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Unveiling the Truth: The Historical Assault on Lady Fatimah’s Sanctuary

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Inquiry: What portrayal exists in Sunni references regarding the incursion upon Lady Fatimah’s house, peace be upon her, and the desecration of her sanctity?

Answer: Respecting Lady Zahra’s house is the same as respecting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Disrespecting Lady Zahra (SA) is like insulting the Prophet (PBUH) and his family, something no Muslim would agree with. We believe that all of the Prophet’s companions, especially Abu Bakr and Umar, treated the Prophet’s dear daughter properly and respected her home completely. Abu Bakr said: “Be good to Muhammad (PBUH) in how you treat his family” (Bukhari Vol 14, p. 579).

But the good things said about how Umar and Abu Bakr treated Lady Fatimah (SA) cannot hide the true stories of their wrong and unfriendly actions towards her, which are mentioned in important Sunni books. These are not just stories based on feelings, but real events that history has told us about.

So, understanding what really happened in history needs a lot of careful research. It’s not right to just say the people who might have done wrong are innocent, or to try to hide or make a big event seem smaller with just a few words. This is especially true when people might feel strongly about it. Anyone who wants to know the truth should research it carefully and fairly, without letting their own feelings get in the way. They should look at what really happened based on what the stories say, without changing them. That’s why we looked into this matter without being biased, using reliable Sunni sources, and now we leave it to the reader to think about it.

The attack on the house of Fatimah (PBUH), in Sunni sources

In Sunni sources, there are various narrations about Umar’s attack on the house of Fatimah Zahra, peace be upon her. To summarize, we mention a few examples:

  1. In the books ‘Uqood Al-Fareed’, ‘History of Abul Fida’, and ‘A’lam Al-Nisa’, it is mentioned as follows:

Abu Bakr sent a group led by Umar ibn Khattab to the house of Ali – peace be upon him – and told their leader: ‘If they refuse to obey your command, fight them.’ Umar moved with a flame of fire to burn down the house of revelation and prophecy. In this struggle, the wise daughter of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – Fatimah – peace be upon her – confronted him and said: ‘O son of Khattab, have you come to set our house on fire?’ Umar replied: ‘Yes unless you accept what the community has accepted and give allegiance to our chosen caliph.[1]

  1. Madaini narrates from Salamah bin Mahrab, and he from Sulaiman Taimi, and he from Ibn Awn that:

Abu Bakr sent to take allegiance from Ali – peace be upon him – but Ali did not give allegiance. At that time, Umar, with a flame of fire, went to Ali’s house. Fatimah – peace be upon her – spoke to him behind the door: ‘O son of Khattab! Do I see you setting fire to my house?!’ Umar said: ‘Yes! And I am as firm in this matter as your father was firm in the religion he brought!’[2]

  1. The author of the book ‘Al-Imamah wal Siyasah,’ known as the History of the Caliphs, under the topic of how Imam Ali – peace be upon him – gave allegiance, writes:

Abu Bakr sought out those who had refrained from giving allegiance and had gathered with Imam Ali – peace be upon him. Therefore, he sent Umar to Ali’s house to call them to give allegiance to Abu Bakr. Umar came to the door of Fatimah’s house – peace be upon her – and called them, but they refused to come out and give allegiance to Abu Bakr. Umar ordered his companions to bring wood, and shouted by the God who holds Umar’s life, either you come out of the house, or I will set the house on fire with everyone in it! They said to him: ‘O Abu Hafs (Umar), do you know that Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him and his family) is in this house?’ He said, ‘Even if she is.’ At that moment, Fatimah’s – peace be upon her – cry was heard: ‘Father, O Messenger of Allah! Do you see what Ibn Khattab (Umar) and Ibn Abi Quhafah (Abu Bakr) are doing to us after you?[3]

  • It is narrated that when the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – passed away, Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) went to Amir al-Mu’minin (Commander of the Faithful) and said: ‘Give me your hand so that I can pledge allegiance to you…’ Then Amir al-Mu’minin – peace be upon him – and a group of his followers and Shia gathered in his house and resisted (the attackers) as the Prophet had commanded him. At this time, a group attacked Ali’s house – peace be upon him – and set fire to his door and forcibly removed him from the house. They severely pressed Lady Fatimah – peace be upon her – behind the door, to the extent that she miscarried Mohsen.[4]
  1. In a lengthy narration from Sulaym ibn Qays from Salman Farsi, we read:

Abu Bakr, to consolidate his caliphate, asked Ali – peace be upon him – to pledge allegiance to him, but the Imam – peace be upon him – did not do so. Eventually, Abu Bakr sent Qunfuz to Amir al-Mu’minin – peace be upon him – with a few men to assist him. He came to the house of the Holy Lady (Fatimah) and asked for permission to enter, but she did not allow them. Qunfuz’s companions returned to Abu Bakr and Umar while they were sitting in the mosque surrounded by people and said: ‘We were not given permission.’ Umar said: ‘Go, if you are given permission, enter; otherwise, enter without permission.’

They came and asked for permission. Lady Fatimah – peace be upon her – said: ‘I do not give you permission to enter my house without permission.’ His companions returned, but Qunfuz the cursed stayed there. They (to Abu Bakr and Umar) said: ‘Fatimah said so, and we refrained from entering her house without permission.’

Umar became angry and said: ‘What do we have to do with women!!’ Then he ordered the people around him to bring firewood. They picked up firewood, and Umar himself also carried it, placing it around the house of Ali, Fatimah, and their children.

Then Umar called out so that Ali and Fatimah – peace be upon them – could hear and said: ‘I swear by God, O Ali, you must come out and pledge allegiance to the Prophet’s Caliph (Abu Bakr), or else I will burn the house with you in it!’

Lady Fatimah – peace be upon her – said: ‘O Umar, we have no business with you!’ He replied: ‘Open the door or else we will set your house on fire!’ She said: ‘O Umar, do you not fear God that you enter my house?’ But Umar refused to turn back.

Umar asked for fire and set the door of the house ablaze, then pushed and opened the door and entered. Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – was injured between the door and the wall. She called out ‘Father, O Messenger of Allah!’ and screamed, complaining of the oppression of Abu Bakr and Umar, but Umar showed no mercy to her. He struck the sides of Fatimah – peace be upon her – with a sheathed sword and caused swelling in the arms and hands of the Prophet’s daughter with a whip. Ali – peace be upon him – hearing her cries, came out and attacked Umar, throwing him to the ground in a moment and intending to kill him. But at that moment, he remembered the Prophet’s – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – advice and said: ‘O son of Sahhak, by the One who sent Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – as a prophet, if it were not for a decree from God and a covenant that the Prophet made with me, you would know that you could not enter my house.’[5]

  • Abi Al-Hajjaj Shibli Al-Dawlah Hanafi says:

 After Abu Bakr took allegiance from the people for himself, he sent Umar along with Qunfuz, Khalid ibn Walid, Aba Ubaidah Al-Jarrah, and a number of others (from the hypocrites) towards the house of Ali and Fatimah, peace be upon them.

Umar gathered firewood at the door of Fatimah’s house – peace be upon her – and set it on fire. Fatimah – peace be upon her – came towards the door to prevent the fire from entering the house. At this time, Umar and his companions opened the door with force, and Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – was caught between the door and the wall. Such pressure was exerted on her that the nails of the door penetrated into the chest of Fatimah – peace be upon her – and due to the severe pressure, she miscarried her child and cried out: ‘O my father! O Messenger of Allah! See what Umar and Abu Bakr have done to me after you?’ At this moment, Umar said to his companions: ‘Hit Fatimah!’ So, those ignorant of God beat the beloved of the Messenger of God and his flesh and blood, to the extent that the marks of the blows and whip became visible on the blessed body of Her Eminence. Due to these blows, Fatimah – peace be upon her – fell ill and eventually was martyred. Thus, Fatimah is the martyr of the house of prophecy, and the cause of her death was Umar ibn Khattab.’[6]

These are just examples of the incident of Umar’s attack on the house of Fatimah – peace be upon her.


The Assault on Lady Fatimah Zahra, (PBUH), and the Killing of Her Child

There are numerous narrations regarding the beating of Lady Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – by Umar and the miscarriage of her child.

