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Imam Ali: Sunrise from within the Kaaba

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The sky had a special majesty and splendor. In its vast plain, no horizon or boundary was visible, and a mysterious silence had spread everywhere.

A gentle breeze that rose from the peak of Hira rubbed itself against the hard and fragile face of Abu Qubais and rolled down the mountain slope with a delightful dance, caressing the sun-kissed cheeks of the ‘Kaaba.’

The House of God, with its majesty and grandeur, had bestowed an indescribable brilliance upon this dry and scorching land, and everyone had bowed down in respect and reverence to its unparalleled magnificence.

Among the crowd of people, young and old, who were circling the House of God with special respect on the second Friday of the month of Rajab, a pregnant woman with a worn face tirelessly circled the revered Kaaba, pointing towards it with her trembling fingers, and while tears streamed down her cheeks, she whispered:

‘O Lord! I have believed in You and in what the book and the prophet have brought from You.’

‘O Lord! I believe in the religion of my ancestor, the Honorable Abraham, the founder of this ancient house.’

‘O Lord! I swear by the right of the founder of this house and by the right of the child I carry in my womb, make this childbirth easy for me!’

Curious eyes saw her, and sharp ears followed her words; everyone’s curiosity was piqued until suddenly a cry of astonishment arose from everyone, and a heavy silence reigned over all. Throats went dry. Amazement and surprise were etched on faces. Breath was held in chests.

No one dared to break the seal of silence and say: Moments ago, the wall of the Kaaba split open, and a pregnant woman was guided inside!

Who would believe that the stony Kaaba would open its embrace and shelter a pregnant woman?!

The amazement and surprise grew when the efforts of the sanctuary’s keyholders, in unlocking the door of the Kaaba, did not succeed!

Moment by moment, the crowd’s density increased, to become aware of the outcome of this mystery.

After a relatively long time had passed, once again, that stony Kaaba opened its embrace, and the radiant face of ‘Fatimah bint Asad’ appeared, holding the ‘Child of the Kaaba’ in her arms.

The sound of amazements rose and echoed throughout Mecca.

Pride and honor spread like a heavy halo over the newborn’s head, and in his face, a wave of laughter swam in a sea of tears.

Hazrat Abu Talib, with a gleam of joy in his eyes, proclaimed:

‘O people! Tonight, in the Kaaba, the Wali of Allah is born.’

Chapter One: Explicit Affirmation by Sunni Scholars

  1. Abu Uthman, Amr ibn Bahr, famously known as “Jahiz,” the author of “Al-Bayan wa al-Tabyin,” who passed away in 255 AH, discussed the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, in that sacred place in a treatise he wrote about the virtues of Banu Hashim. Qunduzi has included the text of this treatise in “Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah” (4).
  2. The pioneer of historians, Ali ibn Husayn Masudi, who passed away in 333 AH, in his significant book “Muruj al-Dhahab,” which has been one of the most reliable sources for historians for over a thousand years, clearly and decisively states:

“The birth of His Eminence occurred inside the Kaaba.” (5)

And in his other book “Ithbat al-Wasiyyah,” he emphasizes that:

“Never before or after him has anyone been born inside the Kaaba.” (6)

  1. The martyred historian, Abu Zakariya, Yazid ibn Muhammad ibn Ayas ibn Qasim Azdi, who passed away in 334 AH, in his book “History of Mosul,” speaks of the birth of His Eminence inside the Kaaba and adds:

“Except for the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, no other caliph has been born in the Kaaba.” (7)

  1. The expert hadith scholar, Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Ismail Shafi’i, known as “Ibn Qaffal,” who passed away in 365 AH, writes:

“Fatimah bint Asad entered the Kaaba during childbirth and gave birth to Ali, peace be upon him, there. It is said that besides Ali, peace be upon him, no one else was born there.” (8)

  1. The preserver, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abdullah, famously known as “Hakim Nishapuri,” in his very famous book “Mustadrak al-Sahihain,” writes:

“It has been successively transmitted that Fatimah bint Asad gave birth to the Commander of the Faithful – may Allah glorify his face – in the House of the Kaaba.” (9)

