Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times
- 1 Daylight Saving Time
- 2 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+0:00 (GMT)
- 3 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-8:00 and UTC-7:00
- 4 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-6:00 (CST)
- 5 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-5:00 (EST)
- 6 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-4:00 (AST)
- 7 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-3:00 (BRT)
- 8 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+1:00 (CET/WAT)
- 9 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+2:00 (EET/CAT/EGY)
- 10 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+3:00 (EAT/AST/MSK/TRT)
- 11 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+3:30 (IRST)
- 12 Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+4:00
- 13 Prayer Times for UTC+5:00
- 14 Prayer Times for UTC+5:30 (IST)
- 15 Prayer Times for UTC+6:00, UTC+7:00, UTC+8:00, and UTC+9:00
- 16 Prayer Times in Australia (UTC+8:00/UTC+9:30/UTC+10:00)
- 17 Conclusion
Knowing the prayer times during Ramadan 2025 is vital for at least two reasons. First, we must know the time of the dawn or fajr adhan to begin our fasts and the time of sunset or maghrib adhan (depending on which scholar you follow) to break our fasts. Second, we must prioritize offering our prayers at its prime time. Our Prophet and Imams have enjoined us to offer prayers at their prime time to show our obedience to Allah and obtain the greatest rewards. This article will look at the prayer times of different time zones.
Note that the prayer times of the same time zone may differ from one country, province, state, or city to another. For instance, the prayer times for London, which is GMT, may vary from those of another city or country in this time zone. Therefore, this article will only mention the prayer times of specific cities of specific countries.
Daylight Saving Time
Before mentioning the prayer times for each time zone, it is necessary to know that in certain parts of the world, the clocks are moved an hour forward between specific months, depending on which hemisphere they are located. This is known as daylight saving time. This means that the prayer times from these dates will move one hour ahead.
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+0:00 (GMT)
This time zone is at the center of the world, where we have time zones of countries such as the UK, Ireland, and Portugal. It is also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is used as the criterion for other time zones. The different time zones can be an hour or several hours before or after this time. There are two daylight saving times for this time zone known as British Summer Time (BST) and West European Summer Time (WEST).
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in London:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025) [GMT]:
Fajr: 4:56 AM
Zhuhr: 12:13 PM
Asr: 3:04 PM
Sunset: 5:41 PM
Maghrib: 6:05 PM
Isha: 7:06 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025) [BST]:
Fajr: 4:45 AM
Zhuhr: 1:05 PM
Asr: 4:35 PM
Sunset: 7:31 PM
Maghrib: 7:55 PM
Isha: 8:59 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-8:00 and UTC-7:00
This time zone is known as the Pacific Standard Time (PST). It is the time zone for the Western states of the US, such as California, the western counties of Idaho, the state of Oregon, and the state of Washington. British Columbia, a Canadian province, and Baja California, a Mexican state, are also in this time zone.
On March 9, 2025, the clocks will be moved an hour forward, making the name of the time zone the Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). This means that the prayer times are also shifted an hour ahead.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in Los Angeles, California:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025) [PST]:
Fajr: 5:00 AM
Zhuhr: 12:05 PM
Asr: 3:21 PM
Sunset: 5:50 PM
Maghrib: 6:08 PM
Isha: 6:53 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025) [PDT]:
Fajr: 5:19 AM
Zhuhr: 12:57 PM
Asr: 4:30 PM
Sunset: 7:13 PM
Maghrib: 7:30 PM
Isha: 8:17 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-6:00 (CST)
This time zone is known as Central Standard Time (CST). It is the time zone of the US states Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and parts of Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas. Parts of Canada and Mexico also use this time zone. During daylight saving time, when the clocks are moved ahead by an hour, the name of the time zone changes to Central Daylight Time (CDT).
