The Emergence of Deviant Sects in the Era of Reappearance
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- 1 What Is a Sect?
- 2 The History of the Emergence of Deviant Sects in the Era of Reappearance
- 3 Identifying the Causes of the Emergence of Deviant Sects
- 4 The Necessity of Countering Deviant Sects
- 5 Founders of Deviant Sects
- 6 The Continuation of Deviant Sects in the Modern Era
- 7 Ways to Identify Deviant Sects
- 8 Final Words
Diverting humanity from the straight path has always been the long-standing goal of Satan and his agents. To achieve this, they have spared no effort. The emergence of deviant and false sects, luring people toward fake and fabricated spiritualities, is a strategy that Satan has resorted to in the end times to mislead mankind. This is not to say that such false sects did not exist in earlier eras, but rather to emphasize that in the new era—coinciding with the advancement of technology and, consequently, human disillusionment with mechanical life and confusion amidst the complexities of life in the atomic age—this phenomenon has taken on newer and broader dimensions. It presents a new chapter of divine trials and tribulations for humanity. In this article, we aim to address the topic of “The Emergence of Sects in the Era of Reappearance”.
What Is a Sect?
The word “sect” refers to a group of people. However, in this context, we mean a group that has separated itself from the main body of people, evoking the term “deviant sects.” These deviant groups stray from the original and unified path of Islam, seeking to mislead others and gather accomplices in their misguidance. To fully understand these groups and safeguard against their harmful effects, it is essential to gain deeper knowledge of these sects and their nature. This knowledge will clarify their misguided views and false aspirations, preventing people, especially the youth and adolescents, from falling into the traps set by these dark-hearted hunters. This understanding yields two significant outcomes:
- It reveals the falsehood and corruption of deviant sects.
- It prevents their spread in society and clarifies proper ways to counter these misguided groups for the general populace.
The History of the Emergence of Deviant Sects in the Era of Reappearance
The emergence of the promised savior is one of the most prominent and fundamental beliefs in Islam, acknowledged by all Muslims, whether Shia or Sunni. However, this does not mean that belief in the promised savior is exclusive to Islam and Muslims. In Christianity, too, the belief in a promised savior is familiar to the people, as it has been promised multiple times by Jesus (peace be upon him).
The great importance of this issue has made it susceptible to exploitation by various individuals and groups from the very beginning. They sought to deviate the core belief in Mahdism and undermine the roots of people’s authentic religious convictions by creating deviant sects. However, during the lifetimes of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them), due to their knowledge and awareness of the essence of Mahdism, these sects were met with firm and decisive opposition. Consequently, they were unable to grow, recruit followers, or pursue power, although they continued their parasitic existence in the margins.
This pattern of deviation continued until the minor occultation (Ghaybat-e-Sughra) and subsequently the major occultation (Ghaybat-e-Kubra). Taking advantage of the absence of the infallible Imam (peace be upon him), these sects expanded and propagated their false beliefs among the people. During the minor occultation, they misled people under various pretexts, such as claiming to be special deputies or representatives of Imam Mahdi, which were categorically denied by the Imam. Warnings were issued by him through his four deputies. However, after the death of the last special deputy and the beginning of the major occultation—marking the severance of the public’s direct connection with the Imam—these sects found greater opportunities to disseminate their misguided beliefs.
Sects such as the Sabaiyah, Nawusiyyah, Akhbariyyah, Zaydiyyah, Waqifiyyah, Ja’fariyyah, Askariyyah, Isma’iliyyah, Shaykhiyyah, Kashfiyyah, Babiism, and Baha’ism are examples of these groups. They emerged throughout history after the demise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), attempting to impose their deviant ideologies on the people.

Identifying the Causes of the Emergence of Deviant Sects
To fundamentally counteract these deviant sects, it is first necessary to identify the factors that lead to their creation and growth. Efforts must then be made to eliminate the conditions that allow such sects to spread and present themselves as religion or spirituality within society. A brief look at the history of these sects reveals that the main reasons for their emergence can be summarized as follows:
1. Ignorance and Lack of Knowledge
Just as knowledge, wisdom, and turning to reason—the innate guide of humanity—lead to guidance and salvation, ignorance and lack of understanding lead to misguidance and deviation from religion. As Imam Ali (peace be upon him) stated:
“Knowledge is the root of all good, and ignorance is the root of all evil.”