  1. Abu al-Hasan, Ali ibn Muhammad Wasiti Shafi’i, famously known as “Ibn Maghazili,” who passed away in 483 AH, in his valuable book “Manaqib Ali ibn Abi Talib,” narrates the story of the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba with his chain of narrators in detail. (10)
  2. Kamal al-Din, Abu Salam, Judge Muhammad ibn Talha Shafi’i, who passed away in 625 AH, in his esteemed book “Matalib al-Su’ul,” writes:

“Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, opened his eyes to the world inside the esteemed Kaaba, in the Holy House.” (11)

  1. Shams al-Din, Abu al-Muzaffar, Yusuf ibn Qiz Oghli, famously known as “Sibt ibn Jowzi,” in his esteemed book “Tadhkirat al-Khawas,” writes:

“It is narrated that when Fatimah bint Asad was pregnant and circling the House, she suddenly felt the pains of childbirth, the door of the Kaaba opened for her, Fatimah entered inside, and there she gave birth to Ali [peace be upon him].” (12)

  1. Abu Abdullah, Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad Quraishi, famously known as “Ganji Shafi’i,” who passed away in 658 AH, in his valuable book “Kifayat al-Talib,” writes:

“The Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, was born on the night of Friday, the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, in the esteemed Mecca, inside the Kaaba. No one else, before or after him, was born in the House of the Kaaba. This blessed birth is a virtue and dignity for him and a glory and honor for the House of God.” (13)

  1. The martyred historian, Hindushah ibn Abdullah Nakhjivani, in his valuable book “Tajarib al-Salaf,” written about caliphs and ministers in the year 724 AH, writes:

“Ali, peace be upon him, was born inside the Kaaba… At the time of birth, his mother named him ‘Haydar,’ which means ‘lion’.” (14)

  1. The esteemed historian, Hamdallah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Nasr Mustawfi, who passed away in 750 AH, writes in his respected book “Tarikh Gozideh”:

“The Commander of the Faithful, Ali, peace be upon him, the cousin of the Prophet of Allah, may peace be upon him and his progeny, and his mother Fatimah bint Asad ibn Hashim, was born inside the Kaaba… in the year 30 of the Elephant Year, corresponding to 911 of the Seleucid era, 8 years after the reign of King Khosrow.” (15)

  1. Jamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Hassan ibn Muhammad Zarandi Hanafi Madani, who passed away in 750 AH, narrates in his valuable book “Nazm Durar al-Simtain” from Ahmad Hanbal:

“The birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, occurred inside the Kaaba.” (16)

  1. Hafiz Shams al-Din, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad Dhahabi, who passed away in 848 AH, in “Talhkis Mustadrak Sahihain,” which was published as a supplement to Mustadrak Hakim, quotes the statement of Hakim Nishapuri and writes:

“It has been successively transmitted that Ali ibn Abi Talib was born inside the Kaaba.” (17)

  1. Judge Shahab al-Din Dolatabadi, who passed away in 849 AH, narrates the story of his birth and explicitly states that it occurred inside the Kaaba. (18)
  2. Nur al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Sabbagh Maliki, who passed away in 855 AH, in his prestigious book “Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah,” writes:

“Ali, peace be upon him, was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, 23 years before the Hijra, in the noble Mecca, within the Holy House of Allah… Before His Eminence, no one had ever been born in the Holy House. This distinction was specially granted to His Eminence by Allah to manifest His Eminence’s rank, position, and glory.” (19)

  1. The martyred historian, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad ibn Abi Dawud, Sulaiman Banaqti, who passed away in 891 AH, in his book “Rawdat Uli al-Albab,” known as “Tarikh Banaqti,” writes:

“On the day of Adineh, the thirteenth of the month of Rajab, in the thirtieth year of the Year of the Elephant, he came into existence in the sanctuary of the Kaaba. No child before or after him was born in the House of the Kaaba.” (20)

  1. Abd al-Rahman Jami, who passed away in 898 AH, in his book “Shawahid al-Nubuwwah,” narrates his birth inside the Kaaba. (21)
  2. The martyred historian, Muhammad Mir Khwand, son of Khavand Shah, who passed away in 903 AH, in his valuable book “Rawdat al-Safa,” writes:

“His birth, according to one narration, occurred on the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the event of the Elephant, and according to another narration, 28 years after the Year of the Elephant. His mother was circumambulating the Kaaba when Divine Will guided her inside the Kaaba. When the time of childbirth came, she gave birth inside the Kaaba. Such a fortune has not been possible for anyone since the beginning of creation until the end of the world. The accuracy of this narration is beyond doubt among historians and biographers. This case is beyond any doubt or skepticism.”