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in Dallas, Texas:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025) [CST]:
Fajr: 5:34 AM
Zhuhr: 12:39 PM
Asr: 3:56 PM
Sunset: 6:25 PM
Maghrib: 6:42 PM
Isha: 7:28 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025) [CDT]:
Fajr: 5:56 AM
Zhuhr: 1:32 PM
Asr: 5:04 PM
Sunset: 7:46 PM
Maghrib: 8:04 PM
Isha: 8:50 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-5:00 (EST)
UTC -5 is known as Eastern Standard Time. This time zone is used by US states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio, as well as Canadian provinces such as Quebec and most of Ontario. It is also the time zone for South American countries, such as Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and parts of Brazil. Of course, the prayer times for some of these US states, Canadian provinces, and South American countries are usually different due to their different geographical locations and the differences in the hours of sunrise and sunset.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times of the first and last day of Ramadan in New York City, New York:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:00 AM
Zhuhr: 12:08 PM
Asr: 3:17 PM
Sunset: 5:48 PM
Maghrib: 6:07 PM
Isha: 6:57 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:11 AM
Zhuhr: 1:00 PM
Asr: 4:34 PM
Sunset: 6:19 PM
Maghrib: 7:39 PM
Isha: 8:30 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-4:00 (AST)
UTC-4:00 is the Atlantic Standard Time (AST). During summer, when the clocks are moved an hour forward, this time zone is known as Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT). Several eastern Canadian provinces, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands are in this time zone. Only the Canadian provinces observe daylight saving time from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Notice how Puerto Rico never uses daylight saving time throughout the year due to its closeness to the equator:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:32 AM
Zhuhr: 12:37 PM
Asr: 3:58 PM
Sunset: 6:30 PM
Maghrib: 6:46 PM
Isha: 7:26 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:08 AM
Zhuhr: 12:29 PM
Asr: 3:51 PM
Sunset: 6:38 PM
Maghrib: 6:53 PM
Isha: 7:34 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC-3:00 (BRT)
UTC-3:00 is known as Brasilia Time (BRT) and is the time zone for around 90% of Brazil. Brazil does not use daylight saving time.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in São Paulo, Brazil:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 4:47 AM
Zhuhr: 12:19 PM
Asr: 3:46 PM
Sunset: 6:35 PM
Maghrib: 6:51 PM
Isha: 7:34 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:01 AM
Zhuhr: 12:11 PM
Asr: 3:34 PM
Sunset: 6:07 PM
Maghrib: 6:23 PM
Isha: 7:05 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+1:00 (CET/WAT)
Two of the names of UTC+1:00 are Central European Time (CET) and West Africa Time (WAT). It is the time zone for most European countries, such as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Croatia, Austria, and the Czech Republic. West African countries such as Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Morocco, Nigeria, and Tunisia are in this time zone. From the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October, Central European countries such as Germany use daylight saving time. The time zone’s name changes to Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times of the first and last day of Ramadan for the most populated city in this time zone, Berlin, Germany:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025) [CET]:
Fajr: 5:01 AM
Zhuhr: 12:19 PM
Asr: 3:08 PM
Sunset: 5:46 PM
Maghrib: 6:10 PM
Isha: 7:13 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025) [CEST]:
Fajr: 4:47 AM
Zhuhr: 1:11 PM
Asr: 4:41 PM
Sunset: 7:37 PM
Maghrib: 8:02 PM
Isha: 9:08 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+2:00 (EET/CAT/EGY)
UTC+2:00 has several names, including Eastern European Time (EET), Central Africa Time (CAT), and Egypt Standard Time (EGY). Countries such as Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Libya, and Egypt are in this time zone. Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), UTC+3:00, is used during daylight saving time for countries that use Eastern European Time. Egypt does not observe daylight saving time.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan for Cairo, Egypt:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:30 AM
Zhuhr: 12:07 PM
Asr: 3:25 PM
Sunset: 5:54 PM
Maghrib: 6:11 PM
