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Excerpts from the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s)

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The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family paid great attention to the mind. He defined it and explained its function and role in life: at the level of obligation and responsibility and the level of action and reward, as he clarified the factors of its rationality and perfection. In this article on Islam4u, we will go through some excerpts from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s) and will discuss the following topics:

The Significance of the Mind

In an excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s), his eminence said the following about the mind: “The mind is a restraint from ignorance, and the soul is like the most wicked of beasts. If the mind does not comprehend, the soul will be in a state of uncertainty. Thus, the mind is a restraint from ignorance, and God created the mind and said to it: “Come, and it came.” He said to it, “Go, and it went.” Allah said to it, “By My honor and majesty, I did not create any creation greater than you or more obedient than you. By you, I will start and resurrect. The reward is for you, and punishment is on you.”

Thus, from the mind branched out wisdom, and from wisdom knowledge, and from knowledge rationality, and from rationality modesty, and from modesty preservation, and from preservation chastity, and from chastity solemnity, and from solemnity continuity in doing the good, and the hatred of evil, and from the hatred of evil the obedience of the counselor. There are ten types of goodness, each of which has ten types.


Intellect and Knowledge

In an excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, his eminence pays great heed to knowledge and intellect, explaining the role of knowledge in life and its value compared to other types of perfection. He said:

“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, so seek knowledge from its sources, and quote it from its people, for teaching it for the sake of Allah is a deed, seeking it is worship, studying with it is glorification, and acting upon it is jihad. Teaching it to those who do not know it is charity, and giving it to its people is a closeness to Allah Almighty because it is the identifier of the permissible and the forbidden, the beacon of the paths of Paradise, the companion in isolation, the friend in alienation and loneliness, the narrator in solitude, the guide for prosperity and adversity, weapon against enemies, and adornment amongst friends.”

What Benefits Do Knowledge and Intellect Bring?

Continuing the excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s), we see that his eminence speaks about some of the benefits of knowledge and the intellect:

“Through it, Allah elevates people. He makes them leaders in goodness. Their tracks are quoted, their actions are guides, they come to their judgment, and the angels desire their friendship. With their wings, they wipe them, and in their prayers, they bless them. Everything wet and dry asks forgiveness for them, even sea whales and vermin, land animals, and mules. Knowledge is the life of the hearts from ignorance, the brightness of the eyes from darkness, and the strength of the body from weakness.

It elevates the servant to the status of the nobles, the gatherings of the righteous, and the highest ranks in this world and the hereafter. Studying it is equivalent to fasting and teaching considered salat during the night. By it, the Lord is obeyed. By it, the kinship is connected, and by it, the lawful and the forbidden are known. Knowledge is the leader of action, and action is subordinate to it. The fortunate get inspired by it, and the wretched are deprived of it, so blessed is the one whom Allah has not deprived of his fortune.”

The Description of the Intellectual

In the excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s), we read, “The description of the intellectual person is to have forbearance on someone ignorant, to transcend those who have wronged him, to be humble to those below him, and to compete with those above him in seeking righteousness. And if he wants to speak, to contemplate, and if it is good, he speaks, and if it is evil, he remains silent. And if a trial is presented to him, he seeks refuge in Allah and holds his hand and tongue. If he sees a virtue, he takes advantage of it. Shame does not leave him, and stinginess is not apparent in him, for these are ten qualities by which an intellectual person is known.”

The Description of the Ignorant

In the excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad, we read, “The description of the ignorant is that he oppresses those who associate with him, transgresses against those below him, and attacks those above him. His words are without contemplation. If he speaks, he commits sin, and if he is silent, he is forgetful, and if a trial is presented to him, he hastens to it, destroying him. If he sees a virtue, he turns away from it and slows down. He is not afraid of his old sins and is not deterred from the sins in the remaining time in his life. He slackens and slows when it comes to righteousness, not caring about what he missed or wasted. These are ten qualities of the ignorant who is deprived of reason.”

Sources of Legislation

The Seal of the Messengers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, charted for all people the path of true happiness and guaranteed them access to it as long as they adhered to the instructions that He made clear to them. The path of happiness for the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, can be summed up in adhering to two basic principles, one of which is indispensable to the other, and they are the two weights. The excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad continues:

“O, people! I am leaving you, and you are coming to me at the pool. Indeed, I will be asking you about the two weighty things, so see how you will treat them after me. The All-Merciful, the All-Knowing informed me: “They will not separate until they meet me.” And I asked my Lord for that, and He gave it to me. Indeed, I have left them both among you: the Book of Allah and my family. Do not proceed them, for you will be divided, and do not fall short with them, for you will perish.