“He became a pearl, and the Holy House his shell, a privilege not afforded to anyone else.” (22)

  1. Sayyid Nur al-Din, Ali ibn Abdullah Samhudi Shafi’i, the author of the valuable book “Wafa al-Wafa bi Akhbar Dar al-Mustafa,” who passed away in 911 AH, in his book “Jawaher al-Aqdain,” narrates his birth inside the Kaaba, quoting from Ibn Sabbagh Maliki. (23)
  2. The famous genealogist, Taj al-Din Muhammad ibn Hamzah ibn Zuhrah al-Rifa’i, Naqib of Aleppo, who passed away in 921 AH, in his valuable book “Ghayat al-Ikhtisar fi Akhbar al-Buyutat al-Alawiyyah al-Mahfuzah min al-Ghubar,” writes:

“His birth occurred inside the Kaaba.” (24)

  1. Mirza Muhammad ibn Rustam, the trusted Khan Harithi Badakhshi, who passed away in 922 AH, writes in the book “Nuzul al-Abrar”:

“Ali – may Allah honor his face – was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, in the noble Mecca, within the Holy House of Allah. This privilege is one that Allah exclusively bestowed upon His Eminence.” (25)

  1. The martyred historian, Ghiyath al-Din, Homam al-Din Husaini, famously known as “Khawand Mir,” who passed away in 942 AH, writes in the prestigious book “Habib al-Siyar”:

“The birth of that blessed newborn took place within the very Kaaba, for by the decree of fate, or rather by the will of Almighty God, close to the time of delivery, his noble mother was circumambulating the House of Allah. This fortune, according to some narratives, had not been granted to any creation from the beginning of creation until its end. The authenticity and accuracy of this event are beyond doubt among historians who nurture virtues, free from the shadow of doubt and suspicion.” (26)

  1. The scholar, Ali ibn Mustafa Siktoori Basnawi Hanafi, famously known as “Sheikh Ali Dede,” who passed away in 1007 AH, writes in the book “Muhadarat al-Awwal wa Musamarat al-Akhir,” composed in 998 AH:

“The first one to be called ‘lion’ in Islam, in his early childhood, was our master Ali ibn Abi Talib. When his mother gave birth to him inside the Kaaba, she named him ‘Haydar’ after his father (Asad), meaning ‘lion.'” (27)

  1. The scholar, Mulla Ali Qari, who passed away in 1014 AH, writes in “Sharh Shifa”:

“Hakim has narrated in Mustadrak that Ali ibn Abi Talib – may Allah honor his face – was born inside the Kaaba.” (28)

  1. The renowned historian, Muhammad ibn Ahmad Toqai Hanafi, famously known as “Nishanchi Zadeh,” who passed away in 1013 AH, writes in the book “Mirat al-Kaynat”:

“The noble Prophet, may peace be upon him and his progeny, was thirty years old when His Eminence was born. His mother, Fatimah, was visiting the House of God, and she gave birth to him in the House of God.” (29)

  1. Ali ibn Burhan al-Din Halabi Shafi’i, who passed away in 1044 AH, writes in the book “Insan al-Uyun,” famously known as “Sirah Halabiyyah”:

“The Commander of the Faithful was born inside the Kaaba, and at that time, thirty years had passed since the age of the noble Prophet, may peace be upon him and his progeny.” (30)

  1. Ahmad ibn Fadl ibn Muhammad Makki Shafi’i, famously known as “Bakthir Hadhrami,” who passed away in 1047 AH, writes in the book “Wasilat al-Ma’al bi Dhikr Fasl al-Al”:

