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The Importance of Prayer in Ramadan 2025

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Prayer is the very first thing Allah enjoins us in the Quran. The most important act that a Muslim performs is their prayer. A Muslim that does not pray is hardly a Muslim. In this article on Islam4u. We will explain the importance of prayer during Ramadan 2025.

Prayer Is the Pillar of Religion

The very first sign of a righteous Muslim is their observance of prayers. A Muslim who does not pray is a non-practicing and sinful Muslim. Yes, intentionally missing prayers is a major sin that must be first repented and then made up for. In Surah Baqarah, the second chapter of the first juz of the Quran, Allah describes pious individuals. First, they uphold the prayer, and second, they pay the zakat (both the obligatory and recommended Islamic taxes). Third, they believe in what Allah has revealed to Prophet Muhammad (s) (i.e., the Quran) and what He revealed to the prophets before him (the previous holy scriptures in their undistorted and unaltered forms).

This emphasis on prayer at the beginning of the Quran shows its significance in Allah’s eyes. As a result, we must not take our prayers lightly. We must not postpone our prayers intentionally when we can offer them at that given moment. When Ramadan 2025 arrives, we must value prayer even more. Ramadan is the month of Allah. In the month of Allah, we must show our servitude to Allah in the best way possible.


The Relationship Between Fasting and Prayer in Ramadan 2025

Fasting and prayer are two acts of worship that are obligatory for Muslims to observe. It is obligatory for us to pray throughout our lives and fast for the twenty-nine or thirty days of Ramadan, depending on when Muslims sight the moon. An important thing to note is that prayer and fasting complement each other. Fasting has enormous significance because if a person prays but does not fast, Allah won’t accept their prayer. Conversely, if a person fasts but doesn’t pray, Allah won’t accept their fasts. This does not mean they have to pray or fast again when the next Ramadan comes. It means that they must make up for those fasts and prayers they missed if they want Allah to accept their fasts and prayers. If they don’t, they will have sinned.

It would be much more beautiful if a Muslim observes their prayers and fasts. This is how a true Muslim should be. The idea is that if we claim to be Muslims, we must not cherry-pick the things Allah has told us to do. We must obey Allah’s commands, perform all the obligatory acts, and refrain from all the prohibited acts. In Ramadan 2025 and all the coming ones, Muslims must uphold servitude to Allah and the pursuit of spirituality in all its manifestations.

Ramadan 2025 and Punctuality in Prayer

We all know the prayer times. We offer the fajr at dawn before sunrise, the zhuhr at noon, the asr in the afternoon, the maghrib after sunset, and the ‘isha a while after the maghrib. There is a period when we can perform each of these prayers. For instance, we have the time to perform our zhuhr prayer from noon to sunset. We can perform our maghrib and ‘isha from the time of the maghrib adhan to midnight. However, we must note that these periods are for those with a valid excuse to delay their prayers. Those who have the time to perform their prayers at their prime, meaning a couple of minutes after the adhan or not too late after it, shouldn’t purposely delay and postpone their prayers to a later time. The Prophet (s) and our Imams have strongly discouraged such a course of action.

During Ramadan, when we try to be the best version of ourselves, we must attach greater importance to our prayer. We shouldn’t neglect our prayers and waste time. Even if we are doing something very important, we must hold it until after we have prayed. Islam recommends performing the maghrib and ‘isha prayers before breaking our fasts. Punctuality in performing prayer is essential, even more than having focus in prayer, aka heart presence, which we will discuss. The Quran says:

إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا ‎﴿١٠٣﴾

The prayer is indeed a timed prescription for the faithful.

The faithful are the ones who offer their prayer shortly after the adhan.

Having Presence of Heart in Prayer in Ramadan 2025

As we discussed in the article Communicating With Allah in Ramadan, the presence of the heart is related to the quality of our prayer. Punctuality is crucial, as is paying undivided attention to Allah during prayer. Unfortunately, many of us do not focus on what we are saying and doing while praying. We must be in the present. We must know what we are doing, to who we are speaking, what we are saying, why we are praying, and who we are worshipping. When we pray, we mostly daydream and think about things we want to do after our prayer. We recall past experiences, remember distant memories, and don’t pray they way we should.

The Prophet (s) and our Imams have told us that Allah will accept our prayer however much we have this presence of the heart. The more we have it, the more Allah will accept our prayer. Otherwise, our prayer will be of no benefit to us other than lifting the burden of obligation from our shoulders. Prayer has many benefits, as stated in both the Quran and Hadith. The Quran says:

إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ

Indeed, the prayer restrains from indecent and wrongful conduct.

If Allah accepts our prayer, it will protect us from indecencies and sins. Otherwise, it wouldn’t, or at least not as much as. So, first, we must prioritize praying on time, and second, we must concentrate while performing it.

Prayer is the Mi‘raj (Ascension) of the Believer

A famous hadith quotes the Prophet (s) as saying:

الصَّلَاةُ مِعْرَاجُ الْمُؤْمِنِ

Prayer is the ascension of the believer.

Even though some have cast doubt on the authenticity of the chain of narrators of this hadith, people widely accept the concept, which resonates with the spiritual significance of prayer in Islam. If a believer meets the two conditions of punctuality and heart presence in prayer, that prayer will undoubtedly lift the spirits of that believer to new and unfound levels. This deep connection will permeate all the other facets of the believer’s life. A person who values prayer to such an extent attaches immense significance to their faith and religion. As a result, Allah, His angels, and close friends will safeguard him from the evil of Satan and his minions.

Besides, as mentioned in the Quran, prayer itself will guard them against indecencies and sins. It is next to impossible for a sinful and vicious individual to be punctual in prayer or have heart presence during prayer unless they are hypocrites trying to show off. Nevertheless, taqwa is not just punctuality and concentration in prayer. Taqwa encompasses many other things, such as ethical conduct, making a halal living, avoiding sins, performing the other obligatory acts, and being kind, generous, and just.

The Significance of the Night Prayer in Ramadan 2025

The night prayer (صلاة الليل) is the prayer that Muslims offer after the Islamic legal midnight (منتصف الليل الشرعي). This is when the time for performing the maghrib and ‘isha prayers expires. One can perform the night prayer from the legal midnight until fajr. The closer one performs it to fajr, the more rewarding it will be. The Quran and our narrations highly praise the night prayer. The Quran says in this regard:

وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَىٰ أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا ‎﴿٧٩﴾

And keep vigil for a part of the night as a supererogatory [devotion] for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station.

The night prayer has many material and spiritual benefits. They say it increases one’s sustenance, maintains health, and prolongs one’s life. The spiritual benefits are endless; some we know, and some we don’t. The night prayer brings you closer to Allah, effaces your sins, illuminates your face, strengthens the soul, brings ease in the grave, and grants entry into paradise, among many other benefits. In short, the night prayer benefits one’s life in this world and the hereafter. 

One can increase their spirituality in Ramadan 2025 by developing the habit of performing the night prayer. During Ramadan, most people wake up hours before fajr to prepare and have the pre-dawn meal (suhur). This gives them an excellent chance to perform the night prayer before or after having the meal. If you do this for the entire month of Ramadan 2025, you may develop the habit of waking before the dawn adhan and offering the night prayer even after Ramadan.


The significance of fasting and praying becomes much more important during Ramadan because the idea of fasting without praying and vice-versa won’t make sense. Logically, a person who fasts must also perform their prayer because they go hand-in-hand. Because Ramadan is the month of Allah and a month in which Allah is closer to us, attaching importance to one’s prayers is a given. Therefore, we must prioritize our prayer during Ramadan 2025 even more and seek to maintain such prioritization in the following months.    

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