Do not teach them, for they are more knowledgeable than you. O, people. Do not let me find you infidels after me, some of you striking the necks of each other so that you will meet me in a battalion like flowing flood. Indeed, Ali b. Abi Talib is my brother and successor. He will fight after me over the interpretation of the Quran, just as I fought over its revelation.”

The Quran and its Distinguished Role

The greatest legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s) is undoubtedly the Noble Quran. He made a statement about the greatness of the Noble Quran, explaining its role in life and the value of fully adhering to it, as he addressed the common people, saying: “And the sun and the moon wear out everything new, bring every distant thing near, and bring every promise and threat, so prepare your belongings for the long trip, for it (i.e., earth) is a place of trials and tribulations, isolation, and inhalation. Thus, when things become confusing as the dark night, seek the Quran, for it is an interceder that intercedes with the truth. Whoever puts it in front of him will lead him to heaven, and whoever puts it behind him will lead him to hell, and whoever makes it his guide will guide him to the way.

It is a book in which there is detail, explanation, and clear statements. It is a resolution and not in vain. It has apparent and hidden meanings; the apparent is the law of Allah, and the hidden is the knowledge of Allah. Its appearance is beautiful, and its hidden meanings are deep. It has depths, and on its depths are depths. Its wonders are not counted, and its strangeness does not fade. It contains the lamps of guidance, the beacons of wisdom, and the guide of knowledge for the one who understands its characteristics. So it lets their gaze wander, and their sight reaches the attribute. He will be saved from damage and rid of abrasions; contemplation is the life of the heart’s eyes. Just as the enlightened person walks in darkness with light, you should have good disposal and less stalling.

Ahlul Bait, Peace Be Upon Them, as the Pillars of Religion

Two of the greatest legacies of Prophet Muhammad (s) are the weighty things – meaning Ali and his eleven sons and descendants – with different ways of definition, and what he said in the last sermon was: “O, migrants and supporters and he who witnessed me today and in this hour from jinn and people. I have left among you the Book of Allah. In it are the light, the guidance, and the clarification. Allah has not neglected anything in it. It is Allah’s evidence to me onto you. And I left for you the great knowledge, the knowledge of religion, and the lantern of guidance: my successor, Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Thus hold on to him, for he is the rope of Allah, so hold fast to it all together and do not separate from it. ‘And remember God’s favors upon you when you were enemies, and he unified your hearts, and with his blessings you became brothers.’ O, people! This is Ali bin Abi Talib, the treasure of God today and after today. Whoever loves and follows him today and after today has fulfilled what he has promised and fulfilled to that which he is obligated. And whoever is hostile to him today and after today will come on the Day of Resurrection blind and deaf and has no argument before Allah.”

Honoring the Prophet’s Family

The excerpt from the legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s) continues, “O, people! Do not come to me tomorrow, bringing this world as a bride while my family comes as disheveled, dusty, fraught, and oppressed, their blood spilling before you and the oath of misguidance and consultation of ignorance on your neck. For this kind of action has helpers and verses, and Allah has named them in his Book, and I have taught you and delivered that which has been sent to me. But I see you people of ignorance. Do not become after me apostate infidels, interpreting the Book without knowledge, and innovating the Sunnah with desire; for every Sunnah, hadith, and speech that contradicts the Quran is falsehood.”

The Quran: An Imam of Guidance

The Prophet (s) continues, “The Quran is an imam of guidance, with a leader who guides and calls to it with wisdom and good exhortation. He is the guardian after me, the inheritor of my knowledge, my wisdom, my secret and my appearance, and what the prophets before me inherited. I am the inheritor and the inherited, so do not lie to yourselves after me.

Who Are the Household of the Prophet?

The greatest legacy of Prophet Muhammad (s) is his household. He said about them, “O, people! Beware Allah in the case of my household; they are the pillars of religion, the lanterns against injustice, and the source of knowledge; Ali is my brother, my heir, my minister, my trustee, the one in charge of my affairs, and the one who fulfills my covenant on my Sunnah. The first person to have faith in me, the last to covenant at death, and the middle of them to meet me on the Day of Resurrection. Let the present inform those who are absent. As for whoever leads people with blind leadership, while there is someone more knowledgeable than him in my nation, he has disbelieved.

The Principles of Islamic Beliefs

The Creator cannot be described. His eminence has said in this regard: “Verily, the Creator cannot be described other than with that which He describes Himself. And how can a Creator whom the senses are incapable of comprehending ever be described? Nor can the imagination reach Him, thoughts limit Him, or the eyes perceive Him. He is more glorious than how describers describe Him. He is close in His nearness and close in His farness. He created the how, so how can one ask how He is? And He created the where, so how can one ask where He is? He is detached from the how and the where because He is the One and the Needless as He has described Himself. The describers cannot reach His attribute. He is not born, nor does He give birth. And there is no equal to Him.”