Ignorance plays a central role both in the creation of deviant beliefs and sects and in the people’s inclination to join them. By misinterpreting Quranic verses, Prophetic traditions, and the sayings of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them), and by exploiting the gullibility and ignorance of the masses, these sects present their false ideologies as truths and religious principles.
Sometimes, under the guise of Mahdism, they attract followers, taking advantage of the Shia’s deep love for Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him). They exploit the people’s lack of understanding regarding the concept of Mahdism and the duties and characteristics of a true believer awaiting the Imam. This manipulation leads to confusion and errors in identifying the true meaning of “Mahdism,” enabling these sects to achieve their ultimate goal of claiming Mahdism for themselves.
However, those who combine their love for Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) with understanding and insight eventually realize the deception and free themselves from these charlatans’ traps. For instance, many followers of Ali Muhammad Bab (founder of the deviant Babi sect), who had once made significant sacrifices for him, abandoned him after learning of his false claims of Prophethood and Mahdism.
2. Weakness in Faith
Strong faith and piety lead to salvation and the pursuit of truth, while weakness in faith and a lack of purification and sincerity lead to falling into misguidance and following deviant sects and false ideologies.
Those with weak faith who face the crossroads of guidance and misguidance often perceive religious duties as burdensome and seek an escape. Upon encountering teachings that reduce or abandon these duties, they quickly embrace them. However, given their prior belief in the core of faith, they are hesitant to openly renounce religion or sharia.
Faced with sects that present themselves with a religious façade, they convince their conscience that they have not abandoned faith but have instead adopted a new religious framework. This allows them to free themselves from the difficulties of their previous religion while living with a new, less restrictive identity without being accused of irreligion or disbelief.
Sects like Baha’ism and Babism exploit this tendency by inventing a new sharia devoid of heavy religious obligations. They consider moral laxity and unrestricted relationships between men and women as divine blessings for humanity. Leaders of these sects ridicule the traditional boundaries between men and women, presenting such limitations as unnecessary strictness.
For instance, in the Babi sect, a woman named Qurrat al-Ayn appeared without a hijab during one of her sermons and declared that religious obligations such as prayer and fasting were now meaningless and unnecessary.
3. Greed and Materialism
The love for wealth and worldly power is one of the primary causes of deviation and misguidance. One major reason for the emergence of deviant sects is the greed and materialistic ambitions of their founders. Exploiting people’s gullibility, these leaders invent ideologies to fill their coffers. History provides numerous examples of sects whose creation was motivated by financial gain.
A clear example is the Waqifiyya sect. Historical accounts suggest that after the martyrdom of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him), certain individuals refused to acknowledge Imam Ali al-Ridha (peace be upon him) as the next Imam. Instead, they claimed that Imam Musa al-Kadhim’s Imamate was eternal. This claim was motivated by their desire to retain the wealth and assets that belonged to the previous Imam, which they did not want to pass on to his rightful successor.
4. Plots of Enemies
Superpowers and major adversaries have always sought to dominate Muslims and exploit them. They use various methods to plunder the wealth and resources of Islamic nations. However, the teachings of Islam consistently serve as an obstacle to their plans.
Investigations often reveal the involvement of foreign powers and colonizers in the establishment, support, and guidance of deviant sects. These enemies of Islam create or back such sects to weaken the unity and strength of Muslim communities.
5. Societal Disorders
Economic and social crises, political disputes among rulers, and weak or incompetent governance create fertile ground for the growth of deceptive and parasitic ideologies. Opportunists exploit these difficulties, using promises of improved conditions and salvation to attract people to their deviant sects.
For example, Wahhabism has long used such methods to recruit and expand its membership. Similarly, during times of political decline in the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, numerous deviant sects emerged, posing challenges for the infallible Imams (peace be upon them).
A lack of decisive action by authorities, including Islamic scholars and prominent figures whom the people look up to, also contributes to the proliferation of these sects. Prominent figures have a significant influence on the public, and their stances on emerging issues matter greatly. Hence, Islamic leaders must engage these influential individuals to counter the spread of deviant ideologies.
