Hassan (a) lived humbly. He used his resources to benefit society, supporting those in need and furthering the cause of Islam. His home in Medina was a hospitable place, with its doors always open to travelers, the destitute, and anyone seeking refuge. Imam Hassan (a) suffered oppression from his bitter enemy, Muawiyah. His enemies oppressed him so innocently that even his own companions betrayed him and pulled his prayer mat while he was praying, causing him to fall while he was in his tent during the battle with Muawiyah.
Imam Hassan’s Peace Treaty With Muawiyah
The battle fought between Imam Hassan (a) and Muawiyah was very unfair. Muawiyah deceived a large number of Imam Hassan’s companions to defect to Muawiyah’s camp. Imam Hassan was almost left alone. Continuing such a disproportionate fight was illogical. If Imam Hassan (a) and his few companions fought the battle, they were sure to lose. Imam Hassan (a) was very wise and prudent. He knew that if he were to sacrifice his life, it would be to the detriment of the Muslim ummah. Why? People knew Muawiyah for his deception and cunning. Through his propaganda, he would be able to convince people that killing Hassan ibn Ali (a) was the right thing. Therefore, Imam Hassan (a) had no choice but to sign a peace treaty with Muawiyah to ensure the preservation of Islam and further its interests.
Of course, the peace treaty was based on strength and superiority, not weakness or passivity. What Imam Hassan (a) did with his peace treaty was just as correct as what Imam Hussain (a) did with his uprising against Yazid. However, Muawiyah violated the treaty on many occasions, such as by appointing Yazid as his successor. Imam Hussain (a) adhered to the treaty so long as Imam Hassan (a) was alive. When Yazid came to power and started to alter Islamic laws and even tried to abolish some, Imam Hussain (a) stood against him and did not pledge allegiance to him.
Hadiths About Imam Hassan (a)
The Noble Prophet always praised his two grandsons Hassan (a) and Hussain (a). There are a few well-known hadiths about them. For instance, he said:
ٱلْحَسَنُ وَٱلْحُسَيْنُ سَيِّدَا شَبَابِ أَهْلِ ٱلْجَنَّةِ
Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain are the masters of the youth of Paradise.
Both the Shia and Sunni have universally transmitted this hadith. It has several messages. First, Hassan and Hussain will definitely go to paradise. This shows they are always on the right path, and whoever is with them also goes to paradise. Second, it shows that they will not only enter paradise but also have a very high status in paradise. Third, it shows that they are together and their leadership is successive.
The Standing and Sitting Imams
Another famous narration from the Prophet (s) about Imam Hassan (a) and Hussain (a) reads:
ٱلْحَسَنُ وَٱلْحُسَيْنُ إِمَامَانِ قَامَا أَوْ قَعَدَا
Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain are two Imams, whether they stand or sit.
Once again, this is a mutawātir hadith. That is, the chain of its narrators is successive to such an extent that no one can question or doubt its authenticity. In other words, both the Shia and Sunni accept it.
In this hadith, the Prophet (s) has foretold the future. When he says they are Imams, whether they stand, he has foretold the revolutionary uprising of Imam Hussain against the tyrant of his time, Yazid ibn Muawiyah. The Prophet (s) likens rising or standing to Imam Hussain’s stand against Yazdi to preserve Islam. When the Prophet says they are Imams, whether they sit, he has foretold the peace treaty between Imam Hassan (a) and Muawiyah, which was based on strength and superiority, not out of weakness or passivity. If Imam Hassan (a) had not signed that peace treaty, Muawiyah would have annihilated Islam. Likewise, if Imam Hussain (a) hadn’t risen against Yazid and fought against him, Islam would have fallen into oblivion. Therefore, both Imam Hassan (a) and Imam Hussain (a) made the right decision.
Imam Hassan’s Martyrdom
The enemies of all the eleven Imams before Imam Mahdi (a) martyred them. None of them died of natural death. Despite being a rightful leader and a man of profound wisdom and piety, Imam Hassan (a) endured betrayal and oppression from those closest to him. The martyrdom of Imam Hassan (a) was very tragic because his own wife, Ja’dah bint Ash’ath, poisoned him. Muawiyah enticed her to marry his son Yazid to her if she poisoned Imam Hassan (a). Imam Hassan (a) was fasting and was very thirsty. He asked for a cool drink. Ja‘dah brought a drink mixed with honey and poison. The poison was so strong and deadly that a few minutes after drinking it, Imam Hassan (a) started feeling severe internal pain. The poison had quickly damaged his liver and all the other organs.
Word of his critical state soon reached the household, including his siblings, Lady Zainab (a) and Imam Hussain (a), who very much endeared their elder brother. They began weeping copiously and rightfully so. After all, they were losing the greatest treasure after their grandfather, the Prophet (s), mother, Fatima (a), and father, Ali (a).
Historians say that Imam Hussain (a) once wept uncontrollably for Imam Hassan (a), saying, “I am weeping for the injustices done to you.” Imam Hassan, having heard the fate of his younger brother at Karbala from his father and grandfather, told Hussain (a), “O Aba Abdullah! [Are you weeping for me when] no day shall be like your day [of martyrdom].” Some say that Imam Hassan (a) repeated the same thing to Imam Hussain (a) when poisoned and while Imam Hussain (a) was weeping by his side.
Imam Hassan (a) was the elder grandson of the Prophet (s), the first son of Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (a), and the elder brother of Imam Hussain (a). He was born on Ramadan 15, 3 AH, and he had remarkable character, including kindness, generosity, patience, and justice. People knew him for his generosity, earning him the title “Kareem Āl-i Muḥammad,” the generous one among the family of Muhammad. The birth anniversary of Imam Hassan (a) blesses Ramadan and brings further joy to this joyous month. Muslims will never forget him and always pay him homage.