The Principles of Islamic Legislation in the Legacy of the Noble Prophet

Islamic legislation has specific matters passed down to us through the Noble Prophet (s) and his pure progeny (a). Let us go over them.

The Specification of Islam

  1. Islam rises above religion, and no religion can rise above it.
  2. Islam supersedes what came before it.
  3. Error and forgetfulness have been lifted from my nation and whatever is forced upon them.
  4. The obligation was lifted from three groups: a minor, the mentally deranged, and the one who is asleep.

Knowledge and the Responsibility of the Scholars:

  1. One who dies and does not know the Imam of their time has died a death of ignorance.
  2. One who says something regarding the Quran without knowledge will have a seat in the fires of hell.
  3. One who is asked something but conceals it, Allah will bridle them with a bridle of fire.
  4. Whoever issues a verdict without knowledge, the angels of heaven and earth will curse them.
  5. Every verdict giver is a guarantor.
  6. Whomsoever Allah wishes good for them will give them deep knowledge about their religion.
  7. Every innovation in religion is misguidance, and every misguidance leads to hellfire.
  8. Learn the obligations of religion and teach it to others, for it is half of the religion.
  9. When you receive a narration from me, compare it to the Book of Allah; if it agrees with the Holy Book, then accept it. And if it is in disagreement with the Book of God, then throw it against the wall and reject it.
  10. When innovations in religion appear, it is upon the scholar to reveal their knowledge, and if they do not, then Allah’s curse and wrath will be upon them.

General Principles for Islamic Wayfaring

  1. There is no monasticism in Islam.
  2. There is no obedience to the creation in the disobedience of the Creator.
  3. There is no religion for one who does not have taqiyya (dissimulation) in their faith.
  4. There is no goodness in the nawafil (recommended prayers) if they bring harm to the obligatory prayers.
  5. Verily, actions are assessed by their intentions.
  6. The intention of a person is more valuable than their action.
  7. The best action is the most difficult.
  8. One who follows the religion of a people is bound by their judgment. 
  9. One who starts a good tradition will be rewarded for it and will have a share of the reward of those who perform it until the Day of Judgment. And one who starts a bad tradition will be punished for it and will have a share of the punishment of those who perform it until the Day of Judgment.


  1. Verily, salat is the pillar of religion.
  2. Learn your rituals from me.
  3. Perform your salat the same way you have seen me perform them.
  4. Give charity from your wealth so that your prayers may be accepted.
  5. The zakat of Eid al-Fitr is obligatory upon every man and woman.
  6. The earth has been made a place of prostration for me, and its soil is clean.
  7. Keep your conflicts, arguments, and business trades away from your mosques.
  8. The enjoyment of my nation is in fasting.
  9. Every good action is considered charity.
  10. The best kind of jihad is saying a word of truth in the face of a tyrant.

Social interactions

  1. The honor of the corpse of a believer is the same as their honor in a state of living.
  2. Fighting with a believer is blasphemy and speaking ill behind their back is a sin.
  3. The believers are brothers whose blood is equal, and their youngest strives in their affairs and are a hand against others.
  4. Friendship is freedom.
  5. Every intoxicating thing is prohibited.
  6. The punishment of the grave comes from gossip, backbiting, and lying.
  7. Speaking about one who openly commits sins is not considered backbiting.

Family Principles

  1. Marriage is my tradition, and whosoever turns away from my tradition is not from me.
  2. Get married, and bear children, for I will boast about the number of my nation on the Day of Judgement.
  3. The jihad of a woman is in treating her husband well.
  4. Spouses that curse one another cannot reconcile.
  5. Teach your children swimming and shooting.
  6. One who has a child should act like a child with them.

General Narrations from the Noble Prophet

  1. Verily, I have been appointed as a prophet to complete the best of ethics.
  2. The most favored actions in the eyes of God are those that are done with consistency, even if they are little.
  3. I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is its gate.
  4. Faith has two halves: half of it is patience, and the other half is gratitude.
  5. The love for this world is the cause of all errors.
  6. Wisdom is the missing link of a believer. And the epitome of all wisdom is fear of God.
  7. Paradise is surrounded by hardships, and hellfire is surrounded by lusts.
  8. There is no poverty worse than ignorance.
  9. There is no intellect like good management.
  10. One who loves a people will be counted as one of them. 
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