How to Perform Salat al-Layl: Virtues, Process, and Blessings
How to Perform Salat al-Layl: Virtues, Process, and Blessings
Salat al-Layl (the Night Prayer) is a highly recommended (mustahab) act of worship, profoundly emphasized in the Quran and Hadith. Praised for its spiritual and transformative effects, Salat al-Layl holds immense rewards for those who perform it with sincerity. This article comprehensively details how to perform this prayer, its virtues, and its profound benefits for both this life and the afterlife.
The Procedure for Salat al-Layl
Salat al-Layl consists of 11 rak‘ahs (units of prayer), divided into three main sections:
1. Eight Rak‘ahs of Nafl al-Layl
- Description: These are performed as four sets of two rak‘ahs, similar to the Fajr prayer.
- Intention (Niyyah): “I am performing two rak‘ahs of the Night Prayer seeking closeness to Allah (qurbatan ilallah).”
- After Surah Al-Fatiha in each rak‘ah, you can recite Surah Al-Ikhlas (or another surah of your choice).
2. Two Rak‘ahs of Shaf‘ Prayer
- Description: This is performed after the Nafl al-Layl prayers.
- Intention: “I am performing two rak‘ahs of the Shaf‘ Prayer seeking closeness to Allah.”
- Recommended Recitation:
- In the first rak‘ah, after Surah Al-Fatiha, recite Surah Al-Nas.
- In the second rak‘ah, after Surah Al-Fatiha, recite Surah Al-Falaq.
- Alternatively, Surah Al-Ikhlas can be recited in both rak‘ahs.
3. One Rak‘ah of Witr Prayer
- Description: This is a single rak‘ah performed at the end of Salat al-Layl.
- Intention: “I am performing one rak‘ah of Witr Prayer seeking closeness to Allah.”
- Recommended Recitation:
- After Surah Al-Fatiha, recite:
- Surah Al-Ikhlas (3 times),
- Surah Al-Nas (1 time),
- Surah Al-Falaq (1 time).
- After Surah Al-Fatiha, recite:
Supplication in Qunut
- Recite “Allahumma ighfir lil-mu’minina wal-mu’minat wal-muslimeena wal-muslimat” (O Allah, forgive all believing men and women, and all Muslim men and women) 40 times. You may name 40 individuals, alive or deceased, for forgiveness.
- Say “Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa Atubu Ilayh” (I seek forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance) 70 times.
- Say “Hatha Maqam al-‘Aidh Bika Min al-Nar” (This is the station of one seeking refuge with You from Hellfire) seven times.
- Repeat “Al-‘Afw” (Pardon me) 300 times.
Complete the Witr Prayer by proceeding with ruku‘, sujood, tashahhud, and salam, just as in daily prayers.
Virtues of Salat al-Layl
The virtues of Salat al-Layl are immense and well-documented in Quranic verses and narrations from the Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (AS). Some of its key virtues include:
- The Best Prayer After Obligatory Prayers:
The Prophet (PBUH) stated:
“The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the Night Prayer.” - Adornment of the Hereafter:
Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (AS) remarked:
“Wealth and children are the adornments of this world, but eight rak‘ahs of the Night Prayer and one rak‘ah of Witr are the adornments of the hereafter.” - Divine Proximity and Forgiveness:
The Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Salat al-Layl brings a person closer to Allah, gains His forgiveness, illuminates the heart, and strengthens faith.” - Pleasing to Allah and His Angels:
Salat al-Layl is a source of delight for Allah, love from the angels, and blessings in life.
Timing of Salat al-Layl
- Optimal Time: From midnight (Islamic midnight) to Fajr (dawn).
- Best Time: The last third of the night, closer to Fajr, is most preferred for its profound spiritual impact.
- Alternative Time: If waking up late at night is difficult, it can be performed earlier, even before going to bed.

