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Surah Quraish

Surah Quraish(سورة القریش) or Eilaf (إیلاف) or Li Eilaf (لإیلاف) as it is also known is one of the chapters of the 30th juz of the Quran and discusses the favors God conferred upon the

Surah Humaza

Surah Humaza (سورة الهمزة) or Lumaza (لمزة) as it is also known is one of the chapters of the 30th part of the Quran and is a warning to a person who finds faults in other and amasses

Surah Buruj

Surah Buruj is the 85th chapter of the 30th part of the Quran and the main focus of the chapter is on those who persecute the believers and the punishments that await this group of people.

Surah Masad

Surah Masad is one of the short surahs of the Quran in Juz’ 30, with only 5 verses. It is the 111th surah revealed in Mecca after Muhammad (S) was ordered to invite his relatives to Islam.

Coronavirus in Islam

Nowadays, people are dealing with a new contagious disease that they call the coronavirus or more precisely, COVID-19. This virus has been contracted by many people throughout the world and

Surah Qariah

Surah Qariah is one of the chapters of the 30th part of the Quran and focuses on one of the principles of faith, i.e. Qiyamah and some of the calamities that will take place on that

Fasting in the Quran

One of the salient topics discussed in Islamic rulings is fasting. Though a common feature in many Abrahamic religions, fasting has been associated with Muslim practices. In this article we

Surah Adiyat

Surah Adiyat is the 100th surah of the Quran, located in Juz’ 30 with 11 verses and 40 words. It takes its name from the first verse where God swears by the panting breath of running

Surah Nas

Surah Nas (سورة الناس) or Mu‘awwazah (مُعوَّذة) or Mushaqshaqah (مُشَقشَقة) as it is also known is the last chapter of the Quran . We can say that this chapter touched on two topics:

Surah Maun

Surah Maun (سورة الماعون) or Surah Ara’aital Lazhi (سورة أرأیت الذي) or Surah al-Din (سورة الدین) as it is also known is one of the chapters of the 30th part of the Quran and addresses

Surah Asr

Surah Asr or Surah Wal Asr as it is also known is the 103rd chapter of the Quran. It speaks of the fact that all human beings are in a loss unless they believe in God and do good deeds.

Surah Bayyinah

Surah Bayyinah (سورة البینة) or Lam Yakun (لم یکن) or Qayyimah (قیمة), as it is also known, is the 98th chapter of the Quran and focuses of the important topic of God providing proofs to