For brevity, we will only mention a few examples that are mentioned in Sunni sources:

  1. The famous Sunni historian Dhahabi, citing his sources, says: ‘Indeed, Umar kicked[7] Fatimah – peace be upon her – so much that she miscarried Mohsen.’[8]
  2. Ibn Abi al-Hadid in his explanation of Nahj al-Balagha recounts: ‘Umar came to the house of Fatimah – peace be upon her – and struck her with a whip.’[9]
  3. It is narrated from Ibrahim ibn Yasar ibn Hani al-Nazzam that he said: Umar hit the belly of Fatimah on the day of the allegiance so much that she miscarried her fetus.[10]
  4. Nazzam Mu’tazili says: Undoubtedly, Umar on the day of allegiance kicked Fatimah – peace be upon her – so hard that she miscarried Mohsen.[11]

Here, we refrain from mentioning narrations from Shia sources, as Shia scholars unanimously agree that Umar, on the orders of Abu Bakr, attacked the house of Lady Fatimah Zahra, set fire to the door, forcibly entered her house, causing distress and injury to her, and ultimately leading to the miscarriage of her fetus and the martyrdom of this sole daughter of the Messenger of God.

Umar’s Confession of His Attack on the House of Fatimah (PBUH)

In Sunni books, it is mentioned that Umar, in a letter to Muawiyah, describes his treatment of Fatimah – peace be upon her – as follows:

 ‘…I told Fatimah who was behind the door: If Ali does not come out of the house (for the allegiance), I will bring a lot of firewood here, light a fire, and burn the house and its people, or I will drag to the mosque for allegiance. Then I took the whip of Qunfuz and hit Fatimah with it, and I told Khalid ibn Walid to bring firewood with other men, and I told Fatimah I would set the house on fire… At that moment, she extended her hand out of the door to prevent me from entering the house, I pushed her aside and forcefully pressed the door and hit her hands with the whip, so she would let go of the door. Due to the severe pain of the whip, she moaned and cried. Her moan was so heartbreaking and soul-piercing that I almost softened my heart and turned back, but I remembered Ali’s hatred and his eagerness to kill the Quraysh (polytheists).. I kicked the door with my foot, I heard the moan of Fatimah it seemed that this moan turned Medina upside down, and at that moment Fatimah was saying: ‘O my father! O Messenger of Allah! Look at how your beloved and your daughter are being treated. Ah! O Fiddah, come and save me, for by Allah, the child in my womb has been killed.’ At the same time, I pressed the door, it opened, and when I entered the house, Fatimah stood in front of me in the same state, but my intense anger had made it as if a curtain had fallen in front of my eyes, I slapped Fatimah  so hard on the face that she fell to the ground…’[12]

Umar and Abu Bakr’s Admission of Hurting Fatimah (PBUH)

In the credible books of the Sunnis, it is stated that: ‘Umar said to Abu Bakr: Let’s go to Fatimah – peace be upon her – and gain her satisfaction, for we have angered her! They both went several times to her house, but she did not permit them to enter…’[13]

When they saw this, they turned to Ali – peace be upon him – and with insistence and pressure, they sought his help to get permission from Fatimah – peace be upon her -, but she did not allow it. Imam Ali – peace be upon him – said: ‘O daughter of the Messenger of God – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – they see your dissatisfaction and refusal from my perspective, and therefore I have promised them to seek your permission.’ Finally, Fatimah – peace be upon her – said: ‘I am at your disposal…

Sheikhain (Abu Bakr and Umar) entered the house of Fatimah – peace be upon her -, greeted her, but she did not respond to their greeting and turned her face towards the wall.’[14]

Their insistence and persistence were to no avail. Abu Bakr was very upset and said: ‘I wish I had died instead of the Prophet …’ Fatimah – peace be upon her – said: ‘If I recite a hadith from the Messenger of God – peace and blessings be upon him and his family -, will you confirm it?’ They said yes. She said: ‘Did you not hear the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – saying: Fatimah is a part of me, whoever harms her has harmed me, Fatimah’s satisfaction is my satisfaction, and her anger is my anger, whoever loves my daughter Fatimah indeed loves me, and whoever pleases Fatimah has pleased me?’ They said: Yes. She said: ‘Then I take Allah and His angels as witnesses that you have angered me and not pleased me, and if I meet the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – I will complain about you to him.’[15]

Abu Bakr, after hearing these words, cried and left Fatimah’s house – peace be upon her – with Umar, all upset, and said to the people: ‘I am stepping down from the caliphate and have no need for your allegiance…’ And Fatimah – peace be upon her – also declared: ‘I will curse you in every prayer I do…’[16]

