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When is Eid ul-Adha in 2024?
Eid ul-Adha is a public holiday in Muslim countries. In 2024, Eid ul-Adha will begin on the evening of Sunday 17th June.
Events of the month of Shawwal
The month of Shawwal holds a distinguished place in Islamic history, marked by a series of significant events that have shaped the religious, social, and political landscape of the Muslim…
Events of The Holy Month of Ramadan
The month of Ramadan holds a special place in the heart of the Islamic tradition, not only for its spiritual significance as a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection but also as a period…
The Virtue and Acts of the Month of Sha’ban
Sha'ban, the eighth lunar month, holds a distinguished place, closely linked to the prophets, peace be upon him and his progeny. The honored Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him and his…
Special Edition: The 10 Days of Dawn of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
As we approach the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, a period known as the Decade of Dawn (Dah-e Fajr), we find ourselves in a time of reflection, celebration, and recommitment to the…
Events of the month of Shaban
The month of Sha'ban, rich in its spiritual essence and historical significance, stands as a beacon of light in the Islamic calendar.
The Mission of Prophet Muhammad ” Bi’tha “
The "Mission" represents a great revolution against ignorance, misguidance, corruption, and decay. It is deserving of God's grace, embodying wisdom and education. The discussion around it is…
Events of the holy month of Rajab
Rajab is also called al-Asabb because mercy and forgiveness from Allah, the Exalted, pour down upon His servants during this month. It is also called al-Asamm (the silent) due to the absence…
Eid al-Adha
Eid al-Adha is the tenth day of the Hijri calendar Dhul-Hijjah, which is one of the major festivals of Muslims. The word 'Adha' is the plural of 'Dhuha,' meaning the height of the day and…
Events of the month Jumada al-Thani
As we step into the month of Jumada al-Thani, it is a time of deep reflection and remembrance in the Islamic world, particularly for the significant events that marked the lives of key!-->…
Events of The Month of Jumada Al-Awwal
The month of "Jumada Al-Awwal" (شهر جمادي الأولى) is the fifth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. It follows the month of Rabi' Al-Thani and precedes Jumada Al-Thani.
 Events Of The Month Of Rabi’ Al-Thani
Rabi' al-Thani (also spelled Rabi' al-Akhir) is the fourth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. The name "Rabi" translates to "spring" in Arabic, and "al-Thani" means "the second", so "Rabi'…
Islamic Events » Events of the Month of Rabi’ Al-Awwal.
The islamic event of the Month of Rabi Al-Awwal.