Muhammad 350 posts 54 comments
I'm Muhammad, one of the writers of this blog. I have done extensive research on Islam and the Quran.
Surah Yunus
Surah Yunus (سُورةُ يونُس), meaning Jonah, is the tenth surah in the Noble Quran. The reason it is called Yunus is that a brief mention of the story of Jonah is made in one of its verses.…
Jinn in the Quran
One of the creatures of God is the jinn (جنّ). What is the goal of their creation? This and other questions regarding what they are made of and their attributes will be discussed in this…
Water in the Quran
Water is an essential and life-giving part of our creation and something we need to survive. God also talks about water in the Quran and explains how it is a sign and blessing for us.
Dunya in the Quran
What does Islam say about the worldly life or Dunya in the Quran? We have all been sent to this world for a purpose and many a time we forget that purpose. The verses discussed below…
Friendship in the Quran
Friendship in the Quran explores the concept of choosing friends wisely, as on the Day of Judgment, we might regret and be harmed by some of the friendships we had had in this world. Some…
Happiness in the Quran
Happiness in the Quran guides us towards what the true meaning of happiness and felicity is; something which all human beings seek regardless of their ethnicity, culture, religion, or age.…
Illness in the Quran
Have you ever thought about illness in the Quran? What does the Quran have to say about illnesses and diseases? Is it a good or bad thing? Illness is something people would avoid, and no…
Best Websites to Learn the Quran in 2021
In today’s world, learning the Quran has changed drastically. People are now demanding to learn the Quran through online platforms due to its convenience. In this article on,…
Black Magic in the Quran
According to dictionary definitions, black magic refers to evil magic and is associated with the devil or evil spirits. This type of magic has been touched upon in the Quran as well with…
Wives of the Prophet
One of the things that many people wonder about is the issue of the wives of the Prophet. They wonder why the Prophet had so many wives. Some want to know who the favorite wife of the…
Success in the Quran
Success in the Quran is an important topic that covers a wide range of concepts. Success is something that everyone seeks. What does Islam consider to be success? We will explore the verses…
Islamic Dating: What Do Islam and the Quran Say About Dating
Many people ask if dating is allowed in Islam and the Quran. It all depends on what is meant by Islamic dating. If dating is for two non-mahram boys or girls to go out together to eat or…