“Ali, peace be upon him, was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, in the year 30 of the Elephant, 23 years before the Hijra, in the magnificent Kaaba. He is the first one to be born in the Kaaba, and no one before or after him was born there.” (31)

  1. Abd al-Haq ibn Saif al-Din Dehlawi, who passed away in 1052 AH, states in the book “Madarij al-Nubuwwah” that the birth of His Eminence took place inside the Kaaba. (32)
  2. Muhammad Dara Shikuh, a Hanafi Qadiri, the son of Shah Jahan, who passed away in 1069 AH, writes in the book “Sakinat al-Awliya”:

“His birth was in the House of the Kaaba. At the time of the mission of the noble Prophet, may peace be upon him and his progeny, he was 11 years old and ascended to the throne of the caliphate at the age of 35 or 36.” (33)

  1. The scholar Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Salah al-Amir Kahlani San’ani, who passed away after 1147 AH, writes in “Al-Rawdah al-Nadiyyah” in the explanation of the Qasidah Alawiyyah:

“His Eminence was born inside the Kaaba.” (34)

  1. The scholar, Muhammad Saleh ibn Abdullah Kashfi Tirmizi Akbarabadi, who passed away in 1160 AH, in his invaluable book “Manaqib Murtazawi,” elaborately describes the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba, and then adds:

“Never before the Commander of the Faithful nor after him has anyone attained the honor of being born in the House of God.” (35)

  1. Shah Waliullah Ahmad ibn Abdul Rahim Dehlawi, who passed away in 1176 AH, writes in the book “Izalat al-Khafa”:

“It is a well-known fact through successive narrations that Fatimah bint Asad gave birth to the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib, inside the Kaaba. Without a doubt, he was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant in the House of the Kaaba, and no one before or after him was born in the House of the Kaaba.” (36)

  1. Maulvi Muhammad Mobin Lucknawi, who passed away in 1225 AH, writes in the book “Wasilat al-Najat”:

“The birth of that source of nobility took place on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, either 28 or 30 years after the Year of the Elephant, in Mecca. Apart from him, no one was found inside the cavity of the Kaaba. The Almighty God specially granted him this privilege and honored the Kaaba with this distinction.” (37)

  1. Muhammad Sharif Khan Shurwani, who passed away after 1228 AH, in the book “Choti Kitab,” written in Urdu, explicitly mentions his birth inside the Kaaba, the splitting of the Kaaba’s wall, and the hearing of a mysterious voice. (38)
  2. The scholar, Muhammad Ali ibn Muhammad Fazil, who passed away after 1281 AH, writes in the book “Ma’dan al-Salihin”:

“Before His Eminence Ali and after him, no one else has ever had the honor of being born in the House of the Kaaba.” (39)

  1. The scholar Hassan ibn Aman Allah Maulvi Azimabadi Hindi, who passed away after 1300 AH, in the book “Tajhiz al-Jaysh,” written in Urdu, narrates the story of the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, according to the narration “Bashair al-Mustafa” from Yazid ibn Qa’nab. (40)
  2. Sadr al-Din Ahmad Bardawani, who passed away in 1302 AH, writes in the book “Rawa’ih al-Mustafa”:

“The birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, took place inside the Kaaba, in the year 30 of the Elephant Year, on Friday, the 13th of Rajab.” (41)

  1. Maulvi Siddiq ibn Hassan Hanafi Sufi, who passed away in 1307 AH, writes in the book “Takrim al-Mu’minin bi-Taqwim Manaqib al-Khulafa al-Rashidin,” written in Urdu:

“Our master, Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, the cousin of the Prophet, may peace be upon him and his progeny, the sharp sword of the Lord, the manifestation of wonders and rarities, Asadullah Ghaleb, was born in noble Mecca, inside the Kaaba, on Friday, the 13th of Muharram or Rajab, in the year 30 of the Elephant event, from Fatimah bint Asad.” (42)

  1. The scholar Sayyid Momin Shablanji, who passed away after 1308 AH, writes in the esteemed book “Nur al-Absar”:

“Ali, peace be upon him, was born in Mecca, inside the Kaaba… Before or after His Eminence, no one was born inside the cavity of the Kaaba.” (43)

