Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Battle of Hunayn

There has been a brief mention of the Battle of Hunayn (also spelled Hunain) in the Quran. This was one of the last battles that the Prophet fought against the polytheists of Hejaz. This

Surah Maidah

Surah Maidah (سورةُ المائِدَة), meaning the table full of food, is the fifth surah in the Noble Quran . The reason it is called Maidah is that it relates the story of the disciples of

Seeing the Prophet in a Dream

Many Muslims wish to see the Prophet in a dream. Seeing the Prophet in a dream can mean that the person is very pious to such an extent that he has the privilege to see the Noble Prophet in

Types of Knowledge in the Quran

There are many types of knowledge in the Quran. Some types of knowledge are specific to God; however, He wishes and allows some special people like the prophets and the infallible leaders

Belief in Qiyamah

Belief in Qiyamah and the Hereafter is one of the principles of Islam. The Quran discusses this topic extensively in many verses and chapters. This article is an introduction to this

Battle of Uhud

Battle of Uhud has been referred to on several occasions. It was the second Battle that took place between the Muslims and the polytheists of Mecca. However, the Muslims lost the battle due

Battle of Badr

Battle of Badr is a subject that has been touched upon in the Quran. This battle was the first battle that the Muslims fought against the polytheists of Mecca. The Muslims won a decisive

Surah Talaq

Surah Talaq (سورة الطلاق) or Nisaʾ al-Quṣrā (نساء القصری) is the 65th chapter located in juz 28 of the Quran. The first seven verses of the chapter discuss the topic of divorce and its

Evil in the Quran

Evil in the Quran is a very important topic that affects our lives. The question is: Where did evil come from? Did God create evil? Why should God let evil even exist? These are all

Wali in the Quran

Wali in the Quran is a guardian over one’s affairs. Of course, the word wali has other meanings as well such as ally or friend. However, in a specific context, it means a person who has