Quranic Emphasis on Salat al-Layl
- The Quran repeatedly highlights the significance of the Night Prayer and its transformative effects: Surah Al-Muzzammil (73:1-2):
“O you who are wrapped in a garment, arise [to pray] the night, except for a little. Half of it or a little less than that.” - Surah Adh-Dhariyat (51:15-17):
“Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs, receiving what their Lord has given them. Indeed, they were before that doers of good. They used to sleep but little of the night.” - Surah Al-Isra (17:79):
“And during the night, prostrate to Him and exalt Him a long part of the night.”
This verse encourages the Prophet (PBUH) to rise in the night and pray, highlighting that it is an additional duty for him, with the hope that it will elevate him to a praiseworthy station. - Surah As-Sajda (32:16):
“Their sides forsake their beds, they call upon their Lord in fear and hope, and from what We have provided them, they give in charity.”
This verse describes the act of those who abandon their beds at night to call upon their Lord, full of hope and fear, while also giving charity from the provisions Allah has granted them. - Surah Az-Zumar (39:9):
“Is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord?”
Allah asks: “Say: Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” Only those with intellect take heed and remember. - Surah Al-Ahzab (33:41):
“And during the night, prostrate to Him and glorify Him a long part of the night.”
This verse emphasizes prostration and glorification of Allah at night, encouraging extended acts of worship after the day. - Surah Al-Furqan (25:64):
“And those who spend the night prostrating and standing before their Lord.”
This verse mentions the characteristic of the righteous who engage in prayer, both in prostration and standing, at night. - Surah Al-Imran (3:17):
“Those who are patient, truthful, obedient, charitable, and who seek forgiveness at dawn.”
Here, Allah praises those who display patience in their struggles, truthfulness, devotion, charity, and seek forgiveness from Him during the early hours of the morning.
Hadith Emphasis on Salat al-Layl
In Islam, the recommendation for performing the Night Prayer (Salat al-Layl) is so strong that one can confidently say that no other voluntary act of worship has been emphasized as much as this one. This importance is clear from the hadiths and narrations of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them). Below are some examples of these narrations:
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the depths of the night.” (Sahih Muslim) - The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said:
“Two rak’ahs of prayer in the middle of the night are more beloved to me than the world and everything in it.” (Sahih Muslim) - Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS) said:
“Wealth and children are the adornments of worldly life, but eight rak’ahs of prayer at the end of the night and one rak’ah of Witr prayer are the adornments of the Hereafter. Sometimes Allah gathers all these adornments for certain people.” (Al-Kafi) - Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari narrates:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say that Allah chose Prophet Ibrahim (AS) as His close friend for two things: first, for his generosity in feeding others, and second, for his night prayer when the people were asleep.” (Al-Kafi) - Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS) said:
“There is no good deed that one performs without Allah specifying a reward for it in the Quran, except the Night Prayer, for Allah has not set its reward because of its greatness and status with Him. He has only mentioned those who abandon their beds in the middle of the night, calling upon their Lord in fear and hope, and spending from what He has provided them. No one knows the reward for this good deed and the infinite blessings that await them in the unseen world.” (Al-Kafi) - The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
“When a servant intends to rise for the night prayer but is overcome by sleep, Allah records the reward of the prayer he intended to perform as if he had actually prayed.” (Sunan al-Nasa’i) - Imam Ali (AS) said about the benefits of night prayer:
“Waking up for the night prayer leads to physical health, the pleasure of the great Lord, and makes one eligible for His mercy and grace. It also brings the person closer to the moral qualities of the Prophets.” (Al-Kafi) - The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“For the servant who has the privilege of performing the night prayer, when he wakes up for the sake of Allah, performs a complete ablution with a pure intention, a sincere heart, and a humble body, and prays with tears in his eyes for Allah’s sake, Allah sends behind him nine rows of angels, and only Allah knows their number. The length of each row extends from the east to the west. When he finishes his prayer, Allah writes for him rewards, blessings, and degrees equivalent to the number of angels in the rows.” (Al-Kafi) - Imam Ali (AS) said:
“The homes where night prayers are performed shine with light for the people of the heavens, just as the stars shine for the people of the earth.” (Al-Kafi) - Imam Reza (AS) said:
“Do not neglect the night prayer, for no servant wakes up at the end of the night, performs eight rak’ahs of night prayer, two rak’ahs of Shaf’ and one rak’ah of Witr, and seeks forgiveness during the Qunoot, except that Allah protects him from the punishment of the grave and the Fire, prolongs his life, and grants him ease in his life. Also, houses in which the night prayer is observed shine brightly for the inhabitants of the heavens just like the stars shine for the people on earth.” (Al-Kafi) - Ali ibn Asbat narrated from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS):
“When a man wakes up in the middle of the night for prayer, it is commendable that he raises his voice during the recitation so that the one who is asleep may hear it and wake up, and the one who wants to get up can be encouraged to do so.” (Al-Kafi)
These are just a few of the numerous narrations found in Islamic sources regarding the significance of the Night Prayer. For further study, you can refer to sources such as Bihar al-Anwar by Allama Majlisi, Kanz al-A’mal, and other Islamic jurisprudential works.