Abu Bakr’s Regret for Disrespecting the House of Fatimah Zahra (PBUH)

According to the narrations in Sunni sources, Abu Bakr continually expressed regret and remorse at the end of his life for the attack and assault on the house of Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – and the harm done to her (which was carried out on his orders and by the attack of Umar and his group). Many narrations have been reported in this regard, of which we mention a few examples:

  1. Umar narrates from his father Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf who said: ‘When Abu Bakr became ill, I visited him. Abu Bakr said: I do not regret anything in the world except for three things that I did, and I wish I had not done them… I wish I had not disrespected the house of Fatimah, even if they had declared war against me…[17]
  2. The famous Sunni historian Ya’qubi narrates: ‘When Abu Bakr was on his deathbed, he was always regretful, saying, I wish I had not embraced the caliphate. I wish I had not searched Fatimah’s house and subjected it to an attack by that group.’[18]

Narrations in Sunni Sources About Fatimah’s, Peace be upon Her, Displeasure with the First and Second Caliphs Sunni scholars write in their histories: Fatimah – peace be upon her – was so displeased and upset with the first two caliphs that she boycotted them and turned to her father’s grave, saying:

  1. ‘O my father! O Messenger of Allah! What have we endured after you from the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Quhafah?!’[19]
  2. Tabari writes: ‘Then Fatimah – peace be upon her – boycotted him and did not speak to him in that regard until she died. Ali – peace be upon him – buried her at night.[20]
  3. Fatimah – peace be upon her – addressed Abu Bakr, saying: ‘By Allah! I will never speak to you again. By Allah, I will invoke Allah against you in every prayer.’[21]
  4. Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – was so displeased with Umar and Abu Bakr that she willed that they should not participate in her funeral procession. She willed to Ali – peace be upon him: ‘I entrust you not to let anyone but you wash and shroud my body, and when I die, bury me at night and do not inform anyone, nor Abu Bakr and Umar, and I swear to you by the right of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – that Abu Bakr and Umar should not pray over my body.’[22]
  5. Ibn Abi al-Hadid (Imam Mu’tazilah), after researching and investigating Fatimah’s – peace be upon her – reaction to the injustices from the government of the time, writes: ‘It is correct in my view that she died grieving over Abu Bakr and Umar and that she willed that neither of them should pray over her.’[23]

These are examples of narrations and accounts that speak of Fatimah Zahra’s – peace be upon her – dissatisfaction with the first and second caliphs.

Fatimah, whom the Prophet of Islam – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – considered her satisfaction as God’s satisfaction and her anger as God’s anger. As he said: ‘O Fatimah! Indeed, Allah is angered by your anger and pleased by your satisfaction.’[24]

Now, considering these hadiths, how can we justify Fatimah Zahra’s – peace be upon her – displeasure with the two (Umar and Abu Bakr)?

From these narrations, what conclusions can we draw?

The answer to these questions is clear to everyone, especially to educated and experienced individuals.

To clarify, pay attention to a hadith: Juwaini, one of the great Sunni hadith scholars, narrates a hadith from Ibn Abbas, where the Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – said: ‘As for my daughter Fatimah, she is the leader of the women of the worlds, from the first to the last. She is a part of me, the light of my eyes, the fruit of my heart, and she is my soul, until he said: O Allah, curse those who wronged her, punish those who usurped her rights, humiliate those who humiliated her, and eternally place in your fire whoever struck her side causing her to miscarry her child. The angels present with the Prophet said Amen.’[25]

The harm and abuse of Fatimah (SA) by Umar and Abu Bakr is not limited to the attack on her house but also includes their harassment through the usurpation of Fadak. This matter is recounted in Sahih Bukhari, the most credible book of the Sunnis, where it’s mentioned that Fatimah went to Abu Bakr to reclaim Fadak and became angry when Abu Bakr said that the Prophet did not leave any inheritance: ‘So Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him – became angry with Abu Bakr and boycotted him until she passed away, living only six months after the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him.[26]

Elsewhere, Sahih Bukhari states: ‘So Fatimah boycotted him and did not speak to him until she died.’[27]

From what has been stated, the harm and abuse of Fatimah (SA) by Umar and Abu Bakr is an undeniable fact. Now, the consequences and effects of Umar and Abu Bakr’s actions towards Fatimah (SA) depend on the justice and fairness of those who want to judge this matter.