  1. The scholar Sayyid Khair al-Din Abu al-Barakat Nauman Effendi, famously known as Alusi Baghdadi, who passed away in 1317 AH, in the book “Ghayat al-Maw’iz,” quotes the exact narration of the virtues from Ibn Maghazili and explicitly mentions the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba. (44)

This presents forty examples from the trusted sources and references of Sunni scholars, including hadith scholars, historians, biographers, genealogists, and other researchers, who up until a century ago, in their valuable works, have explicitly emphasized and confirmed the birth of the Master of the Pious, the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba. If we were to mention other existing works related to this topic, especially from the last century, it would be lengthy.


Chapter Two: Emphasis and Confirmation by Shia Scholars

  1. Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayn ibn Musa ibn Babawayh Qumi, famously known as “Sheikh Saduq,” who passed away in 381 AH, narrates the story of the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, in detail with his chain of narrators from Yazid ibn Qa’nab. In part of it, he writes:

“We were sitting with Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib and a group from the tribe of Abdul Aziz in front of the Sacred House (Kaaba), when suddenly Fatimah bint Asad, the mother of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, who was in her ninth month of pregnancy and in labor pains, entered and prayed: ‘O Lord! I believe in You and in the words of my ancestor, Ibrahim Khalil, peace be upon him, the founder of this ancient house. I swear by the founder of this House and by the child in my womb, make this childbirth easy for me.’ Then we witnessed the wall of the Kaaba splitting open from the backside, Fatimah entered the Kaaba, and the wall of the Kaaba closed up. No matter how much we tried to unlock the Kaaba, it was not possible, so we realized that this was a divine matter. On the fourth day, she came out of the Kaaba holding the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him.(45)

Then he provides a detailed report of the birth narrated by Fatimah bint Asad.

  1. Muhammad ibn Husayn ibn Musa, famously known as “Sayyid Razi,” the compiler of “Nahj al-Balagha,” who passed away in 406 AH, in his esteemed book “Khasais al-A’imma,” writes:

“The Commander of the Faithful was born on the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, in the Sacred House of Allah… We know of no one else who was born inside the Kaaba.” (46)

  1. The distinguished personality of the Shia world, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Nu’man, famously known as “Sheikh Mufid,” who passed away in 413 AH, in his invaluable book “Al-Irshad,” writes:

“The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, in the year 30 after the Year of the Elephant, inside the Sacred House of Allah. No one before or after him was born inside the Kaaba. This is a great honor granted by the Almighty Lord to him.” (47)

Sheikh Mufid also mentions this fact in his book “Al-Muqni’ah” (48) and considers it among the well-established historical facts in his book “Masar al-Shi’ah,” declaring that day a day of joy for the faithful. (49)

  1. The esteemed scholar of the Shia world, Sayyid Murtaza Alam al-Huda, who passed away in 436 AH, in his commentary on Sayyid Hamiri’s poem, writes:

“It is narrated that Fatimah bint Asad gave birth to him inside the Kaaba. In this virtue, he has no equal.” (50)

  1. The renowned genealogist, Najm al-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Abi al-Ghina’im, famously known as “Ibn al-Sufi,” who passed away after 443 AH, in his esteemed book “Al-Majdi,” writes:

“Fatimah bint Asad gave birth to the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba. No one before or after him was born there.” (51)

  1. The distinguished scholar, Abu al-Fath Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Uthman Karajki, a jurist, hadith scholar, and theologian, a student of Sheikh Mufid, who passed away in 449 AH, in his valuable book “Kanz al-Fawa’id,” writes:

“Fatimah bint Asad, as per her usual habit, entered the Kaaba, where it happened that she went into labor and gave birth to His Eminence Ali, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba.” (52)

  1. The foremost of the Shia scholars, the leader of the Imamiyah sect, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Hassan, famously known as “Sheikh Tusi,” who passed away in 460 AH, in his esteemed book “Tahdhib,” which is the third book of the Four Books (53), states:

