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Communicating With Allah in Ramadan 2025

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Communication with Allah is a sign of a Muslim’s devotion to Allah. It is crucial to maintain a connection with Allah throughout our lives. A righteous Muslim must worship Allah, remember Him, rely on Him, and ask for His help daily. However, this communication and attention to Allah are much more pronounced during Ramadan. Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for us to communicate with Allah and continue doing so in the other months. This article will explore ways to improve communicating with Allah in Ramadan 2025.

Allah Is Much Closer to Us in Ramadan

The Quran has emphasized Allah’s closeness to us. A verse of the Quran says that Allah and His angels are closer to us than our jugular vein:

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ ‎﴿١٦﴾

Certainly We have created man and We know to what his soul tempts him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.

Then why is it that we are not communicating with Allah in Ramadan if He is so close to us? The answer is that Allah is much closer to us than we think and knows what crosses our minds. However, we ourselves are neglectful and do not pay attention to Him. Imagine a very important person is sitting next to you, but instead of speaking with him and listening to what he is saying, you ignore him and do other things. Just how much are you disrespecting such a person? Would you even imagine doing something like that? You probably would not ignore that person because you can see and hear him. On the other hand, as far as Allah is concerned, we totally ignore Him. Yes, we know He exists, has created everything, and sees and hears us. But how much do we show this in our thoughts, intentions, actions, and behavior?

After speaking about Ramadan and the obligation and significance of fasting, Allah says how He is closer to in Ramadan than in other months:

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ ‎﴿١٨٦﴾‏

When My servants ask you about Me, [tell them that] I am indeed nearmost. I answer the supplicant’s call when he calls Me. So let them respond to Me, and let them have faith in Me, so that they may fare rightly.

Allah’s point in the above verse is that He is near, but we must call out to Him. We must speak to Him and supplicate Him. Allah wants us to ask Him for our needs. Instead of going around the whole city trying to solve our problems from this and that, we must first and foremost seek Allah’s help. These are just some of the ways of communicating with Allah, especially during Ramadan. The verse also makes two more points. It says that we must respond to Allah’s call. That means we must see what Allah wants from us so that He may also respond to our call. What does Allah want from us? The verse says He wants us to believe in Him. Believing in Him with intention and action. If you say you believe in Allah but do not obey His commands, you haven’t truly believed in Him.

If we do so, Allah will guide us and help us tread the true path.


How and When to Communicate With Allah

We must always do our best to communicate with Allah every day, especially during Ramadan 2025. The best means of communicating with Allah during Ramadan and all other months is prayer. We should not take our prayers lightly. We must focus our attention solely on Allah during prayer. We must know we are speaking to Him. Performing prayers should not turn into a chore. Going through the motions of prayer and daydreaming simultaneously is not an effective way of communicating with Allah. Unfortunately, most of us do this. We should feel Allah’s presence during prayer. Learning the meanings of the things we utter during prayer greatly helps but is not enough. Think of it as a person who meditates. What do they do? The first thing they do, and the goal of meditation, is deny all thoughts and focus on their breath and the present moment. Thoughts come and go, but you separate yourself from those thoughts and allow them to pass.

We must do something similar while praying. We must deny all thoughts that come into our minds that distract us from what we are saying and doing. Our focus should be on Allah. We shouldn’t even focus too much on what we say or do in prayer because they can also be a distraction from devoting our attention to Allah. This is known as heart presence (ḥuḍūr al-qalb) in Islamic terminology. The greater our heart presence, the more our prayer will be accepted and the more it will benefit us.

Communicating With Allah Throughout the Day

It is important to realize that we must not content ourselves with prayer as far as communication with Allah is concerned. Allah is present at all times. He sees, hears, and knows what is going on in our minds and hearts. Communication with Allah is not just through words. We can speak to Allah with our hearts, too. However, the best way of communicating with Him is by both our tongues and hearts. When you utter what you have in your heart, the effect it has on your emotions is much more than if you only speak to Allah in your head. Communicating with Allah can be best practiced during Ramadan.

We must communicate with Allah whenever we need His help, want to thank, praise, repent, and express our love for Him. If we do this all the time, we will always feel His presence, and as a result, we will be more watchful of our words and actions. This, in turn, increases our taqwa and prevents us from sinning. Fasting greatly helps us to implement effective communication with Allah. The whole idea of communicating with Allah other than during our prayer is supplicating Him and making dua. We should dedicate a portion of our time to supplication and dua. Allah loves us to supplicate Him and grant our wishes.

How to Communicate With Allah During Ramadan 2025

Communicating with Allah during Ramadan is done much more than the other lunar months. As we mentioned, Allah likes us to communicate with Him during Ramadan because He is very close to us. Ramadan is Allah’s month and a very blessed month. Most Muslims are aware of this fact. As a result, they try to make the best of this month by performing many acts of worship. In our narrations, reciting the Quran has been likened to listening to Allah. Reciting the Quran is one of the best ways to communicate with Allah. It is like Allah is speaking to us word by word. Besides, reciting the Quran entails considerable rewards during Ramadan. Reciting just one verse equals reciting the entire Quran during other months.

Then we have a plethora of duas that have been specifically dictated by our Prophet and Imams for Ramadan. We have duas for suhur (pre-dawn meal). We have duas that can be recited after each obligatory prayer. We have duas that are recited before breaking our fasts. There is a dua called Iftitah, meaning opening, which is recited after iftar. We also have a very long dua that can be recited late into the night known as the Dua of Abu Hamza Thumali. There are also many other duas for the month of Ramadan. Through these duas, we can effectively communicate with Allah.


Communicating with Allah is at the core of Ramadan. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t communicate with Allah in the other months. It means that during Ramadan, there is this limitless potential to commune with Allah and open your heart to Him. Allah is closer to us this month than the other lunar months. Therefore, we must take advantage of this excellent opportunity to communicate with Allah in every way possible. Our prayers must be different. We must pray during the prime time of every obligatory salat and with a present heart. We must recite the Quran and supplicate to Allah, asking for our needs and wishes. Ramadan 2025 is the best time to improve our communication with Allah.  

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