[1] Ibn Abd Rabbeh Al-Andalusi says: ‘Those who refrained from pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr were Ali, Al-Abbas, and Al-Zubair. They sat in the house of Fatimah until Abu Bakr sent Umar ibn al-Khattab to take them out of Fatimah’s house. He told him: If they refuse, fight them. So, Umar came with a burning torch to set the house on fire. Fatimah confronted him and said: ‘O son of Khattab! Have you come to burn down our house?!’ He said: ‘Yes, unless you enter into what the nation has entered.’ Imad ad-Din Ismail Abi al-Fida, History of Abi al-Fida, Beirut, Lebanon, Dar al-Ma’arifah, Vol. 1, p. 56; Abi Umar Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd Rabbeh, Al-Iqd al-Farid, Cairo – Egypt, Maktabat al-Nahdah al-Misriyah, Second Edition, 1381 AH, Vol. 4, p. 259; Umar Rida Kahalah, A’lam al-Nisa, Beirut – Lebanon, Muassasat al-Risalah, 1440 AH, Vol. 3, p. 1207; Allamah ad-Din Ali Taqi ibn Husam ad-Din Hindi, Kanz al-Ummal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Af’al, Beirut – Lebanon, Muassasat al-Risalah 1405 AH, Vol. 3, p. 149.

[2] Ahmad ibn Yahya Baladhuri, Ansab al-Ashraf, Cairo – Egypt, Vol. 1, p. 586, No. 1184.

[3] ‘Abu Bakr sought to subdue a group who refrained from pledging allegiance to him at Ali’s house – may Allah honor his face. He sent Umar to them. Umar came and called them out while they were in Ali’s house – peace be upon him -, but they refused to come out. He called for firewood and said: ‘By Him in whose hand Umar’s soul is, you will come out, or I will burn it down with everyone inside!’ It was said to him: ‘O Abu Hafs! Fatimah is in there?’ He said: ‘Even so!’ Fatimah said: ‘O father, O Messenger of Allah! What have we encountered after you from the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Quhafah?!’ Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim, Ibn Qutaybah ad-Dinawari, Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Qom, Manshurat al-Radhi, Latest Edition, 1388 AH, p. 12.

[4] Ali bin Husayn bin Ali Mas’udi, Ithbat al-Wasiyyah, p. 142, author of Muruj al-Dhahab.

[5] Umar then called out: ‘O son of Abu Talib, open the door.’ Fatimah said: ‘O Umar! Do you not fear Allah, the Exalted, to enter my house and attack it?’ He refused to leave! Then Umar called for fire! And set it on the door and burned the door! Then Umar pushed it and Fatimah – peace be upon her – confronted him and cried out ‘O my father, O Messenger of Allah.’ He raised the sword in its sheath and struck her side, she screamed, the whip cracked and he struck her arm, she cried out ‘O my father.’ Then Ali – peace be upon him – jumped up, grabbed Umar by the collar, shook him, threw him down, and was about to kill him… Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar, Beirut, Muassasat al-Wafa, Second Edition, 1402 AH, Vol. 43, p. 197; Shabbar, Jalaa al-Uyun, Vol. 1, p. 192; Tabarsi, Al-Ihtijaj, Vol. 1, p. 414.

[6] Umar gathered firewood at the door of Fatimah’s house and set the door on fire. When Fatimah came behind the door to repel Umar and his party, Umar squeezed Fatimah between the wall and the door, severely squeezing her until she miscarried her fetus and the door’s nail embedded in her chest. Fatimah cried out: ‘O father! O Messenger of Allah! Look what we have encountered after you from the son of Khattab and the son of Abu Quhafah!’ Umar turned to those around him and said: ‘Beat Fatimah,’ so the whips rained down on the beloved of the Messenger of Allah – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – and his flesh and blood, until they bruised her body, and the effects of the severe squeezing and bitter shock gnawed at Fatimah’s – peace be upon her – body. She became ill and sad until she departed life days after her father, thus Fatimah is the martyr of the house of prophecy, Fatimah was killed because of Umar ibn al-Khattab. Abi al-Hajjaj al-Hanafi, Book of the Conference of the Scholars of Baghdad and the Introduction of Sayyid Shihab ad-Din al-Mar’ashi al-Najafi, Printed in Iran, Third Edition, 1399 AH, p. 63. As quoted from Al-Saqifah by Abu Bakr al-Jawhari, Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, by Ibn Qutaybah. Ibn Abi al-Hadid, in Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, Vol. 2, p. 19.

