Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Ethics of Reading the Quran

So, you are now ready to read the Quran. You do realize that this is no ordinary text. Therefore, you do not approach it in no ordinary manner. It is very important to know about the ethics

Easy Way to Read the Quran

Reading the Quran is important, fun and intuitive. There is no need to prove this fact, considering that many small children have memorized the entire Quran at an early age, let alone to

Learn Quran in 3 Hours

Learning to read the book of Allah might seem to be a very hard job to do. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, if the method by which the Quran is taught is efficient, one can

Battle of Khaybar

The Battle of Khaybar (خَيبَر) is one of the significant events of the year 7 AH. After breaching the Hudaybiyyah (حُديبِيَّة) peace treaty, the Jews were exiled to Medina where they built

Battle of Trench

In the year 5 AH, the disbelievers (including Jews) and polytheists formed a strong coalition and decided to launch an attack on the Muslims. This battle came to be known as the Battle of

Battle of Hunayn

There has been a brief mention of the Battle of Hunayn (also spelled Hunain) in the Quran. This was one of the last battles that the Prophet fought against the polytheists of Hejaz. This

Surah Maidah

Surah Maidah (سورةُ المائِدَة), meaning the table full of food, is the fifth surah in the Noble Quran . The reason it is called Maidah is that it relates the story of the disciples of

Seeing the Prophet in a Dream

Many Muslims wish to see the Prophet in a dream. Seeing the Prophet in a dream can mean that the person is very pious to such an extent that he has the privilege to see the Noble Prophet in

Types of Knowledge in the Quran

There are many types of knowledge in the Quran. Some types of knowledge are specific to God; however, He wishes and allows some special people like the prophets and the infallible leaders

God and Knowledge in The Quran

God and knowledge in the Quran is an important discussion about Divine knowledge and in this article we will discuss some of the verses that explain God’s knowledge and how it is

Belief in Qiyamah

Belief in Qiyamah and the Hereafter is one of the principles of Islam. The Quran discusses this topic extensively in many verses and chapters. This article is an introduction to this