The Necessity of Countering Deviant Sects
Deviant sects, from the time of their inception, not only dwell in misguidance but also actively seek to mislead others. Through deception and outward pretense, they portray falsehood as truth, exploiting the genuine desire for truth among those who lack a deep understanding and insight into religion. As a result, not only do they stray from the correct path, but they also lead others astray. Therefore, there is no doubt that such deviant elements must be confronted decisively and uncompromisingly to prevent the spread of their corrupt ideologies within Islamic society. Otherwise, as the saying goes, one rotten apple can spoil the entire barrel.
Methods to Counter Deviant Sects in the End Times
- Increasing Public Awareness and Knowledge
Just as ignorance and lack of understanding contribute to the formation of deviant sects, enhancing public knowledge and insight serves to thwart their objectives and curb their growth. Undoubtedly, a correct understanding of the concept of Mahdism, along with familiarity with the characteristics and duties of true believers awaiting the Imam of the Age (may God hasten his reappearance) during the occultation, is a powerful tool in neutralizing the malicious plans of the founders of these sects.
Perhaps the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him and his family) advice to know the Imam of one’s time was intended to preempt these very deceptions and corruptions.
- Exposing the True Nature of Deviant Sects
As mentioned earlier, deviant sects use pretense and deceit to cloak their anti-religious ideologies in a veneer of religiosity, thereby attracting a large number of followers. However, behind this façade lies enmity and opposition to the religion of God, His messengers, and His chosen successors—and ultimately, opposition to God Himself.
For example, the leaders of sects like Baha’ism and Babism openly and brazenly oppose the teachings of Islam and the Quran, revealing their hostility toward divine guidance. Exposing these truths can prevent the public from falling victim to their deceitful allure.
- Addressing Societal Disarray
A thriving society, marked by economic stability, cultural progress, and social harmony, eliminates the conditions that enable the emergence of deviant sects. Investments by the Islamic government in various aspects of societal development—scientific, cultural, economic, and beyond—can deplete the resources and opportunities these opportunistic parasites rely upon, thereby preventing their birth and growth.
Firm, decisive, and uncompromising action by responsible authorities is also crucial in eradicating such corruptions. For example, the execution of Ali Muhammad Bab, who falsely claimed Prophethood and Messianism, by Amir Kabir effectively put an end to the Babi insurrection.
Similarities Among Deviant Sects in the Era of Reappearance
Despite significant differences in ideology and methodology, deviant sects share several common characteristics:
- Rejection of Religious Obligations
Nearly all these sects reject the obligations and prohibitions of divine religions and heavenly doctrines. They claim that religious duties are incompatible with a life of ease and joy. Their version of religiosity promotes freedom and pleasure, which they incorporate into their sects under the guise of sharia. - Disregard for Religious Scholars
Most of these sects deny the authority of religious scholars and advocate for complete disassociation from them, arguing that scholars hinder a direct and meaningful connection with God. - Excessive Reverence for Leaders
Followers of these sects often attribute positions higher than Prophethood to their leaders and obey them to the point of worship. - Indifference to Social and Political Issues
These sects exhibit a general apathy toward political and social matters. Sacrifices for one’s homeland, family, or community are viewed as meaningless. This mindset aligns them with the interests of colonialists and major adversaries of Islam. - Opposition to Rational Thought
These sects reject rational arguments and prioritize emotions and feelings as the ultimate authority. They dismiss religious sciences as burdensome and unnecessary. When faced with the irrationality of their beliefs and practices, they justify them under the pretense of “love” being the supreme principle. - Innovative and Baseless Practices
Many deviant sects introduce fabricated rituals and practices that lack logical, scientific, or religious foundations. These practices are unprecedented in any divine religion.