“The Commander of the Faithful was born in noble Mecca, inside the Kaaba, on the night of Friday, the 13th of Rajab, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant.” (54)

Sheikh Tusi also mentions this fact in his book “Misbah.” (55)

  1. The leading commentator, Amin al-Islam, Fadl ibn Hasan ibn Fadl Tabarsi, the author of the unparalleled commentary “Majma’ al-Bayan,” who passed away in 548 AH, in his esteemed book “Ilam al-Wara bi A’lam al-Huda,” after stating the date of birth and that it took place inside the Kaaba, writes:

“Never before or after him was anyone born inside the Kaaba. This is a special virtue that God granted him, elevating his status and dignity.” (56)

Allama Tabarsi also mentions this fact in his book “Taj al-Mawalid.” (57)

  1. The unparalleled researcher, Rashid al-Din Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Shahrasub Saravi, who passed away in 588 AH, in his esteemed book “Manaqib Aal Abi Talib,” writes:

“The pure offspring from the pure lineage was born in the purest of places. Where else can such nobility and grace be found for anyone other than him?! The most noble spot on earth is the sacred sanctuary in noble Mecca. The most noble part of the sanctuary is the Masjid al-Haram. The most noble part of Masjid al-Haram is the Kaaba. No other offspring was ever born in the House of God. One who is born in such a holy place possesses the highest of nobilities and graces.

Especially since he was born on Friday, which is the master of days, and in the month of Rajab, which is a sacred month. No offspring shares this nobility and grace with the Master of the Pious.” (58)

  1. The esteemed scholar, Shams al-Din Yahya ibn Hasan ibn Husayn Asadi Halli, famously known as “Ibn Batariq,” who passed away in 600 AH, in the book “Al-Umdah,” definitively states the birth of that eminent Imam on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, in the year 30 of the Year of the Elephant, inside the Kaaba, and says:

“Except for him, no one else was ever born inside the Kaaba.” (59)

  1. Sayyid Razi al-Din, Ibn Tawus, who passed away in 664 AH, writes in his esteemed book “Iqbal al-A’mal”:

“It is narrated that our master Ali ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, was born on Friday, the 13th of Rajab, 12 years before the Prophethood, inside the Kaaba.” (60)

  1. The wise minister, Baha al-Din Ali ibn Isa Arbeli, who passed away in 692 AH, writes in his esteemed book “Kashf al-Ghummah” after stating the date of birth of His Eminence:

“Never before or after him has another newborn been born inside the Kaaba. This distinction of His Eminence is a special grace from the Almighty Lord, manifesting his elevated status and high position.” (61)

  1. The esteemed scholar, Imad al-Din Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hamzah Tusi, famously known as “Ibn Hamzah,” a prominent scholar of the sixth century, compiled the esteemed book “Thaqib al-Manaqib” in 560 AH. (62) He narrates the account of Yazid ibn Qa’nab as reported in “Illal al-Shara’i,” “Ma’ani al-Akhbar,” “Amali Saduq,” “Bisharat al-Mustafa,” “Kashf al-Yaqin,” and “Rawdah al-Wa’izin.”

This narration mentions the splitting of the wall, the three-day stay of Fatimah bint Asad, her boasting about this great fortune, and the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, inside the Kaaba. (63)

  1. Sidid al-Din, Abu al-Fadl, Shadhan ibn Jibrail Qumi, a prominent scholar of the sixth century, in “Izahat al-Illah,” compiled in 558 AH, (64) writes in the esteemed book “Al-Fada’il” about the birth of His Eminence narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari from the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. At the end, he quotes the words of His Eminence Abu Talib, who proclaimed in the streets of Mecca:

“O people! Tonight, the proof of God was born inside the House of God. Tonight, the ally of God was born in the sanctuary of God, inside the Kaaba.” (65)

He also narrates an intriguing story in this regard in the book “Rawdah.” (66)

From among hundreds of trusted and referred sources from prominent personalities of the Shia world, we have only mentioned 14 examples, corresponding to the fourteen pure lights, as the limited pages of the journal do not permit further elaboration.

