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Zechariah in the Quran

Zechariah in the Quran is a prophet of God who was sent to the Children of Israel to guide them to the straight path. Zechariah (زَکَريا) lived during the time of Mary (مَريَم) and

Elisha in the Quran

Elisha in the Quran is a prophet of God who has been praised in two verses of the Noble Book of God. Elisha was the successor to Elijah whose name the Quran mentions as well. In this

Jacob in the Quran

Jacob in the Quran is one of the great prophets of God who was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Ibrahim, peace be upon them. Jacob had many sons including Joseph whom he loved a lot.

Isaac in the Quran

Isaac in the Quran is a topic that is mentioned very much in the Quran. Isaac or Isḥāq (اسحاق) was one of the great prophets of God who was the second son of Prophet Ibrahim. The story of

Shuaib in the Quran

Shuaib in the Quran is an Arab prophet whom God sent to the people of Midian. Shuaib (شُعَيب) was a devout and pious man who invited his people to the one and only God. His people used to

Elijah in the Quran

Elijah in the Quran, who is known as Ilyās (الیاس) in Arabic, is one of the prophets of God who was sent to a group of idolators in the land of Canaan. His name has been mentioned twice in

Luqman in the Quran

There are many important personalities discussed in the Quran that have been introduced as role models for the believers. One of these people is Luqman the Wise. In this article, we will

Dhul-Kifl in the Quran

Dhul-Kifl (ذو الکِفل) in the Quran is one of the prophets of God whose name God mentions twice in surahs Anbiyā (الانبیاء) and Ṣād (ص). Historians believe that Dhul-Kifl is the Israelite

Khidr in the Quran

Khidr in the Quran is a pious, righteous, and knowledgeable servant of God who becomes the teacher of Prophet Moses. Some have said that Khidr is a prophet. He drank from the “Water of

Joseph in the Quran

Joseph in the Quran is about a handsome and pious prophet and servant of God whom God raises his status among the whole of creation. Joseph was the son of Prophet Jacob whose sons were

John in the Quran

John (یحیی) in the Quran is a prophet who was born from a great Israelite prophet, namely Zechariah. He has been given the title John the Baptist (یوحنا المعمدان). John was the son of

Aaron in the Quran

Aaron in the Quran is one of the noble prophets of the Israelites who was the vicegerent and second-in-command of Prophet Moses (peace be on him). God says in the Quran that he would send

Uzair in the Quran

Uzair in the Quran is a prophet of God, sent to the Israelites, who asks God to show him how He resurrects the dead. Thus, God shows him by causing him to die for a hundred years and then