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Jihad in the Quran

Jihad (جِهاد) is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in the religion of Islam. Unfortunately, this sacred method of self-refinement has been misinterpreted to an extent that

Memorizing the Quran

Nowadays, many Muslims wish to learn how to memorize the Quran. In fact, at the time of the Noble Prophet, Muslims used to memorize the Quran. There were over hundreds of people at that

Monotheism in the Quran

Monotheism in the Quran is a recurring concept on which God lays great emphasis. Monotheism means believing in one God as the creator, sustainer, and the one to whom everything returns and

Allah in the Quran

All of the Abrahamic religions believe in one God; however, they all refer to Him by different names and sometimes different attributes or their understanding of the reality of those

Women in the Quran

Women in the Quran, are introduced as members of humanity and society who have an important role in creation; just as men do. As human beings, whether we are a man or a woman, we must

Ramadan in the Quran

Ramadan in the Quran is a fascinating subject indeed. The holy month of Ramadan is when God Almighty revealed the Noble Quran to His final Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his

Hajj in the Quran

Hajj in the Quran is a very interesting topic. Hajj is one of the obligatory acts of worship of Muslims. In fact, it is a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca where the Kaaba (کَعبَة) is

Quran, Hadith and Sunnah

The Quran, hadith, and sunnah are Islamic sources that one can learn a lot about Islam, its laws, teachings, and way of life. The Quran is the most important Islamic source as it is the

Ahkam in the Quran

Ahkam in the Quran is a subject that demands careful attention. Many of the Ahkam or religious laws of the religion of Islam have been mentioned in the Holy Scripture of Muslims, the Noble

Importance of the the Quran

The Quran (قرآن) is the final Holy Scripture of God. It is the word of God (Arabic: الله Latin: Allah) verbatim and to the letter revealed to the Noble Prophet of Islam, Muḥammad (مُحَمَّد)

Dua in the Quran

Dua in the Quran (دعاء) is an intriguing topic. The plural of dua which is adʿiya (أدْعِيَة) literally means ‘invocation’; it is a direct link between the servant and the creator by means

Teaching Quran for Children

Teaching Quran to children is a very important duty of all Muslims. In fact, children are able to learn the Quran much more easily than adults because they are more talented. In reality,