Isha: 6:55 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:27 AM
Zhuhr: 11:59 PM
Asr: 3:30 PM
Sunset: 6:13 PM
Maghrib: 6:30 PM
Isha: 7:14 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+3:00 (EAT/AST/MSK/TRT)
UTC+3:00 is used in African countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania, where it is known as Eastern Africa Time. It is also known as Arabian Standard Time and is used in most Arab countries, such as Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. Arab countries do not observe daylight saving time. Two notable European countries are also in this time zone: western Russia and Turkey. Only a number of Russian cities, including Moscow and Saint Petersburg, use UTC+3:00.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in Baghdad, Iraq (AST):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:10 AM
Zhuhr: 12:15 PM
Asr: 3:30 PM
Sunset: 5:59 PM
Maghrib: 6:17 PM
Isha: 7:02 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:30 AM
Zhuhr: 12:07 PM
Asr: 3:39 PM
Sunset: 6:21 PM
Maghrib: 6:39 PM
Isha: 7:25 PM
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Istanbul, Turkey (TRT):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:09 AM
Zhuhr: 12:16 PM
Asr: 3:25 PM
Sunset: 5:55 PM
Maghrib: 6:15 PM
Isha: 7:05 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:19 AM
Zhuhr: 12:09 PM
Asr: 3:42 PM
Sunset: 6:27 PM
Maghrib: 6:47 PM
Isha: 7:39 PM
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Moscow, Russia (MSK):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:20 AM
Zhuhr: 12:42 PM
Asr: 3:23 PM
Sunset: 6:04 PM
Maghrib: 6:31 PM
Isha: 7:38 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 3:55 AM
Zhuhr: 12:34 PM
Asr: 4:02 PM
Sunset: 7:04 PM
Maghrib: 7:30 PM
Isha: 8:43 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+3:30 (IRST)
UTC+3:30 is used in only one country: Iran. This time zone is known as Iran Standard Time (IRST). Iran does not observe daylight saving time. Here are the prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan for Tehran, Iran:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:11 AM
Zhuhr: 12:17 PM
Asr: 3:30 PM
Sunset: 5:59 PM
Maghrib: 6:18 PM
Isha: 7:05 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:29 AM
Zhuhr: 12:09 PM
Asr: 3:42 PM
Sunset: 6:24 PM
Maghrib: 6:43 PM
Isha: 7:30 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times for UTC+4:00
Several countries, such as parts of Russia, South Caucasian countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, and the West Asian countries United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman, are in this time zone. Daylight saving time is not observed in this time zone.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Dubai, UAE:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:27 AM
Zhuhr: 12:31 PM
Asr: 3:51 PM
Sunset: 6:21 PM
Maghrib: 6:37 PM
Isha: 7:19 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:57 AM
Zhuhr: 12:23 PM
Asr: 3:51 PM
Sunset: 6:34 PM
Maghrib: 6:51 PM
Isha: 7:33 PM
Prayer Times for UTC+5:00
UTC+5:00 is used in several countries, including Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. These countries do not observe daylight saving time. Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last day of Ramadan in Karachi, Pakistan:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:40 AM
Zhuhr: 12:44 PM
Asr: 4:04 PM
Sunset: 6:34 PM
Maghrib: 6:50 PM
Isha: 7:32 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:10 AM
Zhuhr: 12:36 PM
Asr: 4:04 PM
Sunset: 6:47 PM
Maghrib: 7:03 PM
Isha: 7:46 PM
Prayer Times for UTC+5:30 (IST)
UTC+5:30 is also known as the Indian Standard Time (IST). India is in this time zone. India does not observe daylight saving time. Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Mumbai, India:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:46 AM
Zhuhr: 12:51 PM
Asr: 4:12 PM
Sunset: 6:44 PM
Maghrib: 7:00 PM
Isha: 7:40 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:22 AM
Zhuhr: 12:43 PM
Asr: 4:06 PM
Sunset: 6:52 PM
Maghrib: 7:07 PM
Isha: 7:48 PM
Prayer Times for UTC+6:00, UTC+7:00, UTC+8:00, and UTC+9:00
UTC+6:00 is the standard time for Bangladesh and Kyrgyzstan. Western Indonesia and the whole of Thailand use UTC+7:00. UTC+8:00 is used by central Indonesia, the whole of Malaysia, Mongolia, and all Chinese-speaking regions, including China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. UTC+9:00 is used by Eastern Indonesia, the whole of Japan, South Korea, and North Korea. None of these countries observe daylight saving time. Note that having the same time zones does not necessarily mean the same prayer times. Prayer times may even differ from one city of the same country to another.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Dhaka, Bangladesh (UTC+6:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:07 AM