Benefits and Blessings of Salat al-Layl
Both the verses of the Quran and the narrations of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them) point to the numerous blessings and effects of the Night Prayer (Salat al-Layl). By reviewing these valuable sources, the following benefits of this voluntary prayer have been compiled:
- Night Prayer causes the sins of the day to be erased.
- Night Prayer brings forth light on the Day of Judgment.
- Night Prayer is a source of pride for the believer, both in this world and in the Hereafter.
- The people of Paradise envy those who perform the Night Prayer.
- The most honorable members of the Ummah (community) of the Messenger of Allah are those who perform the Night Prayer.
- Allah does not send punishment to those who perform the Night Prayer.
- Nine rows of angels stand behind the one who prays at night, and Allah rewards the Night Prayer performer with a degree for each row of angels.
- Allah boasts about His servant who performs the Night Prayer.
- Night Prayer removes the terror of the grave.
- Night Prayer is a companion and comfort for the person in the loneliness of the grave.
- Performing the Night Prayer brings joy to the believer in this world.
- Night Prayer is the adornment of the Hereafter.
- Night Prayer is like a breeze and fragrance sent by the Lord to His believing servant.
- Night Prayer contributes to physical health and well-being.
- Night Prayer leads to the pleasure of Allah.
- Night Prayer brings down Allah’s mercy.
- Night Prayer is a practice that follows the example and character of the Prophets and Imams.
- Night Prayer prevents one from committing sins and misdeeds.
- Whoever does not perform the Night Prayer is at a loss and a fool.
- Night Prayer imparts a pleasant fragrance to the worshiper, making others enjoy their company.
- Performing the Night Prayer brings abundance of blessings and sustenance.
- Night Prayer eliminates poverty and neediness.
- Night Prayer helps in cultivating good manners and character.
- Night Prayer ensures the repayment of debts and obligations.
- Night Prayer alleviates sorrow and grief.
- Night Prayer increases the clarity and brightness of the eyes.
- From houses where the faithful pray at night, light radiates towards the people of the heavens, similar to how the light of stars shines for the people of the earth.
- Whoever claims to be poor and hungry but does not perform the Night Prayer is lying.
- Night Prayer guarantees sustenance (rizq) for the one who performs it during the day.
- The prolonged standing in the Witr prayer shortens the duration of standing on the Day of Judgment.
- Night Prayer transforms the grave of the believer into a garden of paradise, with palm groves and orchards.
- The supplications made during the Night Prayer are more easily accepted by Allah.
- Night Prayer weighs heavily in the balance of one’s deeds on the Day of Judgment.
These numerous benefits highlight the immense spiritual, physical, and social blessings of performing the Night Prayer. It is a means to purify oneself, gain divine mercy, and prepare for the Hereafter. The narrations emphasize its profound impact on both the worldly and eternal lives of the believer.
Salat al-Layl in the Lives of Pious Scholars
This sublime act of worship, which is a source of light for the heart, a purifier for the soul, and a cleanser for both the body and spirit, holds great significance for the lovers of the truth and the faithful. It is so important that, during the night, those devoted to Allah stand in prayer, seeking solitude with their Lord on the prayer mat. Through this, they draw from the essence of worship to grow spiritually, elevate themselves, and draw closer to the Almighty.