Chapter Three: Emphasis by Christian Historians

The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, transcended the boundaries of belief and attracted prepared hearts from followers of all religions and sects towards himself, making them passionately devoted to him. The number of his admirers and lovers among Christians exceeds other nations.

Dozens of Christian historians have written detailed and independent books, both in prose and verse, about His Eminence’s noble character, explicitly mentioning his birth inside the Kaaba. We present a few examples:

  1. George Jordac, a prominent contemporary scholar, explicitly mentions His Eminence’s birth inside the Kaaba in his unique book “Imam Ali, the Voice of Human Justice.” (67)
  2. Rox Ben Zaid Al Azizi, a contemporary Christian writer, writes in the esteemed book “Imam Ali, the Lion of Islam and its Saint”:

“Imam Ali’s birth took place on Friday, the 13th of Rajab al-Haram, thirty years after the Year of the Elephant, in noble Mecca, inside the Sacred House of Allah.” (68)

  1. Dr. Dwight Donaldson, a renowned contemporary orientalist, writes in the valuable book “The Shia Creed”:

“The rightful Commander of the Believers, Ali, peace be upon him, who should have been appointed as the Caliph after the Holy Prophet to interpret the divine commands better than anyone else after the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, was born at dawn on Friday, inside the Kaaba. He was 30 years younger than the Prophet and lived for 63 years.” (69)

  1. Paulus Salama, a proficient Christian poet, depicts His Eminence’s birth inside the Kaaba in his historical and heroic poems about the “Eid Ghadir”:

“A noble woman, compelled by labor pains, sought refuge in the drapes of the ancient and firm Kaaba. Fatimah approached the Hateem of the Kaaba and hung onto the drape like a grape cluster. The Masjid al-Haram smiled with joy, and the Black Stone echoed with a chant. That day dawned twice, once for the day and another for the newborn. As time ages, he remains like the dawn, every day emerging with a new radiance.” (70)


