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Resistance Is The Only Way
In the lexicon, 'resistance' means to stand firm, oppose, persist, endure, and maintain. The technical concept also does not deviate from its lexical meaning and has been used in this sense…
The Zionist regime & the opinions of online users
Israel had not been caught off guard in many of the wars it had with the region's countries, and even in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the Zionist regime's intelligence organizations warned…
40 years after the destruction of the US Navy SEALs headquarters
Forty years ago, on Oct. 23, 1983, at precisely 6:41 in the morning, local time, a dramatic event unfurled. a yellow Mercedes Benz truck passed all the American and French military!-->…
The Zionist regime leans on an aged and weary America
The Zionist regime leans on an aged and weary America
Jews in the Noble Quran
When we look into the Noble Quran, we find numerous verses speaking about the Jews, predominantly in Surah Al-Baqarah, as it is the first Surah revealed in Medina, as some scholars declare.
Legal Bases of Hamas’s Defense in Conflict with Zionism
Hamas’ military tunnels, intricate and well-equipped, necessitate specialized technical knowledge in their construction and excavation. These defensive installations have been strategically…