Ayatollah Qazi and Allama Tabatabai
Allama Tabatabai (may Allah have mercy on him) says: “When I went to Najaf for my religious studies, I occasionally visited the late Ayatollah Qazi, due to family ties. One day, I was standing in front of the door of a school where Ayatollah Qazi was passing by. When he reached me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and said: ‘O son! If you want the world, perform the Night Prayer; if you want the Hereafter, still perform the Night Prayer.’
This advice had such a profound effect on me that, from that day until my return to Iran five years later, I stayed in his presence and never missed the opportunity to benefit from his guidance. Even after I returned to Iran, until Ayatollah Qazi’s passing, we maintained contact. He would give me instructions, and we exchanged letters. Everything I have today is from the late Ayatollah Qazi.” [29]
Imam Khomeini
A close companion of Imam Khomeini states: “He performed the Night Prayer under all circumstances—whether he was sick or healthy, whether he was imprisoned or free, whether he was exiled or even on his hospital bed. Once, when he was in Qom and fell ill, the doctors ordered that he be transferred to Tehran. The weather was extremely cold, with heavy snowfall, and the roads were icy. Imam Khomeini traveled for several hours in the ambulance, and upon reaching the heart hospital, he still performed the Night Prayer.”
Another time, when traveling from Paris to Tehran, he performed the Night Prayer in the upper section of the airplane. The traces of tears on his face revealed his devotion and the deep connection he had with Allah, showcasing his dedication to the Night Prayer and his heartfelt supplications in the solitude of the night. [30]
Imam Khomeini’s son recalls: “One morning, when we were leaving Najaf to head towards Kuwait, we left around 4 PM, just after the dawn prayer. After a long journey filled with hardships, we finally arrived at a hotel in Basra around 12 AM. However, barely two hours had passed when the alarm clock rang, and Imam Khomeini woke up to perform the Night Prayer.” [31]
Martyr Morteza Motahari
One of the outstanding qualities of Martyr Motahari was his profound love for dhikr (remembrance of Allah), supplication, and staying awake during the night for prayer. From the very beginning, he was dedicated to performing the Night Prayer and encouraged me to do the same. However, I used to make excuses, saying that the water in the school’s pond was dirty and harmful for my eyes. One night, I had a dream in which I was lying down, and a man woke me up, saying: “I am Uthman ibn Hunaif, the deputy of Imam Ali (peace be upon him). Imam Ali has commanded you to get up and perform the Night Prayer, and I have brought you this letter from him.”
The letter was small, written in bright green ink, and it said: “This is your release from the fire.” While in the dream, I was astonished by the presence of Imam Ali, I was suddenly awoken by Ayatollah Motahari, who was holding a jug of water and said: “I have brought this water from the river; get up and perform the Night Prayer. Do not make excuses.” [32]
The son of Martyr Motahari recounts the night of his father’s martyrdom: “On the night we heard the news of my father’s assassination, we stayed awake until morning. At 2:30 AM, the alarm that my father used every night to wake up for the Night Prayer went off.”
Ayatollah Bahjat
Ayatollah Bahjat was committed to performing the Night Prayer himself and also strongly encouraged others to do the same. He regarded it as the key to success, achieving divine favors, and increasing sustenance. He said: “In worship, we are not asked to move mountains, but the most difficult form of worship is performing the Night Prayer. It is not about staying up all night; rather, it is about changing the timing of your sleep. Sleep half an hour earlier so you can wake up half an hour earlier for the Night Prayer. The Night Prayer is the key to divine success.”
Salat al-Layl is a profound spiritual practice that nurtures the soul, strengthens one’s connection with Allah, and brings immense blessings. By performing this beautiful act of worship, believers can unlock countless virtues, from forgiveness of sins to success in this life and the hereafter. Whether done in the stillness of the night or earlier as a preparation, Salat al-Layl remains a gift from Allah to those seeking His closeness.
Let us embrace this nightly journey to find solace, strength, and salvation.