  1. Shaykh Saduq, Al-Amali, p. 114; the same, Ma’ani al-Akhbar, p. 62; Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib Aal Abi Talib, Vol. 2, p. 173; Ibn Fattal, Rawdat al-Wa’izin, p. 76; Allama Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 35, p. 8.
  2. Ibn Shadhan, Al-Fada’il, p. 56; Allama Amini, Al-Ghadir, Vol. 7, p. 347.
  3. Shaykh Mufid, Al-Irshad, p. 9; Dehlavi, Izalat al-Khafa, Vol. 2, p. 251; Ibn Tawus, Iqbal al-A’mal, p. 655; Shaykh Tusi, Tahdhib al-Ahkam, Vol. 2, p. 7; Khwand Mir, Habib al-Siyar, Vol. 1, p. 520; Sayyid Razi, Khasais al-A’immah, p. 39; Ibn Sabbagh, Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 30; Shaykh Kaf’ami, Al-Misbah, p. 260; Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib Aal Abi Talib, Vol. 2, p. 78.
  4. Qunduzi, Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah, Vol. 1, p. 461.
  5. Masudi, Muruj al-Dhahab, Cairo edition, Vol. 2, p. 2.
  6. The same, Ithbat al-Wasiyyah, p. 111.
  7. Azdi, Tarikh al-Mawsil, p. 58.
  8. Ibn Qaffal, Fada’il Amir al-Mu’minin, as cited in Ihqaq al-Haqq, Vol. 7, p. 498.
  9. Hakim, Mustadrak al-Sahihayn, Vol. 3, p. 483.
  10. Ibn Maghazili, Manaqib Ali ibn Abi Talib, p. 7.
  11. Ibn Talhah, Matalib al-Su’ul, p. 11.
  12. Ibn Jawzi, Tadhkirat al-Khawas, p. 20.
  13. Ganji Shafi’i, Kifayat al-Talib, p. 407.
  14. Nakhjawani, Tajarib al-Salaf, p. 37.
  15. Mustawfi, Tarikh Gozideh, p. 192.
  16. Zarandi, Nazm Durar al-Simtayn, p. 80.
  17. Dhahabi, Talkhis Mustadrak al-Sahihayn, Vol. 3, p. 483.
  18. Daulatabadi, Hidayat al-Sa’da (manuscript), p. 117.
  19. Ibn Sabbagh, Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 14.
  20. Banakati, Tarikh Banakati, p. 98.
  21. Jami, Shawahid al-Nubuwwah, p. 198.
  22. Mir Khwand, Rawdat al-Safa, Volume 2.
  23. Samhudi, Jawahir al-Aqdain, as cited in Walid al-Kaaba, p. 114.
  24. Rifa’i, Ghayat al-Ikhtisar, p. 97.
  25. Badakhshi, Nazl al-Abrar, p. 64.
  26. Khwand Mir, Habib al-Siyar, Volume 1, p. 520.
  27. Sheikh Ali Dadah, Muhaḍarat al-Awail, p. 79.
  28. Mulla Ali Qari, Sharh Shifa, Volume 1, p. 151.
  29. Nishanchi Zadeh, Marat al-Kaynat, Volume 1, p. 382.
  30. Halabi, Sirat Halabiyyah, Volume 3, p. 367.
  31. Bakthir Hadhrami, Wasilat al-Maal, p. 145 (manuscript).
  32. Dehlavi, Madaraj al-Nubuwwah, Volume 2, p. 531.
  33. Dara Shukoh, Safinat al-Awliya, as cited in Ali and al-Kaaba, p. 87.
  34. San’ani, Al-Rawdah al-Nadiyyah, p. 5.
  35. Kashfi, Manaqib Murtazavi, p. 87.
  36. Dehlavi, Izalat al-Khafa, Volume 2, p. 251.
  37. Muhammad Mobin, Wasilat al-Najat, p. 60.
  38. Shirvani, Choti Kitab, p. 123.
  39. Fazil, Ma’dan al-Salihah, p. 26.
  40. Azimabadi, Tajhiz al-Aysh, p. 110.
  41. Bardawani, Rawaih al-Mustafa, p. 10.
  42. Sufi, Takrim al-Mu’minin, p. 99.
  43. Shablanji, Noor al-Absar, p. 76.
  44. Alusi, Ghayat al-Mawa’iz, Volume 2, p. 89.
  45. Shaykh Saduq, Al-Amali, p. 114; Ma’ani al-Akhbar, p. 62.
  46. Sharif Razi, Khasais al-A’imma, p. 39.
  47. Shaykh Mufid, Al-Irshad, p. 9.
  48. The same, Al-Muqni’ah, p. 461.
  49. The same, Masar al-Shi’ah, p. 72.
  50. Ilm al-Huda, Commentary on the Golden Poem, p. 51.
  51. Ibn Sufi, Al-Majdi, p. 11.
  52. Karajaki, Kanz al-Fawa’id, p. 116.
  53. Kafi, Tahdhib, Istibsar, and Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih are referred to as the “Four Books”.
  54. Shaykh Tusi, Tahdhib al-Ahkam, Volume 6, p. 19.
  55. The same, Misbah al-Mutahajjid, p. 560.
  56. Tabarsi, I’lam al-Wara, p. 93.
  57. The same, Taj al-Mawalid, p. 88.
  58. Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib, Volume 2, p. 175.
  59. Ibn Batriq, Al-Umdah, p. 12.
  60. Ibn Tawus, Iqbal, p. 655.
  61. Arbili, Kashf al-Ghummah, Volume 1, p. 59.
  62. Tehrani, Thiqat al-Uyun, p. 273.
  63. Ibn Hamzah, Al-Thaqab fi al-Manaqib, p. 197.
  64. Tehrani, Al-Dhari’ah, Volume 1, p. 527, and Volume 21, p. 104.
  65. Ibn Shadhan, Al-Fada’il, p. 56.
  66. The same, Al-Rawdah, p. 143.
  67. George Jordac, The Voice of Human Justice, Volume 1, p. 32.
  68. Rox Ben Zaid Azizi, Asad al-Islam wa Qiddisah, p. 25.
  69. Donaldson, The Doctrine of the Shi’a, p. 34Top of Form
  70. Paulus Salama, Eid al-Ghadir, p. 56.

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