Who Was Lady Umm al-Banin and What Were Her Virtues?
Lady Umm al-Banin was the wife of Imam Ali (AS), a kind and loving mother to the children of Lady Fatima (SA), a skilled poet, and a member of a noble and brave family. Her name was Fatima, the daughter of Hizam, son of Khalid ibn Rabi’ah ibn Kilab. Her parents were from the Banu Kilab clan, a lineage that shared common virtues and familial traits with the ancestors of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Her lineage was filled with brave and notable men from the Arab region of Hijaz. Fatima herself was known for her pure heart and piety.
Her Family’s Valor and Nobility
Historical accounts highlight that the ancestors and uncles of Lady Umm al-Banin were counted among the bravest Arab warriors before Islam. Historians have praised them for their courage and heroism on the battlefield. They were not only renowned for their bravery but also held leadership roles within their tribes, commanding such respect that even kings of the time would humble themselves before them. The family of Lady Umm al-Banin was famous for their honor, bravery, generosity, and valor, making them highly respected in their era.
The Marriage of Imam Ali (AS) to Umm al-Banin
Ten years after the passing of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Lady Fatima (SA)—following Lady Fatima’s (SA) own wishes before her martyrdom—Imam Ali (AS) decided to remarry. His decision was motivated by the need for a compassionate mother figure for the young children of Lady Fatima (SA) and a supportive companion for himself.
Imam Ali (AS) asked his brother Aqil, a renowned expert in Arab genealogy, to find a wife from a lineage of noble and brave Arabs. Imam Ali (AS) stated, “I desire a wife from whom brave and noble sons will be born.” Aqil suggested Fatima, saying, “Among the Arabs, I know no one more courageous than her father and ancestors.” Fatima possessed noble lineage and unmatched family honor from both her father’s and mother’s side. Imam Ali (AS) approved of his brother’s suggestion, and Aqil was sent to propose on his behalf.
When Aqil approached the family of Lady Umm al-Banin for the proposal, they were overjoyed and received him with great honor. However, Umm al-Banin’s father, with utmost respect, requested some time to consult with his wife, Shamamah bint Suhail, and their daughter. Upon returning home, he discovered that his daughter had experienced a significant dream the night before.

Lady Umm al-Banin: Her Devotion and Virtues
Lady Umm al-Banin deeply understood the greatness of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) and harbored pure and unwavering love for them. She dedicated her life to serving and supporting the family of the Prophet (PBUH). The Ahlul Bayt (AS) also held her in high regard and valued her greatly. When preparing to enter Imam Ali’s (AS) household, she demonstrated remarkable respect by declaring, “I will not step into the house unless Lady Zaynab, the eldest daughter of Fatima (SA), gives me permission.” This gesture reflected her profound reverence for the household of Imamate.
The Vision of Umm al-Banin
Lady Umm al-Banin once shared a dream she had before her marriage. She recounted, “I was sitting in a lush, green garden filled with flowing streams and abundant fruits. The moon and stars shone brightly, and I gazed at them in awe, reflecting on the magnificence of God’s creation. Suddenly, the moon descended from the heavens and rested in my lap, radiating a light so dazzling it left me in wonder. As I marveled at this sight, four luminous stars also fell into my lap, adding to my astonishment.”
Her father, Hizam, upon hearing the dream, was overjoyed and interpreted it as a sign of great blessings. He told his daughter, “Your vision has become a reality. I give you glad tidings of success in both this world and the hereafter.” Turning to his wife Shamamah, he asked, “Do you believe our daughter Fatima is worthy of becoming the wife of Amir al-Mu’minin (AS)? Remember, his house is the abode of prophethood, wisdom, knowledge, and unmatched ethics. If you consider her suitable for such a noble household, let us accept this honorable proposal.”
Shamamah agreed wholeheartedly, and with pride, they gave a positive response to Aqil. This is how Lady Umm al-Banin became the wife of Imam Ali (AS).
The Virtues of Lady Umm al-Banin
Lady Umm al-Banin was a woman of deep knowledge and understanding. She fully recognized the greatness of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) and loved them with a sincere and devoted heart.
Her Role as Imam Ali’s (AS) Wife
One of Lady Umm al-Banin’s greatest virtues was her worthiness to become the wife of Imam Ali (AS). She exemplified the highest standards of partnership and loyalty in her marriage. Alongside raising noble and righteous children, she displayed the utmost devotion to Imam Ali (AS).
Even after his martyrdom, though still young and known for her beauty, she chose not to remarry out of respect and loyalty to her esteemed husband. She remained devoted to his memory for the rest of her life, demonstrating unparalleled faithfulness and love.
Recognizing the Status and Rank of Ahlul Bayt (AS)
Lady Umm al-Banin fully recognized the greatness and exalted position of the Ahlul Bayt (AS). Her love for them was sincere and unwavering, dedicating her life to their service. The Ahlul Bayt (AS), in turn, held her in high esteem and regarded her with great respect. When she was about to enter Imam Ali’s (AS) household, she displayed extraordinary courtesy, saying, “I will not enter the house unless Lady Zaynab, the eldest daughter of Fatima (SA), gives me permission.” This act exemplified her profound respect for the household of Imamate.