[7] In Qamus al-Muheet, it says: Al-Rafs: The blow with the foot in the chest, root word Rafs. It means Rafs is to strike with the foot on the chest.

[8] Shihab ad-Din Abi al-Fadl Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar al-Asqalani, Lisan al-Mizan, Beirut, Muassasah al-A’lami lil Matbu’at, Third Edition, 1406 AH, Vol. 1, p. 268, No. 824.

[9] Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, Vol. 16, p. 271.

[10] Abul-Fath Muhammad bin Abdul-Karim, Ibn Abi Bakr al-Shahristani, Al-Milal wa al-Nihal, Beirut, 1402 AH, Vol. 1, p. 57.

[11] Salah ad-Din Khalil ibn Ayyub al-Safdi, Al-Wafi bil Wafayat, Beirut, 1401 AH, p. 17, Letters Al-F, from the narration of Ibrahim bin Sayyar, No. 2444.

[12] Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Vol. 1, p. 14; A’lam al-Nisa, Vol. 3, p. 1214; Al-Ghadir, Vol. 7, p. 229; Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Vol. 16, p. 281.

[13] When they sat down, she turned her face to the wall. They greeted her, but she – peace be upon her – did not respond.

[14] These types of narrations about Fatimah Zahra – peace be upon her – from the Prophet of Islam – peace and blessings be upon him and his family – have been mentioned in different expressions in Sunni sources.

[15] Abi Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim ibn Qutaybah ad-Dinawari, Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Qom, Iran, Manshurat al-Radhi, Latest Edition, 1388 AH, pp. 13-14.

[16] Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Umam wal-Muluk, Beirut, Vol. 2, p. 619, in the events of the year 13 AH.

[17] Hussein bin Ali Mas’udi, Muruj al-Dhahab, Cairo, Vol. 2, p. 194, Chapter on the lineage and biography of Abu Bakr; Tarikh al-Yaqubi, Beirut, Vol. 2, p. 137, Chapter on the days of Abu Bakr.

[18] Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Vol. 1, pp. 12 and 13; Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 3, p. 210.

[19] Tarikh al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Umam wal-Muluk, by Abi Ja’far Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari, Vol. 2, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Second Edition, 1408 AH, Book 5 volume, p. 236.

[20] Sahih Muslim, Vol. 72. Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, p. 5. Al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, Vol. 1, p. 14.

[21] Kashf al-Ghummah, Vol. 2, p. 68.

[22] Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, Vol. 6, p. 50. Vol. 16, p. 281.

[23] This hadith has been mentioned by a group of Sunni scholars and researchers in their books, including: Al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak al-Sahihayn, Vol. 2, p. 153; Al-Hafiz adh-Dhahabi, Mizan al-I’tidal, Vol. 1, p. 535; Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabah fi Ma’rifat al-Sahabah, Vol. 5, p. 522; Al-Muhibb al-Tabari, Al-Dhakhair, p. 39; Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Al-Isabah, Vol. 4, p. 378; Ibn al-Maghazili al-Shafi’i, Manaqib Ali bin Abi Talib – peace be upon him -, p. 351. And in another narration, it says: ‘Whoever angers her has angered me,’ Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Vol. 16, p. 272.

[24] Ibrahim Muhammad al-Juwayni, Faraid al-Samtayn, edited and annotated by Sheikh Muhammad Baqir al-Mahmoudi, Beirut, Muassasat al-Mahmoudi for Printing and Publishing, First Edition, 1400 AH, Vol. 2, p. 35.

[25] Abi Umar Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abd Rabbeh, Al-Iqd al-Farid, Cairo, Maktabat al-Nahdah al-Misriyah, Second Edition, 1381 AH, Vol. 4, p. 259; Umar Rida Kahalah, A’lam al-Nisa, Beirut, Muassasat al-Risalah, 1440 AH, Vol. 3, p. 1207; Allamah ad-Din Ali Taqi bin Husam ad-Din Hindi, Kanz al-Ummal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Af’al, Beirut, Muassasat al-Risalah, 1405 AH, Vol. 3, p. 149.

[26] Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, p. 42, Dar al-Fikr for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, 1401 AH – 1981 CE.

[27] Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, p. 3. Same.

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