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Frequently Asked Questions About Reading the Noble Quran

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Here we will answer frequently asked questions about reading the Noble Quran.

1. Can angels read the Quran?

Angels are creatures that Allah has made out of light. They are purely good and no evil exists in them. Angels have different and unchanging ranks. The ones that have a really high rank can read the Quran because Allah has taught them. In fact, the angel Gabriel (جِبرائيل) was the one who revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad by Allah’s command. In verses 4-6 of surah Najm, Allah says how it was Gabriel who taught the Quran to the Prophet would reveal Allah’s Divine messages to him.


2. Can I read the Quran on my phone while menstruating?

Yes. It is okay to read the Quran on your phone or even from a copy of the Quran as long as you do not touch the text. However, reading verses that contain wājib (وَاجِب) or obligatory sajdah is unlawful (ḥarām: حَرَام) in such a state (menstruation).

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Ethics Of Reading Quran

3. Can I read the Quran without hijab?

Reading the Quran with or without hijab is perfectly fine for women as long as there are no non-mahram men present. However, it is makruh to recite the Quran in the shower or bathroom especially because the body is completely uncovered.

To know more about this:

How to Read Quran

4. Can we read the Quran in English?

It is very good to read the Quran in English in order to understand it. But you must remember that reading the Quran in the original language should not be abandoned as it brings more reward.

5. Can I learn Quran by myself?

You can learn the Quran by yourself in the sense that you learn it from an online Quran lesson. Otherwise, not having a teacher makes learning the Quran by yourself very difficult.

6. How can I learn Quran easily?

To learn the Quran easily, you have no choice but to find a good Quran teacher whether it is through an online course or someone who can teach you the Quran in real life. Islam4u.pro’s “How to Read the Quran” course makes learning the Quran very easy. The idea is that you must practice what you have learned in every leisure time you may find, even while commuting, waiting in a line, etc. This is ideal because you will spend much more time practicing and applying all the rules you have learned, rather than spending a specific time of the day to practicing the reading of the Quran.

7. Can I read the Quran without wudu on my phone?

Yes, you can read the Quran without wudu on your phone. You can even read the Quran without wudu by looking at a physical copy of the Quran as long as you do not touch the text.

8. Can we read the Quran while lying down?

No, it is not good to recite the Quran while lying down if you are holding a Quran in your hands because it is disrespectful to the Quran. Disrespecting the Quran is a sin. However, reciting the Quran in a lying down position by heart, that is, without holding a Quran in your hands is okay.

9. Can we read the Quran at zawāl (زَوَال) time?

The Quran is recommended to be recited at all times of the day and night. Zawal is the time for the noon prayer. Reciting the Quran at this time is perfectly fine as long as it does not take too much time so that the noon prayer is delayed. It is better to first perform the noon prayer and then recite the Quran.

So, these were some frequently asked questions about reading the Noble Quran. If you have any other frequently asked questions about reading the Noble Quran please let us know in the comments section below.

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