Lady Umm al-Banin always prioritized the children of Lady Fatima (SA) over her own children. She considered caring for the offspring of the Prophet (PBUH) a religious duty. When the caravan of Karbala returned to Medina, she approached Bashir and said, “Oh Bashir, tell me about Abu Abdullah al-Hussein (AS).” Upon hearing of the martyrdom of her four sons, she responded, “Bashir, you have torn my heart apart, but tell me of Hussein (AS). My sons, and everything under the heavens, are a sacrifice for Abu Abdullah al-Hussein (AS).” Bashir then conveyed the tragic news of Imam Hussein’s (AS) martyrdom, to which she replied, “If Hussein (AS) is alive, the loss of my four sons does not matter.” These words reflect her immense faith, unwavering loyalty to Imam Hussein (AS), and her deep spiritual devotion.
A Loving Mother to the Children of Lady Fatima (SA)
Umm al-Banin’s virtues was her role as a compassionate and nurturing mother to the children of Lady Fatima (SA). She made every effort to fill the void left by their mother’s passing, especially for Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS). These children found in her a maternal figure who eased the pain of their mother’s absence.
Lady Umm al-Banin’s love and consideration for the children of Lady Fatima (SA) were so profound that she asked Imam Ali (AS) not to call her “Fatima” in their presence. She suggested being addressed by her kunya (Umm al-Banin) to avoid reminding the children of their late mother and rekindling painful memories of their loss. This thoughtful gesture highlighted her empathy and selflessness.
When she first entered Imam Ali’s (AS) household, both Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS) were ill and bedridden. Despite being the new bride of the noble family, Lady Umm al-Banin immediately attended to their needs, caring for them like a devoted mother. Her compassion and dedication endeared her to the family and established her as a true maternal figure.
Umm Al-Banin A Talented Poet and Scholar
Lady Umm al-Banin was also a gifted poet with eloquence and literary skill. When women offered her condolences for the loss of her sons, she responded with the following verses:
“Do not call me Umm al-Banin,
For you remind me of my lion cubs.”
“I was called Umm al-Banin because of my sons,
But now I am left without any of them.”
“Four hawks of the highlands I had,
But death cut through their veins and took them away.”
“Their bodies, torn by spears, lay scattered,
And at day’s end, they were left bloodied on the ground.”
“Oh, how I wish I knew if the news is true,
That my son Abbas has lost both his hands?”
Through these heartfelt words, she expressed the pain of her immeasurable losses, while simultaneously embodying resilience and dignity. Her poetry not only reflected her grief but also celebrated the bravery and sacrifice of her sons, particularly Abbas (AS), whose loyalty and courage were unmatched.
Her Role as a Supportive Wife
Lady Umm al-Banin’s marriage to Imam Ali (AS) was marked by her exemplary dedication and loyalty. She fulfilled the responsibilities of a wife with unmatched devotion and ensured the well-being of Imam Ali’s (AS) children. Even after Imam Ali’s (AS) martyrdom, though young and still possessing great beauty, she chose not to remarry out of respect for her noble husband. Her life was a testament to faithfulness, love, and devotion to the Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Lady Umm al-Banin’s legacy remains one of courage, sacrifice, and devotion, leaving an enduring example for generations to come.
A Compassionate Mother to the Children of Lady Fatima (SA)
One of Lady Umm al-Banin’s most notable virtues was her role as a nurturing and loving mother to the children of Lady Fatima (SA). She dedicated herself to filling the void left by their mother’s passing, especially in the lives of Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS). Her devotion and care for these noble children reflected her immense compassion and selflessness.
Lady Umm al-Banin: A Model of Unparalleled Patience
Another remarkable quality of Lady Umm al-Banin was her extraordinary patience. As the mother of Abbas, Abdullah, Ja’far, and Uthman—all of whom attained martyrdom on the day of Ashura—she demonstrated immense endurance and fortitude upon hearing the news of their sacrifices.
When Imam Ali (AS) informed her about the martyrdom of her son Abbas and described how his hands would be severed in battle, her immediate reaction was one of concern. She asked anxiously, “Why will his hands be severed?” Imam Ali (AS) explained that Abbas’s hands would be cut off in his valiant effort to protect Islam and defend his brother, Imam Hussein (AS), the guardian of the divine message and the beloved of the Prophet (PBUH). In that moment, Lady Umm al-Banin displayed profound faith and patience, expressing gratitude to God that her son would sacrifice himself for the grandson of the Prophet (PBUH).
Lady Umm al-Banin steadfastness and unwavering faith were a testament to her deep spiritual devotion and resilience in the face of immense loss.
The End of a Noble Life
Approximately ten years after the tragedy of Karbala, Lady Umm al-Banin’s virtuous life came to an end on the 13th of Jumada al-Thani. This day is officially recognized as a day to honor the mothers and wives of martyrs, as Lady Umm al-Banin was both the devoted wife of Imam Ali (AS) and the mother of Abbas (AS). On this day, she passed into the mercy of God, leaving behind a legacy of faith, sacrifice, and devotion that continues to inspire generations.