Zhuhr: 12:11 PM
Asr: 3:32 PM
Sunset: 6:01 PM
Maghrib: 6:17 PM
Isha: 6:59 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:38 AM
Zhuhr: 12:03 PM
Asr: 3:30 PM
Sunset: 6:13 PM
Maghrib: 6:30 PM
Isha: 7:11 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of Thailand
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Bangkok, Thailand (UTC+7:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:25 AM
Zhuhr: 12:30 PM
Asr: 3:51 PM
Sunset: 6:26 PM
Maghrib: 6:42 PM
Isha: 7:21 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 5:06 AM
Zhuhr: 12:22 PM
Asr: 3:40 PM
Sunset: 6:30 PM
Maghrib: 6:45 PM
Isha: 7:24 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of Indonesia
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Jakarta, Indonesia (UTC+8:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 4:50 AM
Zhuhr: 12:05 PM
Asr: 3:09 PM
Sunset: 6:12 PM
Maghrib: 6:26 PM
Isha: 7:05 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:48 AM
Zhuhr: 11:57 PM
Asr: 3:12 PM
Sunset: 5:59 PM
Maghrib: 6:13 PM
Isha: 6:52 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of Malaysia
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (UTC+8:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 4:50 AM
Zhuhr: 12:05 PM
Asr: 3:09 PM
Sunset: 6:12 PM
Maghrib: 6:26 PM
Isha: 7:05 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:48 AM
Zhuhr: 11:57 PM
Asr: 3:12 PM
Sunset: 5:59 PM
Maghrib: 6:13 PM
Isha: 6:52 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of China
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Beijing, China (UTC+8:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:20 AM
Zhuhr: 12:27 PM
Asr: 3:36 PM
Sunset: 6:06 PM
Maghrib: 6:25 PM
Isha: 7:15 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:32 AM
Zhuhr: 12:19 PM
Asr: 3:52 PM
Sunset: 6:36 PM
Maghrib: 6:56 PM
Isha: 7:47 PM
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of Japan
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Tokyo, Japan (UTC+9:00):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 4:48 AM
Zhuhr: 11:54 PM
Asr: 3:07 PM
Sunset: 5:34 PM
Maghrib: 5:54 PM
Isha: 6:41 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:06 AM
Zhuhr: 11:46 PM
Asr: 3:18 PM
Sunset: 6:01 PM
Maghrib: 6:19 PM
Isha: 7:07 PM
Once again, even though some countries may use the same time, their prayer times differ due to the differences in the hours of sunrise and sunset. One example is Seoul, South Korea, and Tokyo, Japan. The standard time is the same, but their prayer times are different.
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Times of South Korea
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Seoul, South Korea (UTC+9):
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:38 AM
Zhuhr: 12:44 PM
Asr: 3:56 PM
Sunset: 6:26 PM
Maghrib: 6:44 PM
Isha: 7:32 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 4:54 AM
Zhuhr: 12:37 PM
Asr: 4:09 PM
Sunset: 6:53 PM
Maghrib: 7:12 PM
Isha: 8:01 PM
Prayer Times in Australia (UTC+8:00/UTC+9:30/UTC+10:00)
Australia has many time zones. The main ones are three: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST; UTC+10:00), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST; UTC+9:30), and Australian Western Standard Time (AWST; UTC+8:00). The two most important cities in Australia, Sydney and Melbourne use the Australian Eastern Standard Time. However, due to their different geographical locations, their prayer times differ. Australia observes daylight saving time, when the clocks are moved an hour forward, from the first Sunday in October until the first Sunday in April.
Here are Ramadan 2025 prayer times for the first and last days of Ramadan in Melbourne, Australia. Daylight saving time is observed in these days:
Ramadan 1, 1446 (March 1, 2025):
Fajr: 5:35 AM
Zhuhr: 1:32 PM
Asr: 5:11 PM
Sunset: 8:00 PM
Maghrib: 8:19 PM
Isha: 9:09 PM
Ramadan 30, 1446 (March 30, 2025):
Fajr: 6:06 AM
Zhuhr: 1:25 PM
Asr: 4:24 PM
Sunset: 7:17 PM
Maghrib: 7:35 PM
Isha: 8:23 PM
These were Ramadan 2025 prayer times for some of the most important cities in the world. By knowing the prayer times, we will be prepared to perform our prayers on time and be careful their time doesn’t expire. Ramadan 2025 is a golden opportunity to communicate with Allah, increase our spirituality, and observe the fast due to its significance.