Founders of Deviant Sects
Throughout history, opportunists have exploited people’s spirituality to create their own platforms, using religion as a means to deceive and profit. Below are a few examples of such deceitful individuals:
- Ali ibn Muhammad Shalmaghani
Shalmaghani was initially a representative of the third deputy of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him), Husayn ibn Ruh (may God bless him). He was connected to the Imam through this intermediary and was so trusted that people sought his prayers. However, jealousy toward Husayn ibn Ruh led Shalmaghani to abandon the Imami faith. He disregarded the directives of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and ultimately claimed to be the Imam’s deputy, even asserting that the spirit of God had incarnated in him, calling himself the Holy Spirit. He was cursed by Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and eventually executed by the ruling authorities. - Ahmad ibn Hilal
Ahmad ibn Hilal was a companion of Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) and Imam Hasan al-Askari (peace be upon him). However, he denied the deputyship of Muhammad ibn Uthman and falsely claimed to be the special deputy of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him). He was cursed by Imam Mahdi in an official decree, and Imam Hasan al-Askari (peace be upon him) described him as a deceitful Sufi. Despite having performed fifty pilgrimages to Mecca, including twenty on foot, his excessive acts of worship did not prevent his deviation. - Ali ibn Hamzah Bataini
Bataini was a trusted representative of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him), entrusted with thirty thousand dirhams intended for Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him). Greed led Bataini to deny Imam al-Ridha’s Imamate, founding the Waqifiyya sect, which claimed that Imamate had ended with Imam Musa al-Kadhim. This deviation misled many people. - Abu al-Khattab
Abu al-Khattab was a companion and narrator of traditions from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him). However, his extreme and exaggerated beliefs eventually led to his deviation and expulsion from Islam. He and seventy of his followers were reportedly chanting claims of divinity for Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq when they were executed. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) had cursed him for his deviation.

The Continuation of Deviant Sects in the Modern Era
In the modern era, deviant sects continue to emerge in new forms, but their common denominator remains deviation and abandonment of the true path. These sects never present themselves as false or misguided, making them difficult to identify.
Some of these sects disguise themselves under the pretense of Mahdism or claim deputyship of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him). Others assert that they aim to protect religion. By doing so, they target the faith of devout believers who are eagerly awaiting the Imam’s reappearance.
The Importance of Vigilance
To combat such movements, individuals must act with awareness and insight. One should not be deceived by the appearance, social status, or public reputation of individuals claiming religious authority. Constant vigilance and a deep understanding of religion are essential to prevent falling victim to these sects’ deceitful schemes.
Ways to Identify Deviant Sects
The liberating religion of Islam has always provided solutions to safeguard against misguidance and calamities. In the context of identifying deviant sects, two fundamental approaches are emphasized:
1. Referring to the Quran
The Holy Quran, a divine miracle, explicitly and eloquently distinguishes right from wrong. When faced with new sects and ideologies, the best method is to compare their beliefs, teachings, and practices with the explicit text of the Quran. Although this may not be an easy task for everyone, religious scholars and experts serve as valuable guides in navigating this path.
Even fabricated hadiths can be identified through the guidance of the Quran, providing protection from falling into their traps.
For example, some sects in Iran claim religiosity and spirituality but do not perform prayers, justifying their stance through certain hadiths. However, the Quran explicitly states:
“Successful indeed are the believers. Those who humble themselves in their prayers.” (Surah Al-Mu’minun, 23:1-2)
Another example is sects that prioritize celibacy and renunciation of the world over marriage, citing fabricated hadiths to support their claims. In contrast, the Quran explicitly encourages marriage:
“And among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, that you may find tranquility in them.” (Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21)
2. Referring to the Tradition of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Another reliable source for evaluating the claims and practices of sects is their conformity to the traditions (Sunnah) of the Prophet (peace be upon him). However, determining the authentic source for accessing the Prophet’s Sunnah requires careful study.
The distinguishing feature of Shia Islam is the transmission of the Prophet’s traditions through the infallible Imams (peace be upon them). While many may not have witnessed or preserved the Prophet’s practices, the eleven Imams who followed him consistently demonstrated these practices in public and private prayers, leaving numerous witnesses to recount them.
For example, Hammād ibn ‘Īsā narrates that he once approached Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him), who said to him:
“I will pray; observe me.”
Hammād meticulously recorded the details of the prayer as performed by Imam al-Sadiq, including the positioning of the hands, the spacing of the feet, and the correct manner of bowing and prostration.
Many other reports from the infallible Imams detail the proper observance of religious rituals and Islamic laws, providing authoritative guidance for Muslims.
Final Words
From the discussion above, it becomes clear that the emergence of deviant sects often revolves around greedy and deceitful individuals who exploit the naivety and lack of deep religious understanding among their target audience. They attract followers through grandiose and baseless claims while promoting ideas that break the boundaries of religious commandments.
By advocating for absolute freedom and liberation from religious obligations, they justify immoral behavior and indulgence in sensual desires under the guise of a “new religion.” In doing so, they tarnish the pure faith and spirituality of people, leading them into the abyss of misguidance.